
duì xíng
  • formation
队形 [duì xíng]
  • [formation] 一队人的排列方式

  • 成双列队形

队形[duì xíng]
  1. 部队排成阅兵队形。

    The troops lined up in parade formation .

  2. 一种保持Agent团队队形的路径规划方法

    A Path Planning Algorithm with Agent Team Formation Maintained

  3. Whip这个用法源于打猎时的用语whippingin,意即,让猎犬们保持队形,防止个别猎犬从整个群体中“溜号”。

    The usage comes from the hunting term " whipping in " , i.e. preventing hounds from wandering away from the pack .

  4. 基于MotorSchema的多移动机器人队形优化控制

    Optimized Formation Control for Motor Schema-based Multiple Mobile Robots

  5. V字队形是最省力的飞行方式

    A V-formation is the most energy efficient means of flying .

  6. 迁移中的大雁群成v字队形飞是为了节省能量。

    Migrating geese fly in a V formation to save energy .

  7. 基于动态Leader多机器人队形控制

    Formation control based on dynamic Leader multi-robots

  8. 基于Lyapunov势函数的小卫星编队队形保持方法

    Formation Flying Control of Micro-Satellites Based on Lyapunov Potential Function

  9. 小卫星空间圆形编队飞行队形设计与比例-微分(PD)控制

    The Space Circular Formation Design and the Proportional-Differential ( PD ) Control of the Small Satellites Formation Flying

  10. 如果有一名共和党参议员——如约翰?麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)——带头破坏队形的话,其他人就会效仿。

    If one Republican senator , such as John McCain , breaks ranks , others would follow .

  11. 艺术体操成套动作中较为常用的队形包括梯形、T字形、十字形、V字形、弧线形、直线形等6种。

    Rhythmic the more commonly used set of actions , including the formation trapezoidal , T-shaped , cross , V-shaped , arc-shaped , six kinds , such as linear .

  12. 团队CGF行进中的队形控制方法

    Formation Control of CGF Team in Advance

  13. 基于STK的编队飞行队形保持控制及仿真

    Formation Control and Simulation with STK for Formation Flying

  14. 研究并改进了Leader-Follower队形控制算法。

    Leader-Follower formation control algorithm was studied and improved in this paper .

  15. 利用MonteCarlo法,确定对坦克临战队形射击的火力分配方案迫击炮位应尽量避开敌军直接火力打击。

    DETERMINATION OF THE FIRE-POWER DISTRIBUTION OF THE TANK COMBAT-READY FORMATION FIRING BASED ON MONTE CARLO METHOD The mortar position should be protected from direct-fire weapons as best as possible .

  16. 在苹果(Apple)与美国政府之间的这场对决上,比尔盖茨(BillGates)破坏了硅谷的队形,他表示应强制科技公司协助执法部门的反恐调查。

    Bill Gates has broken ranks with Silicon Valley in the stand-off between Apple and the US government , saying technology companies should be forced to co-operate with law enforcement in terrorism investigations .

  17. 用两体相对运动的线性Hill方程进行了小卫星编队飞行队形的初步设计,并给出编队飞行中各绕飞小卫星轨道要素的确定过程。

    The preliminary design of small satellites formation flying and the solving process of orbital elements of each circling satellite are presented by using the linear Hill equations for the relative motion .

  18. 主要介绍了一种基于STK的编队飞行队形保持控制仿真实现方法。

    A simulation method based on STK for the satel - lites formation keeping control is introduced .

  19. 以两体相对运动动力学为基础,对Hill方程表示的相对运动特性进行了分析。同时给出了小卫星空间圆形编队队形设计。

    The relative motion analysis described by Hill equations is presented based on the two body relative motion dynamics , and the space circular formation of small satellites is designed in this paper .

  20. 并给出了编队设计算例及J2摄动下的队形演变。

    The examples of formation flying configuration design and configuration evolvement under J 2 are given .

  21. 在J2摄动下卫星编队的队形几乎不发生改变,大大降低了摄动对队形的破坏现象,减少了对卫星编队的主动控制,从而减少燃料消耗。

    The formation is almost not change under the J2 perturbation , so it can reduce active control and fuel consumption .

  22. 一队多数由年轻女子驾驶的柔和色调的大众甲壳虫(vwbeetles),排成庄严的单列纵队行进,为了保持队形甚至不惜闯红灯。

    A cortege of pastel-coloured VW beetles , driven mostly by young girls , proceeded past in stately single file , running red lights to stay in formation .

  23. 基于Lawden方程的理想编队队形设计

    Ideal relative trajectories design based on Lawden 's equations

  24. 通过构造随机Lyapunov函数,得到了NCS在均方意义下鲁棒渐近稳定的充分条件。第四,研究了数字网络下一维动态群体的队形控制。

    Based on a stochastic Lyapunov function method , sufficient conditions which ensure the robust asymptotic stability in the mean square are obtained . Fourthly , we investigate a formation control for dynamical agents in digital communication network .

  25. 仿真结果显示,该算法可快速地形成队形,具有较好的灵活性及协调性。第三,针对未知动、静态环境下的队形控制任务,提出了基于PSO的多机器人队形控制滚动优化算法。

    Simulation results show that the algorithm can form formation quickly and has good flexibility and coordination . Thirdly , for solving formation problem in unknown static and dynamic environment , a PSO-based multi-robot formation control rolling optimization algorithm is proposed .

  26. 分布式虚拟环境中,团队CGF的行进问题是CGF研究的基本问题,而行进中的队形保持问题又是行进问题研究的重点。

    In distributed virtual environment , the advanced of CGF team is main issue of CGF team researches . The maintaining of team formation in advance is the key issues of this problems .

  27. 针对CGF实体在有限战场信息感知条件下如何进行战斗舰艇编队队形识别问题,基于可变形模板匹配技术研究建立了战斗舰艇编队模板的数学模型。

    Based on the deformable template of combat warship formation , this article brings forward a mathematical model aimed at how to identify the warship formation under the condition of finite war field information .

  28. 为了释放更多的自由度进行队形的几何设计,利用卫星编队的准周期条件,并在此基础上进行编队队形的几何设计,得到了顺从J2摄动的准周期的近似椭圆形编队。

    In order to release more DOFS for the geometry design , we use the quasi-periodic conditions to design the formation . The quasi-periodic satellite formation accommodated J2 perturbation is obtained .

  29. 该文基于Lawden方程分别对圆参考轨道和椭圆参考轨道的卫星理想编队队形设计进行了研究。

    A simplified method was developed to design ideal relative trajectories for circular and elliptic reference orbits based on Lawden 's equations .

  30. 对警察防暴队形编成原则与战术运用的探讨

    On the principles of the anti-riot formation of police and tactics