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  • 网络Pello;Victor Perlo;RogerPellow;Perot;Ross Perot
  1. 在1993年通过苏士比拍卖行,由佩洛特基金购得。

    It was bought at Sotheby 's by the Perot Foundation in1993 .

  2. 而惠普跟戴尔两家公司已大量收购了服务提供商,像惠普2008年购进了eds,次年戴尔又收购了perotsystems,该公司与eds相似,均由美国前总统候选人罗斯佩洛特创建。

    Both firms have already made big acquisitions of service providers , with HP buying EDs in 2008 and , the next year , Dell buying Perot Systems ( which , like EDS , was founded by Ross Perot , a former American presidential candidate ) .

  3. 佩洛将这种恶性循环称为“响应周期”:一旦老板和同事发现某个员工,工作完成得更快了,就会要求该员工工作更长时间。

    Perlow calls this vicious cycle the " cycle of responsiveness " : Once bosses and colleagues experience an employee 's increased responsiveness , they increase their demands on the employee 's time .

  4. 这位前高盛(GoldmanSachs)掌门人在佩洛西面前卑躬屈膝,请求后者支持TARP。

    The former head of Goldman Sachs ( GS ) got down on one knee and begged Pelosi to support tarp .

  5. 这个区域还有一座自己的火车站,已被列入国家史迹名录(NationalRegisterofHistoricPlaces),另有一座私人运营的佩洛特纪念图书馆(PerrotMemorialLibrary)。

    The area also has its own train station , which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places , and the privately run Perrot Memorial Library .

  6. 作为一名冠军级成员的中后卫,佩洛格里诺知道自己选择急流勇退的时机是正确的。

    As a championship-winning centre-back , Pellegrino knows what it takes to cut it at the top level .