首页 / 词典 / good

  • wear;admire
  • an ornament worn as a pendant at the waist in ancient times
  • 挂,带:~带。~戴。~剑。

  • 古代系在衣带上的玉饰:玉~。

  • 心悦诚服:~服。钦~。敬~。可~。


(佩带) wear (at the waist, etc.):

  • 佩刀

    wear a sword;

  • 腰佩手枪

    carry a pistol in one's belt;

  • 腰佩双剑

    carry two swords at [in] the girdle


(佩服) admire:

  • 我真钦佩他的工作能力。

    I really admire his capacity for work.

  • 白求恩大夫的国际主义精神十分可佩。

    Doctor Bethune's internationalist spirit is altogether admirable.


(古时系在衣带上的装饰品) an ornament worn as a pendant at the waist in ancient times:

  • 玉佩

    jade pendant

  1. 谁能告诉我它们的佩法。

    Who can tell me how to wear it .

  2. 判决是不是规定你睡觉时也要佩着那标记?

    Doth thy sentence bind thee to wear the token in thy sleep ?

  3. 警察应该佩枪吗?

    Should police officers carry guns ?

  4. 白求恩大夫的国际主义精神十分可佩。

    Doctor Bethune 's internationalist spirit is altogether admirable .

  5. 他的国际主义精神十分可佩。

    His internationalist spirit is altogether admirable .

  6. 她只想,怎么才是最好的方法,能让游苔莎认为她这次的访问令人可佩,而不令人可鄙。

    She only thought how best to make her visit appear to Eustacia not abject but wise .

  7. 他腰间佩着一把水手的短剑,

    He wore a sailor 's short sword2 by his side ,

  8. 它就象佩在胸前的护身符一样。

    It was like a talisman worn in bosom .

  9. 金光闪闪的别针佩在我国爱国妇女的胸前,多美呀!

    How beautifully gold brooches glitter on the bosoms of our patriotic women !

  10. 古时候,有位少女,脖子上挂着宝珠,腰间佩着玉环,身上带着许多金子。

    Once upon a time , there was a young girl wearing girl wearing a strand loop around her waist , and carrying a great deal of gold with her .

  11. picnicn.野餐小猪佩琪帮助爷爷猪种水果和蔬菜。

    She help Grandpa Pig grow fruit and vegetables .

  12. Jake和佩小姐就是死,而我则是永生。

    Death for your beloved Jake and Miss Megan Peregrinee ... and everlasting life for me .

  13. 好了,Jake,佩小姐在等着呢。她看到你在渡轮上,让我们来接你。

    Please Jake Ms. peregrine 's waiting.She saw on the ferry and sent us to get you .

  14. 我们杀了你的朋友Hollow,Barron先生。现在我们来找佩小姐了。

    We killed your Hollow friend Mr. Barron and now we 've come for Miss . Peregrinee .

  15. strawberryn.草莓她在玩“佩奇在中间”的这个游戏,“妈妈,丢给我”佩琪开心地喊道。在花园里面玩,真是乐趣无穷。

    She plays piggy-in-the-middle . " Throw it to me , Mummy ! " Being in the garden is so much fun .

  16. 别克君威(BuickRegal)绝对是一款可敬可佩的车型,第五代君威也无愧于国际化的出身。

    The fifth generation of a venerable Buick model qualifies for an international passport .

  17. 联合主演布拉德•皮特(BradPitt)选择了一件双排扣尖翻领tux,佩着一块整洁的白色装饰方巾。

    Co-star Brad Pitt opted for a double-breasted peak-lapel tux with a natty white pocket square .

  18. 后来他进入佩珀代因大学(PepperdineUniversity),作为洛杉矶Dodger队队员参加了在华盛顿举行的一场小型联盟赛。

    He attended Pepperdine University and played a season for a Los Angeles Dodgers ' minor-league team in Bellingham , Wash .

  19. 但波士顿电池公司现有股东Venrock和GabrielVenturePartners公司并未参与,不过兰佩-昂纳路德暗示他们可能会参与下一轮融资。

    Existing Boston-Power shareholders Venrock and Gabriel venture partners were not listed , but Lampe - ö nnerud suggests they may participate in an expansion tranche .

  20. 这类经验与重症监护病房患者回忆起来的“濒死体验”不是一码事,该研究团队的负责人佩·C·格朗(PeiC.Grant)说。

    These events are distinct from " near-death experiences , " such as those recalled by people revived in intensive care units , said Pei C. Grant , the director of the research team .

  21. CW电视台总裁马克?佩德维兹本周对《好莱坞报道》称,《始祖家族》不受《吸血鬼日记》的影响,所以新一季之后还可以继续。

    The CW president Mark Pedowitz told THR this week that the fate of The Originals is not tied to TVD , so the show could potentially continue beyond the upcoming season .

  22. 佩珀代因大学格拉齐亚迪奥工商管理学院(GraziadioSchoolofBusinessandManagementatPepperdineUniversity)推出的E2B(education-to-business)学以致用夏季项目已经满额,秋季项目满额率也已达到90%。

    Slots for the E2B education-to-business program at Graziadio School of Business and Management at Pepperdine University , for example , are full for the summer and 90 % full for the fall .

  23. 也许吧,也许那真就是她。嘿,佩小姐,我是Jake,我是AbePortman的孙子。请别往我们身上拉屎噢,上帝啊。

    Maybe that 's really her . " Hey Ms. Peregrine , It 's me , Jake . I am Abe Portman 's grandson.Please don 't crap on us . " Oh .

  24. 17岁的布罗克•沙克尔福(BrokeShackleford)说:因为我年纪小,所以不能带着枪到处走,但打猎的时候我可以佩枪。

    Broke Shackleford , 17 , said : ' Well because of my age I actually can 't carry everywhere but I can carry when I hunt .

  25. Barron先生是什么人?佩小姐,如果我爷爷卷入了什么危险中,我要告诉警方。

    Who is Mr Barron ? Ms. Peregrine , if my grandpa was involved with dangerous people , I need to tell the police .

  26. 在炎炎夏日,你可以舒适地泡在佩腾伊察湖的凉水里或者去游览一番ActunKan(传说中的巨蛇之洞)。而且你一定要带回去一些当地著名的魔鬼辣椒酱,除非连你自己都怕得不行。

    On a steamy summer day , you can dip into the cool waters of Lake Peten Itza or tour the caves of Ak'tun Kan . And make sure you take away some of the great local habanero chile salsa , unless you 're just too afraid of it .

  27. 1937年1月,他的朋友大卫·晨佩侬用一个巧妙的矩阵方法,解决了爱丁顿提出的问题,战胜了M.H.A.纽曼和J.D.博纳尔,获得了亚军,这使艾伦非常高兴。

    In January 1937 he was delighted when his friend David Champernowne defeated such runners-up as M.H.A. Newman and J.D. Bermal in giving a witty solution , phrased in Carrollian language , to a problem set by Eddington called ' Looking Glass Zoo ' .

  28. 对民警佩枪问题的思考

    On the Consideration Of The Problem Of Wearing Guns For Policeman

  29. 佩琪公主的爸爸是城堡里的国王。

    Princess Peppa 's daddy was the king of the castle .

  30. 一个晚上我吃佩奥特时产生了幻觉。

    When one night I ate peyote and had a vision .