首页 / 词典 / good

  • defect;blemish;fault;flaw
  • 毛病:~吝。~病。吹毛求~。

  • 缺点或过失:~瑕。~咎。~点。

  • 诽谤,非议:~物。~毁。


(缺点; 毛病) fault; flaw; defect; blemish:

  • 无疵

    flawless; impeccable;

  • 小疵

    a trifling defect;

  • 吹毛求疵

    blow aside the fur to seek for faults; find quarrel in a straw;

  • 完美无疵

    be perfect and flawless

  1. 减少纱线纱疵的方法探讨

    Discussion on the method about reducing the yarn fault of polyester yarn

  2. 基于多传感器的纱疵检测新技术

    A New Approach to Yarn Fault Detection Based on Multi-sensor

  3. TNT装药疵孔对发射安全性的影响

    Effect of the existence of cavities in a TNT charge upon its launching safety

  4. 利用室内模拟装置研究了带疵孔TNT装药的发射安全性。

    The launching safety of TNT charge having cavities has been studied by use of simulation devices .

  5. 单强CV值与质量CV值、条干CV值、粗细节、纱疵密切相关,是衡量气流纱质量的重要指标;

    Single yarn strength CV , yarn weight CV , evenness CV , slubs and yarn defects closely relate with rotor spinning yarn quality .

  6. 结果表明:应用高精度无害机械波罗拉进行纺纱,可以降低成纱条干CV,减少纱疵,显著提高成纱质量。

    The result shows that spinning yarn with high precision harmless machine wave roller can reduce yarn evenness CV , reduce yarn defects and enhance yarn quality evidently .

  7. 本文研究在传统环锭纺细纱机上,生产全棉/氨纶包芯纱18.2×7.8tex(32×70D)的工艺流程,原料选配,生产中易出现的纱疵及处理的技术措施。

    This article researches the technological process in producing the coverspun yarn of cotton / polyurethane 18.2tex × 7.8tex ( 32s × 70D ), the selection of the raw material , yarn faults appearing easily in producing and the technical measures of treatment on the traditional ring frame .

  8. 原棉特性对常发性纱疵的影响

    The Influence of Raw Cotton Nature on the Normal Yarn Faults

  9. 冰染料染棉纱的染疵分析

    Analyzing the Dyeing Defect of Azoic Dyes on Dyeing Cotton Yarns

  10. 剑杆织机常见织疵成因分析及防治维护

    Usual Defects ' Analysis of Rapier Loom and the Prevention Measures

  11. 应用激光和单板机检测纱疵的探讨

    Usage of Laser and Single Board Computer in Yarn Faults Detection

  12. 细纱设备因素造成纱疵的分析与控制

    Analysis and control of yarn faults caused by spinning equipment factors

  13. 城市和建筑美学&上海新建筑求疵

    City and Architecture Aesthetics ── Nitpicking of New Architecture in Shanghai

  14. 降低涤粘混纺纱纱疵的工艺实践

    Process Practice to Reduce the Defect of Polyester / Viscose Mixed Yarn

  15. 对环锭纺后道工序产生纱疵的分析与控制

    Analyses and Controling the Yarn Faults of the Last Ring Spinning Process

  16. 并对生产中常见的染疵进行分析,提出相应的解决措施。

    The dyeing defects often occurred are analyzed and corresponding measures provided .

  17. 开车稀密路是机织物织疵产生的重要原因之一。

    Set marks is an important factor that leading to woven defects .

  18. 这些长筒袜是次品,稍有微疵。

    These stockings are seconds and have some slight defects .

  19. 罗纹档是纺类织物纬向方面的主要病疵之一。

    Weft streak is one of the major defects of habotai fabrics .

  20. 是的,你要记住,这就是神的完美无暇疵的儿子耶稣。

    Yes , you remember , it was Jesus His perfect Son .

  21. 论我国《反不正当竞争法》的疵漏及其完善

    On the Defects and Improvements of Law Against Unfair Competition in China

  22. 我不喜欢对每件事都太吹毛疵的人。

    I don 't like people who are too critical about everything .

  23. 涤纶低弹丝梭织物常见染疵的解决办法

    A Solution for Common Dyeing Defects of Polyester Low-Stretch Yarn Woven Fabric

  24. 攻克染整病疵提高产品质量

    Elimination of Dyeing Defects and Improvement of Product Quality

  25. 电子清纱与纱疵分级的最新发展

    Latest Development of Electronic Clearing and Defected Yarn Grading

  26. 锦纶长丝织物喷水织造经柳病疵的成因及防治

    Occurrence and Prevention of Warp Streaks in Water-Jet Weaving of Polyamide Filament Fabrics

  27. 转杯纺棉纱纱疵的成因、检测与清除

    Defect detection and elimination of rotor spinning cotton yarn

  28. 再论纱疵检测过程的准确性

    Second Treatment of Measuring Accuracy during Yarn Fault Detection

  29. 14101素绉缎罗纹急纡病疵的形态分析及克服办法

    Morphology Analysis and Elimination of Rib Tight Picks on Crepe Satin Plain 14101

  30. 减少纱疵提高成纱质量的实践与探讨

    On Reducing Yarn Defects and Improving Resultant Yarn Quality
