- 动throb with terror;palpitate

- [动]
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[书] (因害怕而心跳得厉害) (of the heart) throb with terror; palpitate:
palpitate with terror;
have a lingering fear
Her head was beginning to throb , her shoulders to ache .
To optimize the alcohol extraction process of Panax Ginseng of XLT capsule .
Studies on Alcohol Extracting Process of XLT Capsule
Excessive use of the brain causes dizziness , palpitation , contractional palpitations and other symptoms .
Second , Paradox .
The controlled group was treated with the metoprolol drug . The treatment group was based on medication plus Fu Yang Ding Ji Decoction on .
Tonight there is a stir among the palm leaves , a swell in the sea , Full Moon , like the heart throb of the world .
" I move , my soul goes flying , I wake with a long sigh ," When the inevitable order came to " Fix bayonets ", he was undone .
The poem The Palpitation in the Spring does not only have the multi-stylistic characteristics of long documentaries , but also has a linguistic feature of using transpicuous and humorous language .
Every reference to the murder sent a shudder to his heart , for his troubled conscience and fears almost persuaded him that these remarks were put forth in his hearing as " feelers ";
Continually , and in a thousand other ways , did she feel the innumerable throbs of anguish that had been so cunningly contrived for her by the undying , the ever-active sentence of the Puritan tribunal .
Day after day , she looked fearfully into the child 's expanding nature ; ever dreading to detect some dark and wild peculiarity , that should correspond with the guiltiness to which she owed her being .
Altogether the admitting patient 80 examples , stochastically divide into two groups , each group of 40 examples , the control group applies the senate pine spiritual cultivation capsule , the treatment group palpitates the soup using the town .
According to the above under the instruction formulates the profit gas in Professor Li Chun Hua to raise the cloudy blood circulation , the town palpitates calms the nerves the law , utilizes it to palpitate the soup after the proven prescription town .
Elbow Emergencies virtual throbbing academic point of view , due to the deficiency caused by fright , and spiritual factors can also lead to fright . Third , Song , Jin and Yuan period of diagnosis and treatment of palpitation , palpitation Syndrome Clinical practice and theoretical innovation .
Palpitation card name still continues in the name of the " Golden Chamber " fright , and appear agitated palpitations , panic card , palpitation title selection on the " fright with the agitated palpitate two card " to show the severity of distinction , such as Chen .