首页 / 词典 / good

  • break;destroy
  • 破坏,折断:~残。~折。~颓。~眉折腰。

  • 挫败,挫折:~败。~挫。~陷。

  • 伤痛:~怆。~心。


(折断; 破坏) break; destroy:

  • 坚不可摧

    be so strongly built as to be unbreakable;

  • 无坚不摧

    nothing is indestructible; capable of destroying any stronghold

  1. 这恐怕将摧不垮我。

    For this fear will not destroy me .

  2. 一颗原枪弹能摧誉一座都会。

    An atom bomb would destroy a city .

  3. 勇士咬咬牙,艰难地顶住了骑士在第三场的强力反击,于是乎,NBA有史以来最摧枯拉巧的季后赛一波流行将结束,勇士距离他们的又一座冠军奖杯仅仅48分钟之遥。

    The Warriors survived the Cavaliers ' powerful Game 3 counterpunch and , in doing so , are now just 48 minutes from the most sparkling run to an NBA title in history .

  4. NEC公司雄心勃勃的成本削减目标表明日本企业和员工之间曾经牢不可摧的雇佣关系如今已经分崩离析,甚至老牌知名企业也概莫能外。

    NEC 's ambitious cost-saving target makes it clear that the formerly sacred contract between companies and employees in Japan , even among the corporate aristocracy , is now a thing of the past .

  5. 我们能否真的将阿罗汉翻译成“摧灭仇敌者”?

    Can we really translate arhat as the'destroyer of enemies ' ?

  6. 白眉的五雷摧心掌的传奇。

    Of Pai mai 's five point palm exploding heart technique .

  7. 虽被时光和命运摧弱,但仍有坚强的意志,

    Made weak by time and fate , but strong in will

  8. 汲取智能营养,摧开生命花蕾。

    Absorbing knowledge to enrich intelligence ; nourishing flower buds of life .

  9. 黑云压城城欲摧。

    Dark clouds bearing down on the city threaten to overwhelm it .

  10. 这是慢性地摧裂心肺的力量啊!

    It 's slow and yet searing psychic force !

  11. 挫折与愤怒不久便摧跨了她,使她变成了一个无法管教的孩子。

    Frustration and anger soon overtook her and she became a wild child .

  12. 他把马克当成父亲,他们的关系牢不可摧

    He saw Mark as af father figure , impossible bond to break .

  13. 你难道不知道,我是摧不垮的?

    Didn 't you know I was indestructible ?

  14. 有钱使得鬼摧磨。

    Money could make the mare go .

  15. 我的密码程序精不可摧

    And my encryption is exquisitely impervious .

  16. 精神之力不可摧。

    Nothing destroys spirit like poverty .

  17. 他们想发动一场总罢工来摧跨这个国家。

    They wanted to launch a general strike which would bring the state to the ground .

  18. 我仍然认为我不可能像华南虎,我没有它那牢不可摧的意志。

    I couldn 't consider myself as south china tiger , I haven 't strong will as him .

  19. 深巷固执地向村里伸展,在炙人的暑热中村子已摧入梦乡。

    And the deep lane insists on the direction into the village , in the electric heat Hypnotised .

  20. 整天怀旧摧人老,计划未来葆青春。

    He who lives with his memories Becomes old . He who lives with plans for the future remains young .

  21. 采用摧化氧化和吸附原理,研制了一台氚净化装置。

    A tritium scrubber by catalytic oxidation and adsorption was developed for controlling the tritium emitted from a K-600 neutron generator .

  22. 假若该气体在接触法工厂中加工,则氟必须除去,以免损害摧化剂。

    If the gas is processed in contact plants , this fluorine must be removed to prevent damage to the catalyst .

  23. 心已泊深港,风摧难动摇;罗盘有何用,海图远远抛。

    Futile - the winds - To a heart in port - Done with the compass - Done with the chart !

  24. 遗憾的是,这些礼花到了某些外宾的手中,日后变成了对中华摧城掠地的火炮。

    It is pity that when the fireworks were in the hands of some foreigners , it become artilleries destroying China .

  25. 当人体免疫系统强时,癌细胞是会被摧灭的,同时免疫系统强是能抑止肿瘤构成及扩增。

    When the person 's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors .

  26. 没人摧着你干家务或去逛街,也没人要你“别耍孩子气”。

    No one is in the background nagging at you to do chores , go shopping , or " grow up . "

  27. 他们都是无情的摧梦者。如果有人要从朋友和梦想之间作出选择,他们总该选择后者。

    They were dream killers and if people must choose between their friends and their dreams , they must always choose their dreams .

  28. 佛教借用来比喻“佛法”,并引伸出摧伏邪魔、辗转不停、圆满无缺三种涵义。

    Buddhism borrows it to metaphorize " Buddha dharma " and extends the three meanings of subduing evils , turning all the way and round and perfection .

  29. 为在保护区的冬季到来前抓紧长膘,棕熊在一片九月的寒意摧红的蓝莓里搜寻着果实。

    Racing to pack on pounds before winter grips the reserve , a brown bear hunts for fruit in a blueberry patch reddened by September 's chill .

  30. 他们需要一个搭档亨利能够摧城拔寨的射手;球队的其他运作都很好,但是他们不能进球。

    They need someone apart from Thierry Henry to spearhead their attack ; everything else at the club is good but they just cannot put the ball in the net .