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  • oar
  • row
  • 划船的一种工具,形状和桨差不多。

  • 划船:“或命巾车,或~孤舟”。

  • 船:~夫(船家)。归~。

  • 同“桌”。

  1. 轻舟短棹任横斜,醒后不知何处。

    Little boat with short oar drifts , where he doesn 't know after wake .

  2. 鸳鸯湖棹歌试论

    A Trial Discussion on Oaring Folk Songs on Yuanyang Lake

  3. 我的心像五彩缤纷的小艇在平静的海上扬棹。我的心比这一切都快活,因为我的爱人已经来到。

    My heart is like a rainbow shell that paddles in a hale yon sea ; my heart is gladder than all these because my love is COME to me .

  4. 摘要该文对朱彝尊《鸳鸯湖棹歌》的创作背景及地方文化特色作了简要论述,在此基础上对“鸳鸯湖棹歌体诗歌”的创作群体、创作内容和写作特点进行了分析。

    The paper introduces the background of Zho yizun 's Zhao style poetry by love lake and analyzes the content , the writing features and the poets of " zhao style poetry by love lake " .