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  • Ji;a surname
  • 山名。参见“嵇山”。

  • 姓。

  1. 论嵇康的自然境界

    The Discussion about Spontaneity On Ji Kang 's State of Spontaneity

  2. 鲁迅与嵇康的精神契合与位移

    The spiritual agreement and displacement between Lu Xun and Ji Kang

  3. 试论嵇康的哲学思想与人格理论的关系

    The relation of Ji Kang 's philosophical thought and his personality

  4. 嵇康是中国古代魏晋时期著名哲学家。

    Jikang is a famous philosopher in Wei-jin Period of China .

  5. 嵇康思想的历史、社会、思想背景。

    The historical , social and ideological background of Jikang 's thought .

  6. 论嵇康音乐艺术理论的美学意义

    On the aesthetics significance of Ji Kang 's music and art theory

  7. “心”是嵇康思想的一个重要概念。

    " Mind " is the core concept in Jikang 's thought .

  8. 论嵇康《声无哀乐论》的和美学思想

    The Harmony Aesthetical Ideology in Ji Kang 's No Sadness in Music

  9. 嵇康的思想与人格在思想史上有其独特的价值。

    His thought and personality have particular values in Chinese ideological history .

  10. 文章分析了嵇康音乐美学的本体论思想。

    This article analyses Ji Kang 's ontology on musical aesthetics thought .

  11. 魏晋隐逸文化与嵇康之死

    Seclusion Culture of Wei Jin and Ji Kang 's Death

  12. 尼采和嵇康思想之比较

    The Comparison of Nietzsche 's and Ji Kang 's Thoughts

  13. 嵇康的人格实践,从内到外,闪烁着美的光辉。

    JI Kang 's personality practice shines with great beauty .

  14. 第三部分:嵇康思想评价。

    Part III : Estimations of Ji Kang 's thoughts .

  15. 嵇康与海德格尔都追问生存可能性问题。

    Ji Kang and Heidegger both made detailed inquiries into existential possibility .

  16. 试论嵇康的音乐形神理论

    Discussing the Music Appearance - Sprite Theory of Ji Kang

  17. 嵇康四言诗象征艺术论

    On Symbolic Technique of JI Kang 's Siyan Poems

  18. 第三部分:道教思想对嵇康其他方面的影响。

    Part III About other parts of Chi K'ang influenced by Taoist ideas .

  19. 嵇康之死与嵇康的思想人格

    Ji Kang 's Death and his Thought and Personality

  20. 虚幻的精神超越&论嵇康的音乐和养生思想

    Unreal spiritual transcendence & On music and preserving health thoughts of Ji Kang

  21. 经过嵇康的阐发,我国古代音乐形神理论终臻完备。

    Our ancient music appearance-sprite theory attained the perfect state by his elucidating .

  22. 其次,对嵇康诗歌中的意象进行了归类与研究。

    Secondly , Ji Kang poetry in the image was classified and researched .

  23. 从《规训与惩罚》解读嵇康的悲剧人生

    Interpretation of Ji Kang 's Tragic Life By Reading the Discipline and Punish

  24. 嵇康和萨特的美学比较

    The Aesthetic Comparison between Ji Kang and Sartre

  25. 总体看起来,嵇康的思想是由儒入道的。

    Generally speaking , the thought of Ji Kang is from Confucianism to Taoism .

  26. 嵇康音乐思想浅探

    A Probe on Ji Kang 's Music Thought

  27. 试论嵇康音乐美学思想

    Analysis Thought of Ji Kang 's Musical Aesthetics

  28. 全文内容一共分为五个部分:第一部分介绍嵇康的生平经历。

    Content are divided into five parts : the first part introduces experience of life .

  29. 和声无象哀心有主&论嵇康的音乐美学思想

    Ji Kang 's Ideology of Music Aesthetics

  30. 生活在这一时期,嵇康在文学上的创新与进步也便有了缘由。

    Because of living in this period , Ji Kang made great progress in literature .
