首页 / 词典 / good

  • trot
  • rapid;swift
  • suddenly;abruptly
  • (马)快跑:驰~。

  • 急,疾速,突然:天气~冷。~然。暴风~雨。


(快走) (of a horse) trot:

  • 驰骤



(急速) rapid; swift:

  • 暴风骤雨

    violent storm


(突然; 忽然) suddenly; abruptly:

  • 掌声骤起。

    Applause broke forth suddenly.

  • 天气骤变。

    The weather changed suddenly.

  1. 讵料天气骤寒。

    We little expected that the weather would turn cold suddenly .

  2. 粉沙质海岸航道骤淤重现期的确定方法

    Method of calculating return period of suddenly siltation on a silt-sandy beach

  3. 她对他骤生爱意,欲火攻心。

    She felt a surge of love and desire for him .

  4. 苏格兰政府的支持率骤跌至20世纪70年代以来的最低水平。Slumpisalsoanoun.

    Government popularity in Scotland has slumped to its lowest level since the 1970s .

  5. 目前的经济衰退是由消费支出骤跌引起的。

    The current recession was triggered by a slump in consumer spending

  6. 昨天在外汇市场上英镑骤跌至新低。

    The Pound plunged to a new low on the foreign exchange markets yesterday

  7. 股票已从17英镑骤跌至7.55英镑。

    Shares have plunged from £ 17 to £ 7.55

  8. 首相的支持率在近几个星期已骤跌至前所未有的低点。

    The Prime Minister 's popularity has plummeted to an all-time low in recent weeks

  9. 雨骤风狂。

    The wind blew hard and the rain came down in sheets .

  10. 物价骤跌。

    The prices drop sharply .

  11. 雨疏风骤。

    The rain fell lightly , when the wind suddenly picked up .

  12. MR颈脊髓造影可直接显示神经根受压移位,骤拢,上翘的细节及根袖囊肿。

    MR-myelography could optimally display the detail information about the compression of nerve roots .

  13. 造成青枯的外因除与V型变温有关外,雨后骤晴的强光与高温协同作用亦是青枯发生的重要外因之一。

    " V " type temperature , together with intense light and high temperature after rain , was the external factors causing green wilting .

  14. TPS分散型控制系统在骤冷风空调装置中的应用

    Application of TPS System in Quenching Air condition Unit

  15. 通过将处理对象分层次、分步骤来划分信息图层空间,提出了配电网规划GIS数据库的数据组织方法和建库流程;

    Processing object is divided information figure-layer spatial by sub-layers and sub-processes , the data organization method and establishing flow is put forward for DNP GIS database .

  16. 主要介绍了Honeywell公司TPS系统在直纺涤纶长丝用骤冷风空调装置中的应用。

    The application of Honeywell Company 's TPS system in quenching air condition unit for spinning is introduced .

  17. 该器件具有对称性或非对称性骤回I-V特性,可以用于多种应用场合。

    The proposed DDSCR device which features the symmetrical or asymmetrical snapback I-V characteristics can be implemented for varies applications .

  18. Xproc标准库,连同可以编写自己的第三方步骤库的扩展功能,为现有和未来的XML处理器带来了强大的动力。

    The XProc Standard library , combined with the extensibility of writing your own third-party step libraries , provides a powerful facade over existing and future XML processors .

  19. 尽管如此,最近他的支持率一直稳定在略低于50%,而最新的盖洛普民意调查(GallupPoll)显示,其支持率没有出现新的骤跌。

    Nonetheless , his approval rating had recently levelled off at a little under 50 per cent and the most recent Gallup poll , for instance , shows no sudden new collapse .

  20. 对于可有效解决电压骤降问题的动态电压恢复器(DVR)来说,准确检测出电压骤降的三大特征量即骤降幅值、持续时间和可能同时出现的相位跳变是其关键所在。

    The correct detection of the voltage sag characteristics ( its magnitude , duration and phase-angle jump appeared at the same time ) is of great importance for the dynamic voltage restorer ( DVR ) to effectively solve the problem of voltage sag .

  21. 研究结果表明,库水抬升至175m时滑坡处于欠稳定状态;库水从175m骤降至145m时滑坡存在失稳的可能。

    The results of the study show that when the reservoir water lifts to 175m , the landslide is in under steady state ; when it drops from 175m to 145m , the landslide is in the possibility of instability .

  22. elatumTakaki相似,但是又因它植物体更大,叶片狭披针形,雌苞叶在骤尖基部两侧略凹陷而区别于后者。

    Elatum Takaki in being large and having leaves contorted , perichaetial bracts long cuspidate , but differs in being larger and having leaves narrowly lanceolate , perichaetial bracts slightly concave at the base of cusp .

  23. 喷施FeSO4和尿素对失绿花生叶片中活性铁叶绿素的影响小麦灌浆后期青枯骤死与体内活性氧代谢关系的研究

    Relations of FeSO_4 and Urea in Spraying Soiution to Active Iron and Chlorophyll of Leaves of yield in Chlorotic Peanut Study on Relationship between Green Wilt and Metabolism of Active Oxygen of Wheat Plants during the Late Filling Peroid

  24. 骤冷风空调控制系统稳压的技改措施

    The voltage stabilizing means in the quench air conditioner control system

  25. 开敞式航道粉砂骤淤的随机分析

    Stochastic Analysis of Sudden Siltation of Silty Sand in Open Channel

  26. 小船在风急雨骤的大海中颠簸。

    The boat was tossed about in the stormy sea .

  27. 黄骅港外航道骤淤分析

    Analysis of Sudden Siltation of Outer Channel of Huanghua Harbor

  28. 四周遍布着残骸,到处都是骤发洪水的迹象。

    All around me are signs of flashfloods and debris .

  29. 侧吹风骤冷风机组的技术改进

    The Wind Technology Innovation for Side Quenching air Supplying Unit

  30. 黄骅港外航道整治工程及航道骤淤防治技术

    The Harnessing of Outer Channel of Huanghua Port and Sediment Control Techniques
