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  • 语素in chángyáng 徜徉
  • 〔~徉(yáng)〕徘徊,盘旋;自由自在来回地走。亦作“倘佯”。

  1. 他们在走廊上来回徜徉。

    They were strolling up and down the veranda .

  2. 徜若你不能掌控这些事情,很容易陷入不利的境地。

    You will get out of shape easily if you don 't keep on top of things .

  3. 昂科拉的零售价起价在2.5万美元左右,徜若将所有可选的额外配置配全的话,价格可能会达到3万美元以上。

    It starts at a retail price of about $ 25,000 and can cost more than $ 30,000 with all optional equipment .

  4. 那半透明的、柔软的长袍就在他膝部以上的位置徜著,想必是他摔了一跤,让他那细长的双腿准确无误地透视出来。

    His supple diaphanous robe has collected above his knees , presumably from a fall , revealing an unflattering view of his spindly legs .

  5. 徜说叶谈及车臣战争的时候认为这是他的最为后悔的事情,他说他觉得他应该为车臣战死的每一个战士负责。

    Chance said Yeltsin talked about the war in Chechnya as his biggest regret adding that Yeltsin said he felt responsible for the deaths of the Russian soldiers in chechnya .

  6. 徜若你认为死后并无知觉,死亡犹如无梦干扰的安眠,那么死亡可真是一种无法言说的妙处了。

    Now if you suppose that there is no consciousness , but a sleep like the sleep of him who is undisturbed even by dreams , death will be an unspeakable gain .