
  • 网络Ader;Adriano
  1. CRT国债策略主管大卫阿德(DavidAder)说,他所在的研究和交易公司倾向于看空美国国债市场,认为10年期国债收益率将试探4%水平。

    David Ader , head of government bond strategy at CRT , said his research and trading house was leaning towards a bearish view of the Treasuries market with a test of the 4 per cent yield level for the 10-year note .

  2. 他同时否认了都灵对阿德的兴趣。

    Cairo also denied that Torino were after adriano .

  3. 但是,这一分歧在最近几个月的更加明显了,因为阿德霍尔德做出了一些改变,包括无作业夜晚、取消高中期中、期末考试以及降低参加音乐项目门槛的倡议。

    But the division has become more obvious in recent months as Aderhold has made changes , including no-homework nights , an end to high school midterms and finals , and an initiative that made it easier to participate in the music program .

  4. 最佳化妆与发型:罗宾-马修斯、阿德瑞萨-李《达拉斯买家俱乐部》

    Best makeup and hairstyling : Robin Mathews , Adruitha Lee , Dallas Buyers Club

  5. 获得过多枚奥运奖牌的其他英国运动员还包括历史上最优秀的帆船运动员之一艾恩斯利(BenAinslie),以及在2008年赢得两枚金牌的游泳运动员阿德灵顿(RebeccaAdlington)。

    Other British competitors with multiple past medals include Ben Ainslie , one of the best competitive sailors in history , and swimmer Rebecca Adlington , who won two golds in 2008 .

  6. 位于加利福利亚洲圣何塞的半导体制造商AtmelCorp.的触摸科技营销总监克里斯•阿德(ChrisArd)表示,所有的工作都集中在改进设备的速度、可靠性以及它们如何与人类互动方面。

    All the work is on improving the speed of devices , the reliability and how they interact with humans , ' says Chris Ard , director of marketing for touch technology at semiconductor maker Atmel Corp. , based in San Jose , Calif.

  7. 今天晚上,还有举世瞩目的阿德大战。

    Argentina and German will have a football match this evening .

  8. 阿德:他可以解决这个问题吗?

    Aduh : Can he solve this problem ?

  9. 阿德的康复计划将会很快被安排出来。

    A rehabilitation programme will then be scheduled .

  10. 玲儿:嗨,阿德。我带了人来跟你谈谈。

    Linger : Hi , Aduh . I brought somebody to talk to you .

  11. 去看看他是不是还活着阿里阿德�

    Go check he 's alive , Ariadne .

  12. 阿德:玲儿,你听到消息了吗?学校要把网络费增至三倍!

    Aduh : Linger , did you hear ? The school 's tripling internet prices !

  13. 阿德灵顿以4分3秒22的成绩击败凯蒂.霍夫,仅比霍夫快0点07秒。

    Adlington 's time of 4: 03.22 edged Hoff by . 007 of one second .

  14. 阿德知道我们都在帮助他,这种状态很快就会结束。

    Adri knows we 're all here to help and that this situation will pass .

  15. 这并不意味着阿森纳要卖掉阿德来解决他们的财务问题。

    This doesn 't mean Ade is for sale to resolve Arsenal 's economic problems .

  16. 佛阿德和他的家人抵达安曼国际机场已经过去几天。

    Only days have passed since Fouad and his family arrived at Amman International Airport .

  17. 这一切看起来也一点不像个陷阱我开车去阿德摩尔买的没人跟踪我

    Well , I drove to Ardmore to get it and no one followed me .

  18. 玲儿:我需要你去说服我弟弟阿德,让他认真看待台湾的政治。

    Linger : I need you to convince my brother Aduh to take Taiwanese politics seriously .

  19. 英国选手瑞贝卡.阿德灵顿是48年来赢得奥运游泳金牌的第一名英国女运动员。

    Rebecca Adlington became the first British woman in48 years to win an Olympic swimming gold .

  20. 到了那个女生所说的地方时,阿德就停车好让她下车了。

    When they reach the destination , Alder stopped the car and let her go down .

  21. 阿德:我有听说。这是某种大阴谋,对吧?

    Aduh : I heard about that . It 's some kind of big conspiracy , right ?

  22. 在左翼野猪传中至禁区中央,甘贝里尼抢在阿德前头球解围。

    From the left wing Davids curls the ball into the middle , Gamberini anticipates Adriano and heads clear .

  23. 阿德:接着贫穷的白人、黑人和女人才有权利投票。这我知道。

    Aduh : And then poor whites , blacks and women got the right to vote . I know .

  24. 我们不得不延期去法国,因为阿德利安那周有个求职面试。

    We 've had to postpone going to France because adrian 's got an interview for a job that week .

  25. 一位来自斯里兰卡的选手阿德以一首刘德华的歌曲和一套武术表演获得直通证。

    One from Sri Lanka athletes De Lee Andy Lau to a song and martial arts was a direct certification .

  26. 2006年,阿德两队势均力敌,前者虽饮恨惜败,但队员们却败兴而归。

    In2006 Germany won a much closer match than this year 's , but the players'return home was a non-event .

  27. 我们知道阿德有这个能力打单前锋但亨利是一个世界级的球员而我们需要他。

    We know Adebayor has the ability to play up front but Thierry is a world-class player and we need him .

  28. 美国选手凯蒂.霍夫曾经在4百米自由泳比赛中被看好夺冠,但是阿德灵顿脑海中的一个画面鼓舞了她。

    American Katie Hoff was the favorite in the 400-meter freestyle race . But Adlington was inspired by a mental image .

  29. 夏天阿泰可能的去向在哪里?休斯顿,和前教练阿德在重新联手。

    One possible destination for Ron Artest this summer ? Houston , to be reunited with his former coach Rick Adelman .

  30. 阿德:我可能还想要参与政治。我要成为教改的提倡者。

    Aduh : I might even want to get involved in politics . I 'll be a champion of education reform .