
  • Adidas;Ardi;Addy
  1. 麦迪的第一份薪水是阿迪公司付给他的50万美金的支票,他的第一份工作就是在NBA打球。

    McGrady 's first paycheck came from Adidas in a $ 500,000 endorsement deal , and his first job was playing in the NBA .

  2. 到目前为止,YujiaHu已经制作了阿迪、万斯、耐克等经典鞋类品牌的“寿司鞋”,甚至还有侃爷的椰子鞋。

    Thus far , Hu has tackled iconic footwear brands like Adidas , Vans , Nike , and even Kanye West 's Yeezy label .

  3. 在事发现场,安全部长威多多•阿迪•苏吉布托(WidodoAdiSucipto)称,爆炸事件由“强力的爆炸”造成,两起爆炸事件相隔仅几分钟时间。

    At the scene , Security Minister Widodo Adi Sucipto said the blasts were caused by " high explosives , " which were d just minutes apart .

  4. 我们的罗德西亚背脊犬杰玛(Gemma)对其他的狗狗很好,与我们温顺的三色猫阿迪(Addie)有着很特殊的感情。

    Our Rhodesian Ridgeback , Gemma , adored other dogs , and enjoyed a special relationship with our cat Addie , a docile tortoiseshell .

  5. 《哈佛商业评论》主编阿迪伊格内休斯(AdiIgnatius)评论道:一半受访者预计中国将在未来10年超过美国,成为全球经济的领导者。

    Adi Ignatius , editor of the HBR , commented that half of the respondents expect China to surpass the US as the global economic leader in the next ten years .

  6. 在达累斯萨拉姆,来自当地阿迪(Ardhi)大学的城市规划专业学生在社区自愿者帮助下正对相关设施进行地理编码。

    In Dar es Salaam , urban planning students from local Ardhi University are geocoding with assistance from community volunteers .

  7. 不过他坚称,他和阿迪之间剩余的据报道达8000万的大合同并不是他复出的决定因素,如果他决定从NBA退役的话,他有可能失去这笔钱。

    He was adamant , however , that the reported $ 80 million remaining on his Adidas contract , which he was in jeopardy of losing should he have decided to walk away from the NBA for good , was not his motivating factor in his return .

  8. 你想阿迪永远不见他的父亲吗

    " Do you want ADI to never meet his father ?"

  9. 穷耐克,富阿迪,流氓一身阿玛尼。

    Poor Nike , rich girl , a rascal , armani .

  10. 阿迪库斯音乐厅,雅典卫城,雅典,希腊。

    Odeon of Herodes Atticus , The Acropolis , Athens , Greece .

  11. 十年前曾经在阿迪朗达克山搞过山猫重新引进计划,但未能成功。

    A lynx reintroduction program in the Adirondacks a decade ago failed .

  12. 阿迪的死给我们的生活留下了一个很大的空洞。

    The hole left by Addie 's death was palpable .

  13. 可我当时并不知道阿迪是你的儿子。

    But I didn 't know then that ADI was your son .

  14. 你想利用阿迪来嬴得我。

    That you would try to use ADI to win me over .

  15. 我抱着阿迪,看到她没事之后松了一口气。

    I cradled Addie , relieved she was fine .

  16. 菲欧娜在等待史莱克及阿迪回来的同时全力阻止王子的计划。

    Fiona tries to stop him while they wait for Shrek and Arthur .

  17. 阿迪搜索是一个自由人的搜索引擎。

    Addy Finder is a Free people search engine .

  18. 拉吉,我找不到阿迪

    " Raj , I can 't find adi "

  19. 阿迪在黑暗中笨手笨脚地握着电话听筒。

    Adie fumbled with the handset in the dark .

  20. 阿迪惊讶地盯着他们,于是他们3个人都放声大笑起来。

    Addy stared at them in amazement , whereupon all three burst out laughing .

  21. 阿迪,把那些照片给我

    " Adi , give me those photos "

  22. 阿迪夫人每星期四都举行桥牌聚会。

    Mrs aydie has bridge parties every thursday .

  23. 前几天阿迪诺菲女士

    You know , the other day Ms. Adinolfi

  24. 不让你去阿迪朗达克山[位于纽约州]露营

    and wouldn 't let you go on that camping trip to the Adirondacks .

  25. 一天,阿迪跑走了。

    One day , Addie ran away .

  26. 你为什么告诉阿迪诺菲小姐说你晕倒是因为恐慌发作

    Why did you tell Miss Adinolfi that you fainted because of a panic attack ?

  27. 但是,阿迪公司却计划在东南亚国家设立更多的工厂。

    But the company is planning to set up more factories in South East Asian countries .

  28. 于是,史莱克便和朋友们一起出发去寻找国王的侄子阿迪。

    So Shrek sets out with his friends to find the King 's nephew , Arthur .

  29. 第一首歌录制完成后,阿迪告诉海因切,他已经得到一条马腿了。

    After they 've taped the first song , Addy told Heintje he had earned a leg .

  30. 亚历克斯下班回家后发现阿迪被妮娜叼在嘴里,已经死了。

    Alex had come home from work to find Addie dangling from Nina 's mouth , dead .