
  • 网络OGIER;augier
  1. 那么奥吉尔发生车祸的赛段是怎样的一条赛道?

    What was the condition of the road like on the section where Ogier crashed ?

  2. 当你经过那个弯道发现奥吉尔的赛车时候,你有什么想法?

    When you came around the corner and saw Ogier 's car what did you think ?

  3. 实际上,正如奥吉尔和马奇所说,学术严谨性和多学科研究之间存在冲突。

    In practice , as augier and March point out , there is a conflict between academic rigour and multidisciplinarity .

  4. 正如奥吉尔和马奇所说,商学院几乎都被要求在基本知识和实用知识之间达到一种平衡。

    As augier and March put it , schools are almost required to talk about a balance between fundamental and practical knowledge .

  5. 用奥吉尔和马奇的话说,改革者“宣称,提出问题的重要性甚于解决问题”。

    In the words of augier and March , the reformers " proclaimed the importance of problem framing more than problem solving " .

  6. 正如作者奥吉尔和马奇所说,尽管本书的关注重点是北美,但美国商学院的模式受到了世界各地的模仿。

    Although the focus is on North America , as authors augier and March point out , the US business school model was imitated around the world .

  7. 2008年世界汽车拉力锦标赛青年组冠军奥吉尔,在上个赛季首次参加瑞典拉力赛就发现自己很难跟上勒布,以及雪铁龙私人车手皮特·索伯格。

    Ogier , the2008 Junior world champion , made his Rally Sweden debut last season and could find it hard to outgun Loeb and Citroen privateer Petter Solberg .

  8. 奥吉尔已经取得了过去两站比赛的胜利,而他在意大利将排在福特车手米可·海沃宁之后于第三位发车,因此他也将朝着个人职业生涯第五个分站冠军发起冲击。

    Ogier has won the last two rounds and his starting position of third on the road on Friday behind Ford driver Mikko Hirvonen could give him an edge as he looks to make it five career wins .