
chén niàng
  • ageing
陈酿[chén niàng]
  1. 原白兰地陈酿质量的紫外光谱研究

    Study on the Quality of Ageing Brandy by Ultraviolet Spectrometer

  2. 收口带有一丝锡的味道,但经过橡木桶陈酿即会消失。

    A bit tinny on the finish but that should disappear with barrel ageing .

  3. SilverOak的陈酿过程可能是该酒遭到争议的一个因素。

    The winery 's aging process is a possible factor in the Silver Oak controversy .

  4. 这款来自RussianRiverValley的未经橡木桶陈酿的霞多丽有很棒的骨架,同时也有很多曲线。

    This naked ( i.e. , unoaked ) chard from the Russian River Valley has great bone structure and plenty of curves as well .

  5. 尽管人们视葡萄酒的陈酿(age)能力为难得的品质(其实只有那些质量更好的葡萄酒才会在经过几年甚至数十年之后品质有所提高),但对于葡萄酒熟化(mature)过程中到底发生了什么却知之甚少。

    Although wine is treasured for its ability to age ( better-quality wines are virtually the only consumables that can improve over years or decades ) we know remarkably little about what actually happens as wine matures .

  6. 与其他所有产自纳帕谷的解百纳不同的是,SilverOak是在美国橡木桶里陈酿的,从而增加了香草的甜味,有些人甚至会说有椰子味。

    Unlike just about every other Cabernet made in Napa Valley , Silver Oak is aged in American oak , which adds sweet notes of vanilla and , some even say , coconut .

  7. 我碰巧有一瓶罕见的莫里陈酿,它是皇谷御酿酒庄(LaCoumeduRoy)1965年酿造的。上周我把它打开,尝试和巧克力搭配。

    I happened to have a rare bottle of older Maury , a 1965 from La Coume du Roy , which I opened last week to try with chocolate .

  8. 研究了不同酒精度浸提橡木片,不同来源的橡木片、不同陈酿时间及同种橡木片不同烘烤程度对白兰地的色度、pH值、单宁、总酚及感官的影响。

    The effects of the steeping of oak chip by different alcohol content wine , oak from different places , different aging time , and different baking degree of the same oak on the colority , pH value , tannin and total ester , and tasting of brandy were studied .

  9. 在高档场所,如北京丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton),一瓶50年茅台陈酿的价格高达78888元(约合12700美元)。

    At upscale locations such as the Ritz-Carlton in Beijing , a 50-year Vintage goes for $ 78,888 yuan ( about $ 12,700 USD ) per bottle .

  10. 前酵7d ̄8d后,灌坛、养醅、密封、贮存,陈酿3 ̄4个月后经过滤、澄清、杀菌、勾兑即得成品酒。

    Sealed and stored for aging 3 to 4 months after 7 to 8 days of pre-fermentation , the wine was gained through filtration , clarification , sterilization and mixture .

  11. 我惊讶于32年陈酿的1982年AlexanderValleyCabernet能够保持得如此之好,酸度依然稳固,单宁柔和,红糖煎苹果般的果香,但我那位喜欢SilverOak的朋友看法不同。

    While I 'd been impressed by how well the 32-year-old 1982 Alexander Valley Cabernet was holding up , with a still-firm acidity , soft tannins and a brown-sugared apple sort of fruit , my Silver Oak-loving friend was of a different opinion .

  12. 结果表明,经3种橡木桶陈酿后,Myricetin,Luteolin,Quercetin以及Kaempferol的黄酮醇含量均显著降低,而Isorhamnetin的含量则显著升高。

    Results showed that the contents of Myricetin , Luteolin , Quercetin and Kaempferol decreased significantly with aging time in each kind of oak barrels , while the content of Isorhamnetin increased significantly .

  13. 最佳发酵条件是醋酸菌接种量10%,发酵温度32~34℃,发酵时间72h,发酵后采用1~2个月陈酿,所得产品的有机酸含量高,风味好。

    The optimum technological conditions was : 10 % for inoculum size , 32 ~ 34 ℃ for fermentation temperature and 72 h for fermentation time . Maturation for 1 ~ 2 months after fermentation could get a product with high content of organic acid and good flavor .

  14. 原白兰地和常规橡木片陈酿白兰地无红移现象,中等质量的人工陈酿白兰地的红移波长宽度为20~25nm,吸光度为1.2~1.6;

    No red shift presented for original brandy and brandy by routine oak slice aging . The wavelength and the absorbance of medium-quality brandy were 20 ~ 25 nm and 1.2 ~ 1.6 respectively .

  15. 我更喜欢黄褐色波特葡萄酒,特别是20年醇的,它长时间储存在木桶中,酝酿出一种柔和的口感,有时被称为“陈酿”(rancio),不过仍然足够活跃,能与黑巧克力和谐共舞。

    I prefer tawny ports , particular 20-year-olds , which have achieved a mellow nuttiness from long barrel-aging sometimes referred to as " rancio , " yet are still lively enough to dance compatibly with dark chocolate .

  16. 香梨白兰地的品质及陈酿机理的研究

    Studies on Character and Mechanism of Ageing of Fragrant Pear Brandy

  17. 果汁前发酵、后发酵及陈酿;

    Prior fermentation , late fermentation , and aging of juice ;

  18. 在需要陈酿的特色葡萄酒中这是肯定的性质。

    Can be a positive quality in distinctive wines that require aging .

  19. 橡木桶与葡萄酒陈酿

    Effect of Maturation in Oak Barrel on Wine Quality

  20. 净酒贮存在原酒陈酿中的应用

    Application of Purified Liquor Storage in Liquor Base Aging

  21. 橡木桶陈酿干红葡萄酒过程中聚合单宁的变化

    Change of Polymeric Tannin During Dry Red Grape Wine Aging in Oak Barrel

  22. 你最喜欢喝的,30年陈酿威士忌!

    Your favorite drink , 30 year old whiskey !

  23. 全新法国橡木桶陈酿,拥有奶油质感,性价比非常好。

    Excellent price for a creamy wine aged in new French oak barrels .

  24. 葡萄酒陈酿有自然陈酿和人工催陈方法,都能促进葡萄酒的老熟。

    Both natural aging methods and artificial aging methods could advance grape wine aging .

  25. 我刚开了一瓶18年陈酿,味道醇厚。

    Okay , I just opened a bottle , a beautiful 18yearold , fullbodied .

  26. 橡木板在白兰地陈酿中的应用

    Study on Brandy Aging by Oak Stave

  27. 采用53%的美国橡木桶和47%的法国橡木桶陈酿6个月。

    Ageing on oak for6 Months – 53 % American , 47 % French Oak .

  28. 橡木片对白兰地的陈酿作用研究

    Study on Brandy Aging by Oak Chip

  29. 这种无色的未经陈酿的白兰地被称作生命之水,它叫什么名字?

    The name of this colorless , unaged brandy translates to the water of life ?

  30. 猕猴桃果酒陈酿期间香气成分的变化

    Changing of aroma components of kiwi wine