首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 明天上午获胜队将在城内举行庆祝游行。

    The victorious team will parade through the city tomorrow morning .

  2. 因有两名队员受伤,这个队将队员做了些位置上的调整。

    The team has made some positional changes because two players are injured .

  3. 米德尔塞克斯队将德比郡队的所有队员都投杀出局,击败了对方。

    Middlesex defeated Derbyshire by bowling out the opposition .

  4. 只要再进一球,都柏林队将以6比1领先。

    A goal would have put Dublin 6-1 ahead .

  5. 泰勒再次一改常规地宣布英格兰队将在温布利球场进行训练。

    Taylor announced another departure from practice in that England will train at Wembley

  6. 乌迪内斯队将入场费降低了10%。

    Udinese have knocked 10 % off admission prices

  7. 斯坦福队将与加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校队展开第二回合较量。

    Stanford will face UCLA in a rematch

  8. 北爱尔兰队将对阵拉脱维亚队。

    Northern Ireland will play Latvia

  9. 来看足球,阿斯顿维拉队将在英格兰甲级联赛重登榜首。

    Football , and Aston Villa will reclaim their lead at the top of the English First Division .

  10. 这两支足球队将在明天交锋。

    The two football teams will face each other tomorrow .

  11. 意大利的ac米兰队将在深圳进行一场足球友谊赛。

    AC Milan of Italy will play a football friendly in Shenzhen .

  12. 曾四度夺冠的巴西队将参加C组在韩国的比赛,这应该不会有什么大问题,他们会在六月三日与土耳其队比赛。

    Four-time champions Brazil will play in South Korea in Group C , which shouldn 't cause them too many problems .

  13. 周三的四分之一决赛中,中国男篮以B组第四的成绩将对战立陶宛,希腊队将迎战阿根廷。立陶宛是A组的冠军。

    China finished fourth in Group B and will face Lithuania , leaders of Group A , in the quarterfinals on Wednesday , while Greece to meet Argentina .

  14. 湖人队将很快的解决了魔术队而获得最后的NBA总冠军。

    The Lakers will win the NBA Finals and make quick work of the Orlando Magic .

  15. KellyMoran说当工作队将到达去连接社区与互联网时,(当地)一片激动。

    Kelly Moran says there was excitement when the team would arrive to connect communities to the Internet .

  16. NPR记者黛比·艾略特为您报道,来自东南的阿拉巴马队将和乔治亚队展开对抗。

    NPR 's Debbie Elliott says Alabama and Georgia face off in the Southeastern Conference Championship game .

  17. BBC新闻–西汉姆队将对任何被发现周二赛前在厄普顿公园球场袭击曼联队教练事件中负有责任的粉丝发出禁令.

    BBC News - West Ham will issuelife bans to any fans found responsible for attacking the Manchester Unitedteam coach before Tuesday 's game at Upton Park .

  18. 为了寻找与火星相似的地形,探测队将漫游者带到位于特内里费(Tenerife)的ElTeide国家公园。

    Searching for a terrain similar to that found on Mars , the team took the rover to El Teide National Park in Tenerife .

  19. 如果交易完成,火箭队将组建球队历史上最为强大的阵容,NBA总冠军简直如探囊取物,夺得WNBA的总冠军也不成问题。

    If the transaction completed , the rocket will be the formation of the team 's history the most powerful cosmetic , Jane won the NBA championship easily , won the WNBA championship is not a problem .

  20. SPELLMAN:突击队将集中于这样的房子,解决社区中其他警察难以解决的问题。

    SPELLMAN : Its houses like this the impact team will focus on , recurring issues out in neighborhoods that can be hard for police to deal with .

  21. 拥有著名沙排健将ShaunaMullin和ZaraDampney的英国女子排球队将在周日下午5:30首战对抗加拿大,而有包括JohnGarcia-Thompson和SteveGrotowski在内的男子排球队则周六下午4:30就将对阵加拿大劲敌。

    The British women 's team - Shauna Mullin and Zara Dampney - will play their opening match against Canada at 5.30 pm on Sunday while the men 's team of John Garcia-Thompson and Steve Grotowski will play Canada on Saturday at 4.30 .

  22. 同时,丹佛野马队将进军第48届超级碗比赛。

    Meanwhile the Denver Broncos have advance to Super Bowl XLVIII .

  23. 而朝鲜队将继续保持神秘,这也是意料之中的。

    As one might expect , North Korea remains the mystery .

  24. 法国队将比利时队淘汰(出欧洲杯足球赛)了。

    France knocked Belgium out ( of the European Cup ) .

  25. 今年冬天新西兰队将到欧洲巡回比赛。

    The New Zealand team will be touring Europe this winter .

  26. 哪个队将是中国队的决赛对手?

    Which team will is China 's opponent in the final ?

  27. 我敢肯定,英格兰队将战胜澳大利亚队。

    England will beat australia ; I 'll be bound .

  28. 鼓队将站出来为冠军而战!

    The drumlines will put it down fior the championship !

  29. 探险队将在一周后出发。

    The exploring party will set out after one week .

  30. 我们队将干掉你们队。

    Our team 's gonna clean up on your team .