
hòu shì
  • later generations;later ages;posterity;descendant
后世 [hòu shì]
  • (1) [later ages]∶所有相继的世代

  • 后世之谬其传。--宋. 王安石《游褒禅山记》

  • 后世之君。--清. 黄宗羲《原君》

  • (2) 又

  • 旷后世而不闻。

  • 后世且行之。--清. 刘开《问说》

  • 为了后世的利益

  • (3) [later generations;descendant]∶后代

  • 后世子孙

后世[hòu shì]
  1. 论尸子对后世的重要影响。

    V.The influence of the to the later ages .

  2. 日记模山范水,优美雄奇,形式自由,为后世创立一个新的体裁。

    And his diary became a new type of literature for the later ages .

  3. 诗人爱上了她,并以诗歌使她名传后世。

    The poet fell in love with her and immortalized her in his verse .

  4. 他们的音乐已为后世保存起来。

    Their music has been preserved for posterity .

  5. 惠特比镇因为布拉姆·斯托克著名的吸血鬼故事而名传后世。

    The town of whitby was immortalised in Bram Stoker 's famous Dracula story

  6. 原文鸿渐知道这些话虽然对自己说,而主要是记载在日记和回忆录里给天下后世看方遯翁怎样教子以义方的。

    Hung-chien knew that while these remarks were said to him , they were intended primarily to be recorded in a diary or in memoirs Tun-weng had brought up his son in accordance with truth and righteousness .

  7. 韦伯在达沃斯的世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)上发言时表示,当前这一代人正在挥霍后世的财富,因为当前货币政策鼓励人们不顾一切地继续大举消费。

    Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos , Mr Weber said that the current generation was living at the expense of future generations because monetary policy was encouraging people to pull out all the stops to continue consuming heavily .

  8. 郭璞游仙诗中的山水情怀对后世诗歌的影响,特别兴起山水诗的发展。

    Especially , the rise of the development of landscape poetry .

  9. 后世的人们当然是赞同霍桑的评价的。

    Posterity , of course , has endorsed Hawthorne 's judgement .

  10. 原始建筑的可能性是后世建筑可能性的起点,对不同可能性的选择进化出不同的建筑体系。

    Different decisions on the possibilities evolve into various construction systems .

  11. 庄子的这一审美思想对后世的文学和美学都产生了重要影响。

    This influences deeply the Chinese literature and aesthetics in later generations .

  12. 第四部分回顾庾信对后世之影响并站在现代的角度分析庾信给我们的启迪。

    The last chapter looks back and analysis the affections of Yuxin .

  13. 试论《金驴记》对后世欧洲文学作品的影响

    On the Metamorphoses ' Influence on the Later European Literature

  14. 在各家中,儒家对后世的影响更为深远。

    Among those theories , the impact of Confucianism is more far-reaching .

  15. 周邦彦词的历史地位及对后世的影响

    The Historical Status & Effect of Zhou Bang-yan 's Ci

  16. 对后世产生重要影响。

    These statements have an important influence on the offsprings .

  17. 《唐律疏议》的编纂,对后世产生了极大的影响。

    The Tang Law Explanation was compiled also influenced the generation tremendously .

  18. 他对《文选》的推崇和研究,对后世有深远的影响。

    His advocation and reasearch on Wenxuan have profound influence .

  19. 韩愈的道统思想,对后世产生了重大而深远的影响。

    HAN Yu 's ethic ideology greatly influenced later generations .

  20. 论孔对后世的思想影响

    On the Influence of Confucius ' Thought on Later Generations

  21. 他的作品没有几件会流传到后世。

    Few of his works will go down to posterity .

  22. 这些来源为后世的历史学家提供了珍贵的资料。

    Such sources have provided valuable materials for later generations of historians .

  23. 他们问自己能给后世留下什么。

    They ask themselves what legacy they are leaving behind .

  24. 它极大地影响了欧洲教育的风格,是后世西方和谐教育理论的历史渊源。

    It influenced the style of European education greatly .

  25. 后世小说、戏曲创作基本上是在这一基础上进行的。

    Then the novels and the traditional operas are conducted on this base .

  26. 但那并不是对我们后世的判决起关键作用的问题。

    But that does not matter as far as our Judgment is concerned .

  27. 笛卡儿的思想是其后世生命科学发展的出发点。

    Descartes ' thought is the starting point of the life science afterworld .

  28. 《庄子》独特的哲学和文学魅力,对后世中国人产生了重要的影响,在世界文坛上亦受人们的尊崇。

    Its unique literary and philosophic charm exerted far-reaching influence on Chinese generations .

  29. 其中,两汉小说观对后世的影响极为深远。

    Especially the concept of novel in Han Dynasty had a far-reaching influence .

  30. 查克拉帕尼说,科斯拉家族希望教育改革成为他们能够留给后世的财富。

    Chakrapani says that the khoslas want education reform to be their legacy .