
  • 网络Eastlands
  1. 周日曼城在东地球场迎战利物浦会没有特维斯和维埃拉助阵。

    Manchester City will be without Carlos Tevez and Patrick Vieira for Sunday 's clash with Liverpool at Eastlands .

  2. 东地球场的老大不希望这位迫切要求转会的前锋与曼城一起去到都灵参加最后一场的欧罗巴同尤文的比赛。

    The Eastlands boss does not want the transfer-seeking striker with City in Turin this week where they are playing Juventus in their last Europa League group clash .

  3. 加里东造山运功增生到晚期扬子大陆边缘的华南加里东地体;及古生代末期或中生代和新生代的造山动运而增生拼贴到当时大陆边缘的东南沿海地区和台湾的地体。

    The south-eastern coast and Taiwan terranes accreted to the outer part of the continent during the end of Paleozoic or Mesozoic and Cenozoic .

  4. 需要:东地球场在富裕之下的尴尬,他们竟然还需要一名前锋来帮助特为兹分担重任以及一名得力中后卫。

    What they need : Despite the embarrassment of riches at Eastlands , City will feel they need another striker to lift the burden from Carlos Tevez and a dominant centre-back .

  5. 弧形构造带的发育伴随和控制着盆地的三大生油气区从北向南,自西向东地形成和迁移;

    The development of these arcuate structural zones accompanied and controlled the formation and shifting of the three major oil regions in the basin from north to south and from west to east .

  6. 锡林郭勒盟位于内蒙古自治区中部偏东,地处蒙古高原上,高原地表坦荡平整,起伏和缓,古剥蚀夷平面显著,风沙广布,古有瀚海之称。

    Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in central east of the alliance is located in the Mongolian Plateau , the plateau surface forthright integrity , gentle ups and downs , ancient planation surface erosion significant sand widespread , the ancient " desert ", said .

  7. 私人直接投资公司贝恩资本的WalidSarkis说在任何情况下,经济力量向东倾斜自然而然地会将欧洲公司变成了中国和亚洲的公司。

    Walid Sarkis of Bain Capital , a private-equity firm , says that the tilting of economic power eastward is in any case naturally turning European firms into Chinese and Asian ones .

  8. 你将看到一个巨大的墓地悬浮在东瘟疫之地。

    You 'll see this big necropolis floating above Eastern Plaguelands .

  9. 川东鄂西山地紫色土发生探讨

    Studies on Genesis OP purple soil in mountain region of Eastern Sichuan and Western Hubei

  10. 京福高速公路徐州东绕城段地处煤矿采空区,地质情况复杂。

    Xuzhou east-ring section of Beijing-Fuzhou expressway is located in mine goafs with complicated geological structures .

  11. 皖东石灰岩山地次生林演替趋势与树种的生理特性分析

    Analysis on succession trend and physiological characters of secondary forest tree species in limestone mountain of eastern Anhui Province

  12. 兰斯顿表示:天气状况刺激了对原料的需求,这对东澳大利亚等地的港口堵塞现象起到了推动作用。

    The weather conditions stimulate demand for raw materials , which can help build congestion in places like eastern Australia , Mr Langston said .

  13. 东瘟疫之地获得了4座塔让双方去争夺,在希利苏斯他们通过收集一种有用矿物互相竞争。

    Eastern Plaguelands gained four towers for the factions to fight over , and in Silithus they compete to collect samples of a valuable mineral .

  14. 黑暗中,我们东跌西撞地找蜡烛。

    We were stumbling around in the dark looking for a candle .

  15. 英国人在东海岸开拓殖民地。

    The English started colonies on the east coast .

  16. 他东摸西摸地找一盒火柴。

    He fished around for a box of matches .

  17. 东翼,玉米地那边

    The east wing ? That 's the cornfield .

  18. 带载人平台的云梯车东太平洋中脊地热带

    Aerial ladder platform east pacific rise geothermal belt

  19. 东太平洋中脊地热带海底正在从大洋中脊扩张开来。

    East pacific rise geothermal belt The sea floor is spreading away from the mid-ocean ridges .

  20. 东太平洋中脊地热带大西洋洋底在中部形成由北向南的海脊

    East pacific rise geothermal belt The floor of the Atlantic ridge in the middle from north to south

  21. 本研究以位于鲁东及鲁中南山地丘陵区的不同园龄的苹果园为样点,调查了铜在果园土壤中的含量、分布及形态转化。

    Copper distribution , and speciation in orchard soils of east and middle of Shandong was studied in this paper .

  22. 茶叶贸易的巨额的利润,促使东印度公司积极地发展茶叶贸易。

    High profits of tea trade promoted the British East India Company to expand tea trade , which caused large trade deficit of British .

  23. 为了促进中国农业银行福州市湖东支行更有效地发展中间业务,本文就农行湖东支行中间业务市场营销策略等问题进行了研究。

    To improve the intermediate business in ABC Fuzhou Hudong sub-branch , this thesis makes some research on its marketing strategy . This study has seven chapters .

  24. 那是一本巨大的带插图的字典,在它的书脊上画着一个将宇宙抗在肩膀上的巨人。东太平洋中脊地热带

    It was a huge illustrated book , on its spine a colossal Atlas hold-ing the vault of the universe on his shoulders . east pacific rise geothermal belt

  25. 东西部差异与西部民族地区教育的发展&以重庆黔江地区为例西气东输的目的地是长江三角洲地区,富甲天下。

    East-West Social Difference and Educational Development in Western Minority Nationality Regions ; The Yangtze River Delta , the destination of the pipeline , is the most developed area in China .

  26. 砂培试验表明,在低氮、低磷、低钾胁迫下,东塘、东塘西侧地上部干重、生物学产量降低;

    The results of sandy culture showed that the dry weight of shoot and yield of biomass of DT and DTXC decreased under low-N , low-P , low-K stress .

  27. 从东到西,从西到东,旅人飞快地驶过茫茫大草原,驶向苍茫天际,穿过一望无际的玉米地;高不可测的苍穹,硕大的云朵,老是几乎平淡无奇、千篇一律。

    From east and west , travelers dart across these prairies into the huge horizons and through cornfields that go on forever ; giant skies , giant clouds , an eternal nearly featureless sameness .