
  • Newly determined;【地名】【越南】Tan Đinh
  1. 新定的演员将会和之前确定哈里王子的出演人MurrayFraser和她的未婚妻也就是梅根的扮演者美籍牙买加演员ParisaFitz-Henley一起出演。

    They join the previously announced Murray Fraser who plays the lead role of Harry , while Jamaican-American Parisa Fitz-Henley stars as his fiance .

  2. 机载激光雷达信号Fernald前向反演的一种新定标方法

    New Calibration Method for Fernald Forward Inversion of Airborne Lidar Signals

  3. 关于国际体联男子体操新定评分规则的若干思考

    Suggestions about Men Gymnastic New Code of Point International Gymnastic Federation

  4. 给我们新定的生产目标不公平。

    Well , the new production target we have been set is unfair .

  5. 我知道你的意思,新定出来的截止日期是根本不可能做到的。

    I know . That new deadline is impossible .

  6. 切削测力仪的干扰分析和新定度测力法

    Research on the interaction of metal cutting forces in dynamometers and a new method of calibration

  7. 9375MHz太阳射电望远镜新定标源系统及其室内控制装置

    The Improved Calibration System of the Solar Radio Telescope at 9375 MHz and Its Indoor Control Device

  8. 北京海淀附近的地形水道与聚落&首都都市计划中新定文化教育区的地理条件和它的发展过程北京流动人口聚落的形态、结构与功能

    The Relief , Drainage and Settlements in the Environs of Hai-tien , Peking The Floating Population Concentration Areas in Beijing : Patterns , Structure and Functions

  9. 研究新定殖单个蚁巢红火蚁入侵荒草地后对距蚁巢不同距离蚂蚁类群的影响。

    The influence of red imported fire ant ( RIFA ) on ant community in different distances around separate mound in mowing wasteland was studied in this paper .

  10. 衡、轭考略&《新定三礼图》校读札记

    The Textual Research of " The front bar of a carriage " and the " yoke " & After reading the Newly Collated Pictures of " The Three Rituals "

  11. 这项计划包括在未来十年,以减少支出和增加税收的综合方式,降低赤字超过3点2万亿美元。新增税收包括对美国富豪新定的最低税额。

    The plan contains more than $ 3.2 trillion in deficit savings over the next decade , combining spending cuts with new tax revenue-including a new minimum tax on millionaires .

  12. 本篇报告给出了9375MHz太阳射电望远镜新定标源系统的结构原理、组装及测试方法,并做到了室内控制。

    The construction principle concerning the improved calibration system of the solar radio telescope at 9375 MHz and its combination , installation , testing method and indoor control device are described in the present article .

  13. 他们初步交换意见,为建立新关系定了调子。

    Their first exchange set the tone for a new relationship .

  14. 为了提高节点的处理带宽利用率,提出了一种新的定长处理方案,即聚合分离加SAR(MAS+)方案。

    To improve processing-bandwidth usage , a new fixed-size processing method , Merge And Separate plus SAR ( MAS + ), is presented .

  15. 电子探针独居石Th-U-Pb化学法定年是近年来发展起来新的定年方法。

    Electron-microprobe Th-U-Pb chemical age determination of monazite is a new in-situ geochronological method developed over the last few years .

  16. 讨论了单相、两相/四相和五相DSEG单元电机新结构定、转子配合关系,定子极宽与定子极距之比以及电枢绕组元件连接方式。

    The combinations between stator pole and rotor pole , the ratio of stator pole arc width to pole distance and the phase winding connections are further analyzed for the new element generators with single-phase , two or four-phase and five-phase DSEG .

  17. 高中新教材定积分概念教学中蕴涵的数学基本思想

    Mathematical Thinking in Definite Integral Teaching in Senior High Schools

  18. 我母亲看到这新墙纸定会大吃一惊。

    My mother will have palpitations when she sees the new wallpaper .

  19. 我相信,新公司定能兴隆昌盛。

    I 'm sure the new agency will be a great success .

  20. 我相信新包装定会使我们经理满意。

    I 'm sure the new packing will give our manager satisfaction .

  21. 顺式聚乙炔中双极化子的新电子定域态

    New localized electronic states of bi-polaron in cis - ( ch ) _x

  22. 一个新的定氟容量法

    A New Volumetric Method for the Determination of Fluorine

  23. 两种方法的区别是,新的定线方法是以内业为主。

    The difference is that the new method is " office " oriented .

  24. 新世代定会带来更多欢乐!

    This new season would bring joy once more !

  25. 新信息定会揭开索绕在火星极地之上的迷团。

    The new information will strip information of the lingering mysteries of the Martian poles .

  26. 本文提出一种新的定常无粘跨音速流动的有限元计算方法&守恒型有限元素法。

    A new finite element algorithm for computing steady transonic flows is presented in this report .

  27. 突变模型的建立,为经济效益的综合评价提供了一种新的定量化方法。

    The establishment of catastrophe model offers a new quantitive method for synthetical appraisal problems of economic benefit of enterprises .

  28. 浙江省医药卫生科技项目查新与定题服务网络平台的建设与应用

    Construction and Application of Zhejiang Province Internet Platform in Medical Science and Technology Project Novelty Assessment and Selective Dissemination of Information

  29. 提出了一种新的定轴方法&五指型光强分布特征值判断法。

    The light intensity distribution with five finger profile is proved to exist in theory by computer simulation based on ray tracing method .

  30. 表明分形维数可为风蚀土壤结构及其质地状况的评价提供1个新的定量化指标。

    The fractal dimensions of particle-size distribution for soil of wind erosion can been used as a quantitative index of soil structure and texture .