
  • 网络Neoclassical economics
  1. 任何傻瓜都能发现,主宰着当今学术领域的新古典主义经济学的世界,全然就是一幅讽刺漫画,其中的每个交易员或公司,都以同样利己主义的方式行事理性、冷酷、无所不知。

    Any fool can see that the world of neoclassical economics , which dominates the academic field today , is a gross caricature in which every trader or company acts in the same self-interested way rational , cool , omniscient .

  2. 新古典主义经济学派会说,人们表现得“宛若”飞速计算出了球飞行的抛物线。

    The spirit of neoclassical economics would say that people act " as if " swiftly calculating the parabolic arc of the ball .

  3. 而新古典主义经济学是以有效市场理论为基础的。

    But Neoclassicism economics is based on Efficient Market Theory .

  4. 这种错误并没有使新古典主义经济学理论变得简单。

    This error does not make neoclassical economic theory simple .

  5. 但这些在主流经济学刊物中无处可寻,因为主流经济学模型不认同新古典主义经济学中的假设。

    But not in mainstream economics journals , because the models defy neoclassical assumptions .

  6. 新古典主义经济学与持续发展原则

    New classical economics and sustainable development principles

  7. 不仅国内,即使国外对资本市场的研究基本上还是以新古典主义经济学研究框架为基础。

    Not merely our country , even the foreign study on capital market is based on the economics frame of Neoclassicism .

  8. 目前较为流行的是按照新古典主义经济学来解释这一现象:即资本投入不足、技术落后和劳动力素质差。

    The public opinion at present attributes it to insufficient capital input , backward technology and low quality of the labor power .

  9. 从新古典主义经济学关于资本市场的研究框架可知,传统资本市场理论大多是在一个线性范式上的近似分析。

    Viewing from this , traditional capital market theories are studied by means of approximate analysis on which is based linear model .

  10. 以个体经济行为的“欲望与资源的矛盾”作为经济学基本问题,发现了市场的“边际利益均衡机制”,诞生了新古典主义经济学;

    The study on the contradiction between the desire and resources based on individual economic behaviors finds equilibrium mechanism of marginal interests and gives birth to neo-classical economics .

  11. 新古典主义经济学认为,我们表现得就好像考虑到了所有可能的结果、计算出了每种结果的可能性和效用,把可能性与效用相乘,以实现预期效用的最大化。

    Neoclassical economics says that we act as if considering all possible outcomes , figuring out the probability and utility of each outcome , multiplying the probabilities with the utilities , and maximising expected utility .

  12. 它的确研究了我们做出哪些决定,但根本没有研究我们如何做决定因此,它甚至比新古典主义经济学还要执念于那些对人类思考方式的愚蠢描述。

    While it does study what decisions we make , the very last thing it does is study how we make them and as a result it is even more wedded to silly accounts of the way human beings think than its neoclassical rival .

  13. 接下来,第二部分基于新古典主义宏观经济学观点,对股票市场作用于宏观经济的理论模型和传导机制作了理论概述,并在有效市场理论的基础上进一步定性地讨论了股票市场有效性问题。

    Then , founded on the neoclassicism macroeconomics and the efficient markets theory , the second part expatiates the theory model and the transmission mechanism of stock markets acting on macro-economy , and discusses theoretically the validity of stock markets .

  14. 由于耽于凯恩斯主义理论和新古典主义理论,经济学付出了可怕的代价。

    Economics has paid a terrible price for its dalliances with the Keynesian and neoclassical theories .

  15. 无论是马克思主义还是西方新古典主义或者发展经济学都从不同层面上深入探讨了城乡统筹的本质和关键内容。

    Marxism , western neoclassicism , and development economics touch upon its essence and contents thoroughly from different prospectives .

  16. 然而,在过去半个世纪里的经济学史,在很大程度上,就是一个从凯恩斯主义撤退和对新古典主义回归的经济学史。

    Yet the story of economics over the past half century is , to a large degree , the story of a retreat from Keynesianism and a return to neoclassicism .

  17. 马克思主义、新古典主义、发展经济学和空间主义等理论流派对该问题的探讨从不同层面提供了很好的思路和角度。

    Theories schools such as Marxism , neoclassicism , development economics , and spatialism all discussed the problem from different angles , providing some good thinking mode and angles for us .