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  • 网络Xin'an;Wynca;Sun On
  1. 一个是从安徽南部被称为新安,另从北部的部分被称为华佗的。

    One is from the southern part of Anhui which is called Xin'an ;

  2. 秩序的确立:《新安名族志》的编撰与意义

    Establishment of order : compilation and meaning of Records of Great Clans in Xin'an

  3. 研究济源新安铁矿高P和S含量铁矿石的工艺矿物学特性。

    The processing mineralogy of the iron ore with high content of P and S from Xin ′ an , Jiyuan ( in Henan Province ) is investigated .

  4. 国家最有名的一个课程是新安普敦达茅斯大学塔克商学院的MBA课程。

    One of the nation 's most prestigious MBA programs is the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth University in New Hampshire .

  5. 针对默认加密服务,谷歌的政策要求手机安装最新安卓系统,包括谷歌自己的Nexus手机,内附加密升级版软件。

    Google 's policy requires many phones with the latest version of Android , including its own Nexus phones , to offer encryption by default .

  6. 华为Nexus6P将会搭载最新安卓6.0Marshmallow操作系统,同时屏幕达到14.5厘米,分辨率为518ppi。无论是打游戏还是观看视频都会非常完美。

    The Nexus 6P incorporates the latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system and has a 14.5 cm screen with 518 pixels per inch density , which makes it useful for both gaming and watching videos .

  7. 新安子钨锡矿深部435m中段以下共有矿脉14条,矿石量121.48万t,具有很高的综合回采利用价值。

    There are 14 veins below 435 intermediate section in Xin ′ anzi Tungsten-Tin Mine , and the ore volume is up to 1,214,842 tons . Therefore , it is worth stopping .

  8. 新安商城项目深基坑多种支护形式的应用

    The Use of Multiple Supporting Techniques in Deep Foundation Pit Excavation

  9. 新安煤矿提高煤炭采出率的方法与实践

    Method and practice to increase mining ratio in Xin ′ an coal mine

  10. 谈新安医学文化特征

    An introduction to the cultural characteristics of Xin-an medicine

  11. 突出新安医学特色培育高素质中医学人才

    Training high quality TCM personnel with Xin'an medical characteristics

  12. 寻找新安海滨沉没的宝藏船?

    The treasure ship exploration off shinans coast ?

  13. 沿空留巷技术在新安煤矿综采工作面的应用

    Application of Retaining Roadways along Goaf at Fully Mechanized Coal Face in Xin'an Coal Mine

  14. 新安矿井突水水源的水化学特征分析

    Judging the source of gushed water through water chemical analysis in the colliery of Xin'an

  15. 新安煤田中部煤岩层对比的研究

    Study of Correlation of Coal and Rock Seams in the Central Part of Xin'an Coalfield

  16. 新安子钨锡矿深部矿体综合回采方案研究

    Technical scheme of comprehensive stopping in the deep orebody of Xin ′ anzi Tungsten-Tin Mine

  17. 粉煤灰在新安煤矿防治水注浆工程中的应用

    Use of Coal Ash in Grouting Project of Water Prevention and Control in Xin'an Coal Mine

  18. 如何发挥中医文献学在培养新安医学人才中的地位与作用

    The Role of Traditional Chinese Medical Literature Played in Training Students of the Xin An School

  19. 新安煤田瓦斯赋存规律分析及突出区域预测指标的选取

    Gas Distribution Rule Analysis and Prediction Index Selection of Outburst Region in Xin ′ an Coal Field

  20. 建立富春江、新安江库区生态补偿机制的必要性及几点建议

    Necessity of establishing ecological compensation mechanism in Fuchun River and Xin'an River reservoir areas and some suggestions

  21. 无为大堤新安闸除险加固设计方案研究

    Research in the scheme for reinforcing and danger removing of Xin'an waterlocks of the Wuwei Changjiang River levee

  22. 得出了新安矿瓦斯分布规律是受地质构造和岩浆活动共同作用的结果。

    Xin ' an mine gas distribution law is affected by the joint effect of geological structure and magmatic activity .

  23. 近日,华为推出了一款最新安卓智能手机,该机型使用双摄像头技术,让用户拍照后可以重新对焦照片。

    Huawei has unveiled an Android smartphone that uses dual-camera technology to let owners refocus photos after they have been taken .

  24. 明清以来徽州的疾疫与宗族医疗保障功能&兼论新安医学兴起的原因

    Diseases and Clan Security Function of Huizhou since Ming and Qing Dynasties-also on the reasons of the rise of Xin'an Medicine

  25. 为解决新安电厂凝汽器带负荷不停机清洗的问题,提出了降负荷凝汽器分段法不停机清洗的方案。

    A chemical cleaning method for condenser during operation is put forward with staged cleaning under part load operation of condenser .

  26. 对概率积分法进行了深入研究,并运用此理论对湖东大堤新安二号井矿段进行了预测分析,得出一系列预测值。

    Introduced and studied Probability Integration method , and used the theory to predict the endangerment of HUDONG Bank in the No.

  27. 新安的教会教育从无到有,发展迅速,对近代新安教育产生了很大的影响。

    Xin'an witnessed a rapid development of missionary education at that time , which exerted great influence on education in Xin'an .

  28. 文摘:介绍了新安煤矿在坚硬、难放顶板管理方面的技术经验及取得的主要技术经济效果。

    Abstract : the technology experience and economic result of strong and difficult collasp roof manage in Xinan Coal Mine are introduced .

  29. 采用线路调查、样方取样等生态学的野外调查方法对新安高速公路淇县段中央隔离带进行了实地考察。

    A survey on the central isolation belt in Xin-An highway was carried out by using the route investigation , sample and other ecological methods .

  30. 其次,从媒介生态学的角度分析《新安晚报》的种内和种间竞争形势。

    In the second chapter , the intra-specific and inter-specific competition situations of Xin ' an Evening News are analyzed from the view of media ecology .