  • mausoleum;hill;imperial tomb;mound
  • 大土山:山~。丘~。~谷迁变(简作“陵谷”)。

  • 高大的坟墓:~园。~墓。~寝。

  • 古同“凌”,侵犯,欺侮。


(丘陵) hill; mound:

  • 冈陵

    mound; hillock


(陵墓) mausoleum; imperial tomb:

  • 十三陵

    the tombs of 13 Ming emperors; the Ming Tombs;

  • 中山陵

    the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 陵茂

    Ling Mao

  1. 位於会稽山脚下的大禹陵。

    The Da Yu mausoleum at the foot of Kuaiji mountain .

  2. 秦始皇陵铜车马

    The Bronze Chariots and Horses of Emperor Qin Shihuang 's Mausoleum

  3. 泰姬陵是一座宏伟的建筑。

    The Taj Mahal is a magnificent building .

  4. 莎拉·安德烈奥蒂博士�斯坦陵布什大学

    Dr Sara Andreotti , University of Stellenbosch

  5. 李陵打算暂时先忍辱投降,以便伺机等待机会反击。

    Li Ling shamefully1 surrendered for the moment , planning to wait for an opportunity to strike back .

  6. 但当李陵投降的消息传到首都,皇上身边嫉妒的大臣们都开始指责李陵。

    But when news of the surrender reached the capital , the emperor 's jealous ministers began to degrade Li Ling in front of the emperor .

  7. 司马迁一直很敬重李陵,他不信李陵会无缘无故投降,便谏言皇上不要听信谣言。

    Ze-ma Chian , who had always respected Li Ling , believed that he wouldn 't surrender without a reason , and urged the emperor not to believe rumors2 .

  8. 有一次,虽然李陵的军队奋勇杀敌,因为兵力不足而战败投降。

    One time , however , Li Ling 's troops were so hopelessly outnumbered by the Huns that although they fought bravely , the whole army was soon taken captive .

  9. 詹姆士·B·辛格陵为美国俱乐部经理人协会的首席执行官。

    James B.Singerling is the Chief Executive Officer of the Club Managers Association of America .

  10. 大陵五型食双星CIAur的测光解和它的光变频谱分析

    Photometric solutions and analysis for an ALGOL type binary CI AUR

  11. JohannesVerreynne现在就职于斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity),CarolLovatt来自加州大学河滨分校(UniversityofCalifornia-Riverside)。

    Johannes Verreynne is now at Stellenbosch University in South Africa . Carol Lovatt is at the University of California , Riverside .

  12. 活动双星和dMe型星(猎犬RS型星,dMe型星,大陵五,激变变星,大熊W型星,活动超巨星);

    Active binaries and dMe stars ( RS CVn stars ; dMe stars ; Algol ; cataclysmic variables ; W UMa stars ; active supergiants );

  13. 日本拥有的唯一一只大熊猫,上野动物园(UenoZoo)的大熊猫陵陵于上周去世。

    Ling Ling , the only Japanese-owned panda , died in Tokyo 's Ueno Zoo last week .

  14. 阿格拉市一位名叫普尼特·丹(PuneetDan)的导游说,他曾注意到泰姬陵的围墙以及陵墓后墙有变色的地方。

    Puneet Dan , a tour guide in Agra , said he noticed the discoloration on the boundary wall of the Taj Mahal and on the back of the monument .

  15. 吉米·陵(JimmyLing)曾经就经营过这样一家名为LTV的公司。他曾说,他寻找的是「二加二等於五」的收购项目。

    Jimmy Ling , who ran one such company , LTV , used to say that he looked for acquisitions where 2 plus 2 equals 5 .

  16. 印度文化部规定,在泰姬陵(tajmahal)和其他文化遗址必须用一种特定的硬通货卢比购票。

    The culture ministry ordered the Taj Mahal and other heritage sites to insist on payment in a proper hard currency the rupee .

  17. 然后,在上述正演模拟和对比研究基础上,筛选出适当的校正方法技术对秦皇陵考古野外CSAMT实测资料进行了地形影响校正应用研究。

    After then , we present a practical archaeological exploration case of 2D terrain correction in CSAMT survey by choosing the useful correct method .

  18. 甚至在斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity,阿非利卡人的牛津大学(Oxford)),如今也只有大约10%的课程使用阿非利卡语授课。

    Scarcely used in administration , Afrikaans just isn 't much use anymore . Even at Stellenbosch University , the Afrikaner Oxford , only about 10 per cent of lectures are now in Afrikaans .

  19. 他们补充说,她在上周游览了泰姬陵(TajMahal)所在的阿格拉(Agra)之后,于周一抵达新德里。

    They added that she arrived in New Delhi on Monday after a visit to Agra , the home of the Taj Mahal , last week .

  20. 南非斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity)中国研究中心主任马丁•戴维斯(MartynDavies)认为,这是中非关系日益成熟的最新迹象。

    Martyn Davies , head of the Centre for Chinese Studies at South Africa 's Stellenbosch University , argues it is the latest sign of the maturing of the relationship .

  21. 目的研究粘萎陵菜含有的一种化合物,d儿茶素3OβD葡萄糖苷(CGS)的保肝作用机制。

    AIM To investigate the mechanism of d catechin 3 O β D glycoside ( CGS ), one of the compounds from the root of Potentilla viscosa , on liver protection .

  22. 看看从新德里到泰姬陵(TajMahal)的道路吧,马加力说.印度人称之为高速公路,可那上面尽是拖拉机和马车。

    Look at the road to the Taj Mahal from New Delhi , says Mr Ma . It is called a highway but it is full of tractors and carriages drawn by horses .

  23. 他从没坐过汽车、火车、飞机,也没到过泰姬陵(TajMahal),没听过录制音乐,没看过电影,没打过电话,也没用过电灯。

    He had never been in a car , a train or an aircraft , nor visited the Taj Mahal , heard recorded music , seen a film , made a phone call or used electric light .

  24. 过去两周里,在孟买开了一家旅游公司的萨米尔·乌贝罗伊(SamirUberoi)曾两次带团参观泰姬陵,没觉得情况有什么变化。

    Samir Uberoi , who runs a tour company based in Mumbai , visited the Taj Mahal with groups twice in the last two weeks and did not notice a change .

  25. 鄂陵湖浅层深2m的冻结湖相沉积物中埋藏植物屑保存完好,植物屑均来源于同一种沉水植物&龙须眼子菜(Potamogetonpectinatus)。

    The plant tissues , which were well - preserved in 2 m - thick shallow frozen lacustrine sediments of Ngoring , came from the same species of submersed plant , Potamogeton pectinatus .

  26. 吉米·陵所构想的LTV当然在几十年前就已不复存在了(不过公司本身又经过了几轮转型和破产法庭的手续,最后剩下的摊子到2002年才关闭)。

    LTV , as conceived by Ling , of course , ceased to exist decades ago ( though the company would go through several transformations and bankruptcy court before shuttering its last vestige in 2002 ) .

  27. 同时还有对克什米尔武装分裂组织Laskhar-e-Toiba的担心,该武装组织曾计划炸毁泰姬陵。

    There were also fears that a militant Kashmiri separatist group , Laskhar-e-Toiba , was planning to try and blow up the shrine .

  28. 针刺阴陵泉穴后左关脉脉图主波波幅显著增高(P001),右关脉脉图降中波波幅明显增高(P005);

    The amplitudes of dominant wave of left Guan pulse and drop medium wave of right Guan pulse underwent a marked increase in group B ( P0.01 , P0.05 );

  29. 泰姬陵背后的故事触动了皇室夫妇。

    The story behind the Taj Mahal had touched the royal .

  30. 在泰姬陵饭店他们给了我一间很大的卧室。

    I was given a large bedroom at the Taj mahal .