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líng mù
  • mausoleum;tomb;magnificent and monumental tomb
陵墓 [líng mù]
  • [mausoleum; magnificent and monumental tomb] 领袖、烈士、知名人士或帝王及后妃的坟墓

陵墓[líng mù]
  1. 甚至他们家族在JumpingBranch的大理石陵墓的墓塔都比附近山顶上的墓地里墓碑要高。

    Even the family 's marble mausoleum towers over nearby grave markers in the hilltop cemetery in Jumping Branch .

  2. 在巴加尔统治时期,在帕伦克成兴建了很多广场和建筑,包括最高的“碑铭神庙”(TemplodelasInscripciones,他的陵墓),这些建筑共同的特色是精致的灰泥浅浮雕。

    During Pakal 's reign , many plazas and buildings , including the superlative Templo de las Inscripciones ( his Mausoleum ), were constructed in Palenque , characterized by very fine stucco bas-reliefs .

  3. 阿格拉市一位名叫普尼特·丹(PuneetDan)的导游说,他曾注意到泰姬陵的围墙以及陵墓后墙有变色的地方。

    Puneet Dan , a tour guide in Agra , said he noticed the discoloration on the boundary wall of the Taj Mahal and on the back of the monument .

  4. 然而,上述所有建筑以及其它建筑,鲜有能与廷巴克图(Timbuktu)的陵墓和清真寺相媲美的。

    Yet of all these places and more , few if any can rival the shrines and mosques of Timbuktu .

  5. 其中比较出名的是15世纪建造的西迪叶海亚(SidiYahya)清真寺和苏菲派圣徒陵墓。

    Among the more famous are the 15th-century Sidi Yahya mosque and the ancient tombs of Sufi saints .

  6. 南苏丹国旗在已故苏丹反对派领导人约翰•加朗(JohnGarang)的陵墓缓缓升起的时候,数万人在首都朱巴举行庆祝活动。

    Tens of thousands of people celebrated in the capital Juba as the flag of South Sudan was raised at the tomb of the rebel leader John Garang , who led the fight for nationhood .

  7. 如今的卡普托尔包括上城东侧,这座城市最著名的建筑、1880年地震后重修的圣母升天大教堂(CathedraloftheAssumptionoftheBlessedVirginMary)就在这里,有福的枢机主教阿罗杰兹·斯坦皮纳茨(CardinalAlojzijeStepinac)的陵墓也在这里。

    Today , Kaptol comprises the eastern half of Upper Town , anchored by the city 's most famous building : the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary , restored after an 1880 earthquake , and the site of the tomb of the beatified Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac .

  8. 仪仗队卫兵笔直地站在维托里奥·埃马努埃莱二世(KingVittorioEmanueleII)和儿子翁贝托一世(UmbertoI)宏伟的陵墓两侧,他们本应该保持沉默,但却常常要应付好奇的游客提出的各种问题。

    Standing ramrod straight at the sides of the massive mausoleums commemorating King Vittorio Emanuele II and his son Umberto I , they are meant to remain silent , though more often than not they end up fielding questions from inquisitive tourists .

  9. 最好的例证便是公元前12世纪的大罢工。当时在位的是法老拉美西斯三世,在德尔麦迪那(Deirel-Medina)修建皇家陵墓的工人们并没有像往常一样得到等量谷物,于是工人们便史无前例地组织了罢工。

    The most famous example came in the 12th century B.C. during the reign of the New Kingdom pharaoh Ramses III. When laborers engaged in building the royal necropolis at Deir el-Medina did not receive their usual payment of grain , they organized one of the first recorded strikes in history .

  10. 那不是陵墓,那是杂草堆。

    It 's not a grave , it 's a slum .

  11. 学术讨论会后,我们将安排祭扫他的陵墓。

    A visit to his grave is scheduled after the conference .

  12. 看起来象一个地下室或陵墓之类的东西。

    It looks like a crypt or a mausoleum or something .

  13. 扬州陵墓旅游资源的开发利用初探

    An analysis of development and utilization of mausoleum tourism in Yangzhou

  14. 六朝陵墓石刻的保护与利用

    The Protection and Utilization of Liu Chao Tombs and Stone Carvings

  15. 关中东部帝王陵墓考证

    Emperors ' Mausoleums in the East of Central Shaanxi Plain

  16. 普通的王子和其他贵族就一直埋在这样的陵墓中。

    Ordinary princes and other aristocrats went on being buried in mastabas .

  17. 潘瑟或帕加穆斯现在还坐在维勒斯的陵墓之侧吗?

    Does Panthea or Pergamus now sit by the tomb of Verus ?

  18. 领袖们及其他大人物常被埋葬在大陵墓。

    Leaders and other important people are often buried in giant tombs .

  19. 我为这陵墓的景象所慑服。

    I be overwhelm by the sight of the tomb .

  20. 靖江王陵墓是骑自行车游览的好去处。

    The Jingjiang Ming Tombs are a good place to bicycle to .

  21. 装饰华丽的皇家陵墓散落在翠绿的山坡各处;

    the ornate royal tombs scattered across the verdant hills ;

  22. 陵墓前的石刻,基本符合文献记载。

    The stone carving before the tomb conforms to the classical document .

  23. 南朝陵墓雕刻之生态环境观

    Ecological Environment View on Tomb Stone Carving in Nan Dynasty

  24. 汉泗水王陵墓原样复原技术报告

    The Technical Report on the Restoration of Han Sishui Mausoleum

  25. 西汉陵墓研究中的两个问题

    Two Problems Arising from Research of Western Han Royal Tombs

  26. 它是中国最古老的陵墓之一。

    It is one of the oldest Mausoleums in china .

  27. 罗马人不得不另觅地方建造自己的陵墓。

    Romans had to look elsewhere to build their mausoleums .

  28. 因为它是武圣人关羽的陵墓。

    Because it is the graveyard of general Guan yu .

  29. 新格兰奇是装饰最豪华的史前陵墓之一。

    New Grange is one of the most extravagantly decorated prehistoric tombs .

  30. 陵墓的守卫,死亡之神。

    The guardian of the tombs * The God of the dead .