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sì yuàn
  • temple;monastery
寺院 [sì yuàn]
  • [temple;monastery] 指供奉神佛的庙宇,有时也指其他宗教的修道院

寺院[sì yuàn]
  1. 那所佛教寺院位于市郊的最西北角。

    On the extreme northwestern outskirts of the city stands the Buddhist temple .

  2. 大火过后,寺院里的那些雄伟建筑已荡然无存。

    After the fire , nothing remained of the magnificent buildings of the temple .

  3. 寺院的珍宝被洗劫一空。

    The abbey had been plundered of its valuables .

  4. 他已进入寺院修行。

    He was drawn to the monastic life .

  5. 雾气笼罩着寺院。

    Fog wreathes the temples .

  6. 寺院中食物应有尽有。

    The abbey was amply provisioned .

  7. 在古时候,中国有许多寺院。

    In ancient China , there were lots of monasteries .

  8. 于是,寺院里所有的和尚,都忙着张罗了起来。

    So all the monks in the temple busied themselves with the preparation .

  9. 一天,有一个大官,要到寺院里去游玩。

    One day , a high official wanted to amuse himself in a temple .

  10. 他的手下人便在三天前就通知寺院里的和尚,准时备好饭菜。

    His subordinates notified the monks2 in the temple three days in advance to prepare a good meal on time .

  11. 最早开始于宋代,每逢腊八这一天,不论是朝廷、官府、寺院还是黎民百姓家都要做腊八粥。

    Since the earliest beginning of the Song Dynasty , this porridge has been popular in the royal court , local authorities , temples and common families .

  12. 该寺院接受网上支付,可以使用Visa和万事达(MasterCard)。

    The monastery accepts online payments , including Visa and MasterCard .

  13. 这是寺院还是UFO?

    Is it a Temple , or a UFO ?

  14. 我回去取了鞋,用手机给亚帕打了电话,从寺院开车驶进城市上方的山麓,赶往夜色中的海尔格富丽酒店(Helga’sFolly)。

    I did so , called Mr. Yapa on my cellphone and together we drove from the temple into the hills above the city , where I was due for an evening at Helga 's Folly .

  15. 普陀山寺院、庵堂群集。

    Putuo Monastery is actually a large mass of majestic structures .

  16. 古代日本寺院经济兴盛的原因探究

    On the Causes of the Temple Economy Prosperity in Ancient Japan

  17. 我曾经有个偏僻的寺院,我自己的。

    I used to have a hermitage , myself , once .

  18. 她每天跟我一块儿刷洗寺院地板。

    She works with me scrubbing the temple floors every day .

  19. 有几间供各种聚会使用的寺院。

    There are a few temples for different types of gatherings .

  20. 村民们开始在回教寺院前聚集。

    The villagers start to gather in front of the mosque .

  21. 一个寺院里的一个老和尚的牙痛得很厉害。

    The old abbot of a temple had a terrible toothache .

  22. 北京地区佛教寺院文化特征初探

    Initial Research of the Buddhism Temple Cultural Features in Beijing Areas

  23. 我们进入寺院,这是一次愉快的经验。

    We got into temple and it was a pleasant experience .

  24. 北魏宦官与佛教寺院述略

    The Eunuchs and Buddhist temples in the Northern Wei Dynasty

  25. 题壁与唐宋寺院文化

    Wall Inscriptions and Monastery Culture in Tang and Song Dynasties

  26. 新时期雍和宫寺院教育。

    The monastic education of the Yonghe Temple in the new era .

  27. 长老遂把自己住持的寺院更名为枣寺。

    So Master Sugehara named his temple " The Date Monastery " .

  28. 老和尚在寺院中圆寂。

    The old monk passed away in the Buddhist temple .

  29. 印造经文,创修寺院。

    Reproduce and distribute scriptures , build and repair temples .

  30. 佛教寺院是我国的一项重要旅游资源。

    Buddhist temple is an important tourist resource in China .