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  1. 翁布里亚亚平宁半岛意大利中部的一个寺区。

    A region of central Italy in the Apennines .

  2. 云南宗教性人居空间建设&晋宁盘龙寺区旅游规划设计侧记

    Construction of Religion Living Space in Yunnan - Record of the Programming of Panglong Temple Tourism Area in Jinning

  3. 我听说你住的寺区花园里的几间屋子已经受到监视,并且还要监视下去。

    I also heard that you at your chambers in Garden-court , Temple , had been watched , and might be watched again .

  4. 杭州风景遗产保护中的空间布局研究&以径山寺风景区为例

    Study on the Space Layout in the Landscape Heritage Protection of Hangzhou

  5. 狮王寺勘查区二1煤煤层气赋存地质特征及控制因素

    Geological Characters and Controlling Factors for Occurrence of CBM in No.2-1 Seam in Exploration Zone in Lion King Temple

  6. 上周六,这家坐落在风景优美、与世隔绝的灵隐寺风景区中的星巴克连锁店在一片争议声中开门营业。灵隐寺位于浙江杭州西湖岸边的一片树林之中。

    The controversial Starbucks outlet opened on Saturday in the scenic zone of the quiet , secluded Lingyin Temple , or the Temple of Soul 's Retreat , which is located in a wooded area on the bank of the West Lake in Hangzhou city , Zhejiang province .

  7. 四川黄龙寺自然保护区内的黄龙沟长仅3.5km,海拔为3100–3569m。

    Huanglong Valley , at an elevation of 3100 – 3569 m and only 3.5 km long , is the main landscape feature of Huanglong Nature Reserve , Sichuan , China .

  8. 松潘县黄龙寺自然风景区及其成因

    Huanglong Temple scenic spot in Songpan county and its formation

  9. 按照政策规定,批准恢复历史文化名城歙县太平兴国寺,屯溪区清真寺;

    Stipulate according to the policy , approve resuming making the country prosperous in the temple peacefully in Shexian County of historical cultural city , Collect the mosque of small stream district ;

  10. 利用1951、1981和1991年的定点样带资料,对南京灵谷寺森林植物区系、物种多样性、显著度和年龄结构的动态变化进行了研究。

    The Changes of flora , species diversity , predominance and age structure of the forest in Spirit Valley , Nanjing were studied , based on the data collected in 1951 , 1981 and 1991 from the same plot .