
  1. 唐代壁画内容涉及有宫殿、石窟、寺庙、道观、庭院、墓室,呈现气势磅礴、优雅精美、色彩艳丽。

    Tang Dynasty murals covering palaces , caves , temples , Taoist , courtyard , tomb , showing magnificent , elegant and beautiful , colorful .

  2. 在中国,有关部门称“假”和尚沿街乞讨的问题迫使他们创建一个在线注册网站,登记所有真正的寺庙和道观的信息。

    In China , authorities said the problem of " fake " monks begging in the streets prompted them to create an online registry of all actual Buddhist and Taoist sites .

  3. 汉传佛教和藏传佛教在这一时期均有迅速发展。康熙年间,道教传入千山,逐步兴盛,形成了佛教和道教并存于千山地区,寺庙与道观并处于一山之内的现象。

    In the Kangxi Dynasty , Taoism spread to Qian mountain , its gradually prosperous has formed the phenomenon that Buddhism and Taoism coexisted in the Qian mountain area , together the temple and the Daoist temple punished at the same time in the same mountain .