
  • 网络temple architecture
  1. 印度的寺庙建筑采用各种形式的塔(例如希诃罗)。

    Indian temple architecture uses towers of various types ( e.g. , the sikhara ) .

  2. 印度寺庙建筑展现出佛化的过程,它反映了不同阶层的神灵相继进化的观点和宇宙起源与演变的观点。

    Indian temple architecture expresses a process of emanation , reflecting ideas about hierarchies of gods proceeding one from another , and about the birth and evolution of the universe .

  3. 寺庙建筑景观与佛教精神浑融为一。

    The Architecture of temple is in harmony of Buddhism spirit .

  4. 欧洲教堂与中国寺庙建筑空间之比较

    Comparison of Architecture Space between European Church and Chinese Temple

  5. 云南地区宗教寺庙建筑特征研究

    Research on the Religious Architectural Characteristics in Yunnan

  6. 湖南寺庙建筑特性研究

    The characteristic research of the Hunan temple construction

  7. 顶上风光&闽南寺庙建筑脊饰研究

    Sight on the Top & Study of Ridge Decoration on Temples in the South of Fujian

  8. 寺庙建筑是中国古代建筑中最重要的类型之一。

    The Buddhist temple is one of the most important types of the ancient Chinese buildings .

  9. 最后,从火灾的预防角度出发提出对太谷古城寺庙建筑的保护策略。

    Finally , present a few strategies to the Taigu protection from the point of preventing fire .

  10. 南印度寺庙建筑艺术

    South Indian temple architecture

  11. 对地方性寺庙建筑及建筑群保护与修复的思考&以重庆梁平双桂堂为例

    Consideration on the Conservation and Restoration of Local Temple Buildings : Case Study of Shuang-Gui-Tang in Chongqing Liangping County

  12. 湖南寺庙建筑因湖南佛道文化的繁荣而发展,并形成了自己独特的建筑体系。

    With the Hunan Buddha culture prospering , Hunan temple construction develops and has formed the unique construction system .

  13. 形成了一个规模庞大,宏伟壮观,古朴庄严,与自然环境和谐一致的寺庙建筑群。

    Together , these buildings constitute a sizable grand simple , yet sublime temple ensemble in harmony with the nature .

  14. 吴哥窟:柬埔寨西北部吴哥城的寺庙建筑群,是高棉建筑中最伟大的作品。

    Angkor Wat : Temple complex in Angkor ( now in northwestern Cambodia ), the crowning work of Khmer architecture .

  15. 中国传统装饰要素包含中国宫廷建筑、寺庙建筑、民居建筑、园林建筑中的装饰形式的实质和组成部。

    The elements of Chinese traditional decoration includes the essence and the constitution of the ornamental forms of Chinese palace , temple , local-style dwelling houses and garden .

  16. 据科技资讯网报道,这款游戏的设计灵感来源于荷兰平面艺术大师埃舍尔的艺术作品、日本木刻版画以及世界各地的寺庙建筑。

    It builds on concepts from the art of Dutch graphic artist MC Escher , Japanese woodblock prints and temple architecture from around the world , according to cnet.com , a technology news website .

  17. 千佛山,大量的佛像已经从山上的岩石上刻分出来,周围有古代的寺庙建筑,这些寺庙的历史都可以追溯至隋朝。

    The Thousand Buddha Mountain , where numerous images of Buddha have been carved out of the hill 's rock is surrounded by ancient temple structures , that date back to the Sui Dynasty .

  18. 分析比较欧洲教堂与中国寺庙建筑的空间构成及两者的行为活动系统,并探讨宗教建筑的文化学意义。

    The paper analyses the space construct and active system of the European Church and Chinese temple , it makes comparison between each other and explores the human cultural concept of the religious architecture .

  19. 罗汉寺是佛教禅宗寺庙建筑,初建于宋太平咸平二年,名僧全了建,熙宁元年(1068)赐额。

    Luohan Temple is the Buddhist temple construction and was founded in the second year of Xianping of Song Dynasty and it was named by the famous monk , Quan Liao in the first year of Xining ( in1068 ) .

  20. 照壁,作为传统中国建筑中所特有的独立构建,被广泛用于不同类型的建筑中,民居、皇宫建筑群、官衙建筑、园林建筑、寺庙建筑,都可以看到照壁的身影。

    Screen wall , as a unique traditional Chinese architecture independent build , is widely used for different types of buildings , houses , palace buildings , government office buildings , landscape architecture , temple architecture , you can see the screen wall on the scene .

  21. 拉萨城区传统建筑风格形制调研&传统寺庙宫殿建筑与民居建筑形式

    Traditional Architectural Form in Urban District of Lhasa : Traditional Architecture of Temple-palaces and Folk Houses

  22. 该景区以其传统的桥梁和水运系统著名,而且还有一些传统寺庙和古代建筑。

    Famous for its classic bridges and old water transport system , it also boasts traditional temples and the architecture of a previous age .

  23. 尖塔构成建筑物,如教堂或寺庙的顶部建筑的高塔,通常上有尖顶。

    Steeple & a tall tower forming the superstructure of a building , such as a church or temple , and usually surmounted by a spire .

  24. 新旧文化在这里并存,充满香薰的寺庙和殖民建筑座落在霓虹市场街道与耀眼的摩天大厦旁。

    Here the old and the new live alongside each other , and incense-filled temples and colonial buildings sit next to neon lit market streets and dazzling skyscrapers .

  25. 寺庙的上层建筑已经成为著名的旅游景点,里面满是妖魔鬼怪的雕塑,描绘着它们折磨亡灵的情形。

    The upper temple complex has become a popular attraction , and is filled with bright statues depicting all sorts of devils and demons torturing souls in the afterlife .

  26. 中国寺庙与西方教堂建筑之异的文化解读&从白马寺和东堂说开去

    On the Differences of Architectural Culture between Chinese Temple and Western Church & Taking White Temple and East Church as Examples

  27. 析徐州方言入声字的文白异读格局以曾摄开一、梗摄开二入声字为例中国寺庙与西方教堂建筑之异的文化解读从白马寺和东堂说开去

    The Literary and Colloquial Reading in Xuzhou Dialect s Entering Tone Words ; On the Differences of Architectural Culture between Chinese Temple and Western Church & Taking White Temple and East Church as Examples

  28. 中国古建筑主要是以木结构为主体发展起来的,作为宫殿、寺庙、房屋等建筑的主要使用材料,瓦当的发明与使用,是中国建筑史上的一个创举。

    Ancient Chinese buildings were mainly based on wooden structures . As the main material of palaces , temples , houses and other buildings , the creation and usage of Vatan is really a pioneering work in the history of Chinese architecture .