
  • 网络Tourism resource protection;the state scenic areas
  1. 第二,旅游资源保护立法滞后。

    Second , the tourism resource protection legislation lags behind .

  2. 娄底市旅游资源保护研究

    Research on the Protection of Tourism Resources in Loudi City

  3. 甘肃省旅游资源保护研究

    Study on the Protection of Tourism Resources in Gansu Province

  4. 要加强对旅游资源保护司法的立法。

    Protection of tourism resources to strengthen the judicial legislation .

  5. 陕西省旅游资源保护及其策略研究

    The protection and Research on tourism resources in Shaanxi Province

  6. 蒙山森林旅游资源保护与综合开发利用

    Comprehensive Use and Development on Forest Tourist Natural Resoures in Mount Meng

  7. 洽川湿地旅游资源保护及可持续利用

    The Conservation and Sustainable Application of Hechuan Wetland Tourism Resources

  8. 森林旅游资源保护与管理对策研究

    Research on Protection and Management of Forest Tourist Resources

  9. 从而有助于对我国旅游资源保护的法律制度建设。

    Thus contributing to the protection of tourism resources in China legal system .

  10. 制度与旅游资源保护

    On the Institution and the Protection of Tourist Resources

  11. 旅游资源保护问题已经成为近期旅游界的一个热点。

    The issue on tourism environment is a hot topic in tourism recently .

  12. 试论南岳衡山文化旅游资源保护与发展

    The Analysis on the Cultural Tourism Resource Protection and Development of Mount Hengshan

  13. 临沧市民族文化旅游资源保护与开发研究

    Lincang National Culture Tourist Resources Protection and Development Research

  14. 旅游资源保护激励机制探析

    Analysis of Incentive Mechanism of Tourist Resources Protection

  15. 论民族文化旅游资源保护性开发的原则与模式

    On the Principles and Models of the Protective Development of National Cultural Tourism Resources

  16. 旅游资源保护需要法制的有力保障。

    The protection of tourism resources needs to be guaranteed effectively by the legal system .

  17. 第一部分,可持续发展与旅游资源保护。

    The first part is about the sustainable development and the protection of tourism resources .

  18. 近些年来,对旅游资源保护的国际法律文件迅速形成并逐步发展完善起来。

    Recently the international documents of the protection of tourism resources have formed quickly and developed gradually .

  19. 还简单介绍了欧洲国家、南非和印度等国家的旅游资源保护立法。

    Also introduces the European countries , South Africa and India , the tourism resource protection legislation .

  20. 接着收集整理了有关峨眉山旅游资源保护的法律法规,并分类加以介绍。

    Then collected on Emei Shan Tourism Resources Protection laws and regulations , and classification to be introduced .

  21. 论少数民族文化旅游资源保护的误区与开发问题

    On the Mistaken Ideas and Development Problems in the Protection of Tourist and Culture Resources of Minority Nationality

  22. 本文还以丝绸之路为例,对廊道遗产旅游资源保护性开发进行具体分析。

    This paper takes the Silk Road as an example to analyze the protective development of corridor heritage tourism resources .

  23. 重点介绍了美国旅游资源保护立法现状,日本旅游资源保护立法历程。

    Highlights the status of the U.S. tourism resources protection legislation , protection of tourism resources in Japan legislative history .

  24. 论文最后提出了红色旅游资源保护应坚持的原则和应制定的具体法律措施。

    The principles which should be formed and the law measures which should be set down are both brought forward finally .

  25. 如何在旅游资源保护和经济利益获取之间寻求一个平衡点,是旅游景区亟待解决的关键问题。

    How to set up the balance between tourism resource protection and economic benefits becomes an urgent and key problem in tourism regions .

  26. 五是完善旅游资源保护公众诉讼制度,畅通公众参与旅游资源保护的渠道。

    Fifth , improve the tourism resources , protection of public litigation , public participation in smooth channels for the protection of tourism resources .

  27. 湿地生态旅游资源保护是湿地生态旅游资源开发和生态旅游业可持续发展的需要;

    Protection of the wetland eco-tourism resources is the needs of the exploitation of the wetland eco-tourism resources and the sustainable development of the eco-tourism .

  28. 四是要完善旅游资源保护的司法执法,建议设立专门的旅游资源保护审判庭。

    The fourth is to improve the judicial protection of tourism resources of law enforcement , the proposed protection of tourism resources in the creation of specialized courts .

  29. 本章在搜集国外关于旅游资源保护法律法规资料的基础上,对国外旅游资源保护立法进行了概述。

    This chapter in the collection of foreign laws and regulations on the protection of tourism resources based on information on foreign travel resource protection legislation are outlined .

  30. 本文通过分析旅游资源保护现状及其原因,从宏观上提出解决问题之策。

    By analyzing the status quo of the protection of tourism resources , and its causes , this thesis puts forward some reasonable suggestions of resolving the problems .