
  • 网络Tourist attraction;tourism attraction
  1. 做为一种旅游吸引物,由于对这种旅游吸引物需求上的差异,也由此成为当前我国较为时尚和流行的旅游活动方式,并在需求上呈现出了不同的形态特点。

    As a kind of tourist attraction , because of different demands , it thus become more fashionable and popular tourism approach in China and the demand show different morphological features .

  2. 基于对显示情况的分析,本文认为深圳市应慎重新建酒店,采取其他措施应对大运会可能的需求,并制定相关的管理办法规范市场。同时提高当地旅游吸引物、基础设施状况以吸引游客。

    And take other measures to meet the proper demand of the Universiade may course . The city should make relevant rules to regulate the market , meanwhile improve the local tourist attraction and infrastructure .

  3. 旅游吸引物空间结构分析&以中国首批国家4A级旅游区(点)为例

    A study on spatial structure of national 4A grade tourism attractions in China

  4. 通过对RBD和TDI相关理论的文献回顾发现,将RBD视为旅游吸引物是RBD研究的新视角,相关研究已经提出RBD会对提升城市品牌形象产生影响,但均是描述性分析,尚无实证研究。

    The article finds that RBD has been regarded as a new tourist attraction . Related research has found that RBD will promote the brand and image , but that are all descriptive analysis , there is no empirical research .

  5. 社会学视角下的旅游吸引物及其建构

    Tourist Attraction and Its Construction under the Perspective of Sociology

  6. 北京奥运会比赛场馆作为旅游吸引物的特点及竞争力分析

    Characteristics of Beijing Olympic Games Venue as Tourist Attraction and Competitive Strength

  7. 旅游吸引物形态与旅游形象策划

    Pattern of Tourist Attraction and Image of Tourist Planning

  8. 从旅游吸引物角度探索闽南乡村旅游的发展

    A Study on the Development of Rural Tourism in Southern Fujian Province from the Perspective of Tourist Attraction

  9. 结果表明:①森林景观具有旅游吸引物撞击旅游者的吸引力场域,主观上体现着旅游者对森林旅游资源的消费偏好;

    The result shows :① As a tourism resource , the forest landscape which subjectively reflect tourist 's interest has an attraction field for attractor stimulating tourist ;

  10. 贵州旅游吸引物中的自然资源较为丰富,从经济学的角度而言,属于比较优势明显的区域,发展旅游产业的潜力较大。

    From an economic point of view , Guizhou belongs to a " comparative advantage " visible region which has great potential for the development of the tourism industry .

  11. 但是从集聚的特点来看,城市商业区、地价、交通及旅游吸引物则直接导致了这种聚集如此形成的直接原因,而这几个因素之间也是紧密联系的。

    But from the characteristics of the cluster , CBD , land price , transportation and tourism attraction are directly led to the formation of the gathered , and these factors are also have contact .

  12. 笔者认为旅游吸引物与旅游吸引力是一个系统的概念,旅游吸引力不仅包含客观存在的旅游吸引物,还应该包含社会、政治、经济、环境等这些因素,由此形成的旅游吸引力系统。

    The author think tourism attraction and tourism attractive is an systematic concept , tourism attractive contains not only the objective existence tourism attraction , but also should include social , political , economic , and environment these factors .

  13. 作为一种集观赏、休闲、运动、娱乐、教育为一体的新型旅游吸引物,主题公园不断适应与满足旅游者多变的需求和选择,已逐渐成为世界旅游业发展的趋势之一。

    As a new type of tourism attraction with ornamental , leisure , sports , entertainment and education function all together , the theme park has been trying to meet the changeable demand and choice of the tourists and became one of the trends of tourism development .

  14. 旅游吸引物系统优化是旅游市场竞争日益激烈的背景下,许多旅游城市的共同选择,当前城市旅游吸引物系统优化的理论与应用研究还存在很大的空间。

    In the background of tourism market increasingly more and more competitive , tourist attraction system optimization is the common choice of many of tourist cities . At present , there are a lot of space for the research on theory and application of tourist attraction system optimization .

  15. 通过城市旅游的吸引物分类系统,分析了乌鲁木齐发展城市旅游的吸引力因素,指明乌鲁木齐有发展城市旅游的优越条件与资源优势,应大力发展城市旅游。

    Through analyzing , mostly enumerate attraction factors of Urumqi city tourism , and point out there are ample advantages for developing city tourism in Urumqi .

  16. 对区域中心城市的旅游供给,从旅游吸引物、旅游功能空间布局和旅游环境承载力等角度展开分析。

    This part analyzes the tourism supply of central city from the directions such as tourist attraction , tourist function spatial distribution , and tourist environmental bearing capacity .

  17. 文章探讨了旅游地文脉、旅游吸引物升华态与旅游形象策划的有机结合,塑造良好的旅游形象,以提高旅游地竞争力。

    This paper discusses cultural pulse of tourist destination , the organic combination between tourist attractive sublimate and image planning , and building better tourist image to improve competitive ability .

  18. 根据利益相关者理论,农户在乡村旅游发展中存在旅游吸引物价值不被补偿、合法权益和就业机会得不到保障、边缘化及贫富差距等问题。

    According to stakeholders theory , there are many problems about rural farmers in the rural tourism development , for example , the value of tourist attraction can not be compensated , Legitimate interests and employment opportunities can not be protected , Marginalization , the wealth gap and so on .

  19. 滨海地区旅游节点主题分为旅游吸引物景点与公共服务点两个层次。

    The theme of nodes can be divided into two levels : scenic spots of tourism attractions and public service points .

  20. 旅游线路是连接各种旅游吸引物的纽带,是旅行社产品的核心,是旅游目的地吸引力的直接体现,也是满足旅游者需求的基本的首要的条件。

    Tourist route is the link that connects all kinds of tourist attractions , the core of products of tour agencies , the direct reflection of attraction of tourist destination , and the basic and essential conditions to meet the tourists ' needs .

  21. 度假游客对度假旅游地的需求,对度假旅游吸引物的评价决定了度假旅游资源的分类、评价。

    The demand for holiday tourists and their evaluation on holiday tourism attractions determine the classification and evaluation of holiday tourism resources .

  22. 通过引入旅游对象这一概念,来整合旅游吸引物、旅游资源、旅游产品之间的关系,以澄清人们的模糊认识,促进旅游理论研究的发展。

    This paper adjusts the relations among tourism attractions , tourism resources and tourism products through introducing tourism objects , and clears the mistakes among them , thus to promote the development of tourism research .

  23. 生态旅游产品主要指以生态旅游资源为旅游吸引物,按生态学的目标和要求,实现环境优化组合、物质能量的良性循环、经济与社会协调发展的有较高观赏价值的旅游产品。

    Eco-tourism products mainly refers to the tourist attraction of Eco-tourism resources , Ecological objectives and requirements , and the environment to optimize the combination of material and energy virtuous circle , coordinated Economic and social development of high ornamental value of tourism products .

  24. 随着我国旅游经济发展的深入,以民族文化为旅游吸引物的民族旅游正吸引着越来越多的海内外游客,民族旅游在促进少数民族地区经济与社会发展方面发挥着重要的作用。

    With tourism in our country developing , ethnic tourism based on the tourism attraction of ethnic culture is fascinating more and more foreign and Chinese tourists . Ethnic tourism makes an important advantage in the development of economy and society .

  25. 在旅游研究中,体育事件是被作为一种旅游吸引物来看待的。

    In tourism research , the sport event is regarded as one kind of tourism attraction .

  26. 旅游项目纵向策划是深度挖掘单项旅游资源(或吸引物)潜力,实现单项旅游项目经济价值最大化。

    The former aims at exploring the attraction potential in order to realize the economic benefit maximization .

  27. 海鲜是舟山海洋旅游的最大资源,海鲜文化是海洋旅游的地标吸引物。

    Seafood is the largest resource of Zhoushan marine tourism , and seafood culture is the tourist attraction of marine tourism .

  28. 它作为现代旅游资源开发过程中所产生的一种新的旅游吸引物,以其特有的主题文化将科学技术、娱乐内容、休闲要素和服务接待设施融于一体。

    As a new tourism attraction , it includes the science technology , amusements , recreations , services , and so on .

  29. 旅游资源开发就是通过适当方式,把旅游资源塑造成旅游吸引物,以实现旅游活动的技术经济过程。

    Tourism resource exploitation is the technologic economy process of building up tourism resource into tourism attraction to realize the purpose of tourism by proper method .

  30. 但对旅游开发来说,整个社区浓厚的民族风情又是重要的旅游吸引物。

    But its strong ethnical custom is the most attraction for tourists .