
jiě shuō cí
  • commentary; caption
解说词 [jiě shuō cí]
  • (1) [commentary]

  • (2) 伴随影片或其他表演的口头描述或连串解说

  • (3) 为某事件的说明词

  1. 中国导游lutishia拿着麦克风站在一辆旅游大巴的前部,开始用汉语讲解关于英国的解说词,语速之快让赛马专家都自愧不如。

    Chinese tour guide luti Shia stands up at the front of a coach with a microphone and launches into her commentary on the UK , speaking Mandarin at a speed that would put horseracing pundits to shame .

  2. 在这个系统中,解说词发挥着尤为突出的作用。

    In this system , the commentary plays a predominant role .

  3. 他录制了这部作品的解说词。

    He has recorded the narration for the production .

  4. 1.commentaryn.实况报道,解说词;评论(文章)对世界局势的评论

    a commentary on the world situation 2.barrel n.

  5. 对于同样的开幕式场景及其文化展示,中国中央电视台与美国NBC电视台的开幕式解说词的语言风格却截然不同。

    However , to the same scenes and culture show , the language styles of commentaries of China Central Television ( CCTV ) and National Broadcasting Company ( NBC ) were totally different .

  6. 随着大巴向约克市驶去,shia小姐在她滔滔不绝的教科书式解说词中,加入了更多英国生活的奇异片段,以防游客睡着。

    As the bus rolls on to York , Ms Shia infuses her textbook patter with more unconventional snippets about life in Britain to stop them from nodding off .

  7. 诸如此类的历史点滴形成了文化游船之旅“斯特拉斯堡,20个世纪之历史”的解说词。这个旅行路线会围着斯特拉斯堡知名景观——联合国教科文组织认可的世界文化遗产大岛(GrandÎle)前行,接着逆流而上到达欧盟委员会。

    These and other tidbits form the narrative of " Strasbourg , Over Twenty Centuries of History , " a scenic Batorama boat tour that circles Strasbourg 's Grand Î le , a Unesco World Heritage site , and proceeds upriver to institutions of the European Commission .

  8. NBA即席解说词正如NBA比赛本身一样精彩、生动、丰富,它与其他语言文体如广告、新闻、演讲等大不相同,表现出自身独特的语言特点。

    Impromptu NBA commentaries , different from other language style such as advertising , news and speech and so on , is as wonderful , vivid and colorful as NBA game itself , and shows its different style for the particular situation and the event itself .

  9. 电视教材中画面与解说词的关系

    The Relation between Frame in the TV Textbook and Explanatory Words

  10. 试论电视专题片解说词的写作

    On Writing of the Commentary of the TV Special Topic Programs

  11. 电视述评解说词指称词话语分析

    Discourse Analysis on Referent in Commentary of Television Review Program

  12. 因此对英语纪录片解说词的翻译研究就变得十分重要。

    So the translation of English documentary commentary has become very important .

  13. 浅谈电视天气预报节目解说词的编写

    Discuss the Compiling of Commentary for Weather Forecasting Program

  14. 自由使梦想成为可能,下边的解说词说道。我做什么都出类拔萃。

    Freedom is the possibility of making my dreams come true , it says .

  15. 因此,电视解说词对于电视节目来说是重要的创作手段和表现因素。

    Therefore , the TV commentaries are the important creating means and expressive factor .

  16. 我目不转睛地看着漫画,想弄清楚漫画和解说词的意思。

    I stared , trying to grasp the point of the picture and the captions .

  17. 因此,对解说词展开研究是非常有价值的。

    In this way , it is worthwhile to conduct a research on the commentary .

  18. 同步脉冲是控制录音机播放的解说词和图板显示同步的关键。

    Synchronizing impulse is the key to synchronize sound playing with light displaying of graph plate .

  19. 电视解说词依赖于电视画面而存在,其结构安排必须与画面相呼应。

    TV commentary 's existence depends on TV picture , Its structure must echo with picture .

  20. 记者:嗯,非常感谢你在这方面的工作和你的政治解说词。

    MDCP : Well , thank you for your hard work and also your political commentary .

  21. 网站有这最著名的希腊剧场的照片图库和三维模型,还有入门的历史解说词。

    Photo gallery and3-D model of this most famous Greek theatre , accompanied by a basic historical commentary .

  22. 以电视教材中解说词和画面在教学中的作用以及它们的创作过程为基础来分析解说词和画面的关系。

    This article discusses its role in the teaching and analyses its relation based on its process of creation .

  23. 清代兴衰《大理上下四千年》电视系列片解说词编写课题组

    The Rise and Decline of Qing Dynasty & The Commentary of a Special TV Program Dali of 4,000 Years

  24. 相对于社会现实题材的纪录片,精彩的解说词无法掩盖影像资料的缺失所带来的内容上的苍白。

    Compare to the documentary in social reality , amazing commentary can not hide the lack of image data .

  25. 如果摄像头被切换到热菜档口时,电视里就会传出几号厨师为您服务的解说词。

    If the camera was switched to the1,500 stalls , was several TV will cook for you , the commentaries .

  26. 像板球和高尔夫这样的专业赛事中,解说词常常会包含许多专业术语。

    Specialist sports , such as cricket and golf , often include a lot of sporting jargon in the commentary .

  27. 此声音宣读剧本和作者的名称,注入解说词,以及列出剧终感谢。

    This voice announces the name of the play and the writer , injects commentary , and lists the end credits .

  28. 巴菲特解释道:它无法录制音频,所以我之后录制了解说词,进行了后期制作,还增加了一些新内容。

    It doesn 't record audio , so I did the narration afterwards and laid it on post-production , Buffett explains .

  29. 但许多不实之词歪曲形象的侵权案是由发表带有误导性的解说词、标题或叙述的照片或录像引起的。

    But many false-light cases arise from the publication of photographs or videotape coupled with misleading captions , headlines , or stories .

  30. 电视新闻是以画面、同期声、解说词为主要构成部分的多样化表现艺术。

    TV news is the diversified displaying work of art , which is mainly composed by TV screen , paralanguage and commentary .