
líng qǐn
  • mausoleum;graveyard;emperor's or king's resting place
陵寝 [líng qǐn]
  • (1) [emperor's or king's resting place;mausoleum]∶帝王及后妃的坟墓及墓地的宫殿建筑

  • (2) [graveyard]∶墓地

  • 祖宗陵寝

陵寝[líng qǐn]
  1. 植树与养护是古代陵寝制度的重要组成部分。

    Planting trees is an important part of ancient imperial mausoleum system .

  2. 红山文化坛、庙、冢与中国古代宗庙、陵寝的起源

    Hongshan Culture and the Origin of Chinese Ancient Ancestral Temple and Mausoleum

  3. 他的棺木摆在特制的白色大理石陵寝里。

    His coffin was placed in a special white marble cemetery .

  4. 并把他诱拐,带到亲爱的地下陵寝。

    And abducts himself to the beloved catacombs and vaults .

  5. 埃及人也建造金字塔来作为他们国王(或称为法老王)的陵寝。

    Egyptians also built pyramids as20 for their kings , or pharaohs .

  6. 北宋陵寝制度研究

    Study of the Mausoleum System of North Song Dynasty

  7. 成吉思汗在东胜的陵寝成了今日蒙古族青年的拜谒之地。

    Genghis Khans Mausoleum in Dongsheng has become a shrine for Mongolian youth .

  8. 关中皇家陵寝园林研究

    Study on the Royal Mausoleum Gardening in Guanzhong

  9. 试论汉代陵寝祭祀及其对宗庙祭祀的影响

    The Mausoleum Sacrifice and Its Influences Upon the Ancestral Shrine Sacrifice During the Han Dynasty

  10. 清王朝的陵寝管理制度是其政治体制的重要组成部分。

    Management of royal tombs is one of the most important political system in Qing dynasty .

  11. 桓仁县境内由高句丽王城所建贵族陵寝被列为世界文化遗产地。

    Royal tombs in HUANREN COUNTY built by the Koguryo kingdom are a World Heritage Site .

  12. 陵寝工程中的赔修制:以清东陵裕陵隆恩殿为例

    Reparation Regulation of Qing Tombs Engineering : One Case of YU-Ling-En of Eastern Tombs of Qing Dynasty

  13. 论文结合清代帝王陵寝,阐述了风水学在墓园选址时的应用。

    Application of geomancy on selecting site was illuminated based on the emperor cemetery of Qing dynasty .

  14. 所以帝王陵寝多有驮碑之龟,正是以此暗寓玄武。

    So the emperor mausoleum monument more than a pack of turtles , it is as Anyu basalt .

  15. 介绍以色列海法市卡梅尔山上的巴孛陵寝梯田平台花园。

    Introduc of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Bab on Mount Carmel in Haif a , Israel .

  16. 她命人在德尔埃尔神庙的自己的陵寝中雕刻自己神圣地出生的故事。

    She ordered the story of her divine birth to be carved inside her mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri .

  17. 对阳陵的研究能够为西汉帝陵制度乃至中国古代陵寝制度提供了重要的资料。

    Obviously , it offer important data on study of the system in emperor 's mausoleum of Han dynasty .

  18. 这规模宏大的陪葬坑不仅在中国,甚至在世界陵寝史上也是前所未有的。

    Such huge pits are unique not only in China , but also in the world history of sculpture .

  19. 虽然其命运与社会时势同兴衰,但对以后各朝代陵寝制度产生了深远的影响。

    Although its fate rises and falls with the social situation , it has far-reaching influence on the imperial mausoleum system in later dynasties .

  20. 明孝陵是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋的陵寝,现今已经成为世界文化遗产之一。

    Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty is the mausoleum of the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty , and the world cultural heritage as well .

  21. 朱厚熜帝系独立意识在陵寝建造中的反映

    The Reflection in Mausoleum Construction of Ming Emperor Shizong 's ( Zhu Houzong ) Awareness of His Own Independent Position in the Imperial Line of Succession

  22. 中国古代帝王陵寝旅游开发中的保护&以湖北钟祥明显陵为例

    A Case Study of Xianling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty : Protection of Mausoleum of Chinese Ancient Emperors Imperial Tombs of the Qin and Han Dynasties

  23. 论述了清昭陵作为历史文物建筑保存的完整性与陵寝风格的独特性,并阐述了清昭陵具备申报世界文化遗产的基本条件。

    Comparing with the standards of application , this paper discusses the feasibility of Qing Zhao Lings application for the world culture heritage and the subsequent significance .

  24. 西安现境内有重点文物保护单位314处,古遗址、陵寝4000多处。

    At present , there are 314 cultural relic places ( 84 of them are national or provincial level ); ancient ruins and mausoleum are above 4000 places .

  25. 并且随着社会的不断发展与进步,在陵墓的建筑上逐步形成了一套完备的陵寝制度。

    With the process of the social development and progress , the buildings on tomb had gradually formed a complete institution of " tomb 's palace "( linqin ) .

  26. 两个印第安人部落同样反对这个项目,他们认为风电机组会打扰陵寝中的祖先,这些祖先的墓地曾经位于干土层,但现在却在水下。

    Two Indian tribes also have opposed the project , saying the turbines would disturb ancestral burial grounds that were once on dry land but are now under water .

  27. 作为祭祖行为外在物化体现的宗庙制度、陵寝制度在两汉正处在变革时期,祭祖活动也随之发生变化。

    To be the reflecting of fete progenitor , temple system and tomb system are in a change period , which lead the sacrificial active was changed with them .

  28. 目前,由于文物保护方面的科学技术、手段等条件尚不具备,对大型帝王陵寝暂不进行主动发掘。

    At present , no active excavations of large-size emperors ' tombs shall be carried out as there are lack of the required conditions for the protection of cultural relics in science , technology and other means .

  29. 两汉是祖先祭祀方式发生重大变化的时期,陵寝祭祀方式逐渐发展成熟,成为与宗庙祭祀并行的又一种祖先祭祀方式。

    Each of the mausoleum sacrifice and the ancestral shrine sacrifice was the important fashion of ancestors sacrifice during the Han Dynasty , the development of the mausoleum sacrifice was on the base of the ancestral shrine sacrifice .

  30. 在海洋的深处、无数的坟墓、地下陵寝、教堂地下墓室、骨灰盒或者其他放置死人的地方之外,还有其他大众化的旅途(或道路)可去上帝的宝座那里吗?

    Will there be some sort of mass journey to the throne of God , out of the depths of the sea , out of the innumerable graves , catacombs , crypts , urns and other places of disposal ?