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shǔ hàn
  • the Kingdom of Shu Han (221—263), one of the Three Kingdoms
蜀汉 [shǔ hàn]
  • [the kingdom of Shu Han (221-263), one of the Three Kingdoms] 三国之一,公元221-263年,刘备所建。在今四川东部和云南、贵州北部以及陕西汉中一带

  1. 蜀汉正统论提升了三峡文化的崇高性;

    Shuhan Orthodox raises the sublimity degree of Three Gerges culture .

  2. 最后探讨了蜀汉文学发展滞后的原因。

    Finally has discussed the Shuhan literature development lag reason .

  3. 蜀汉政权兴衰的经济分析

    Financial Analysis of the Rise and Fall of Shuhan Regime ECONOMIC BRIEF

  4. 论蜀汉兴衰的财政原因

    The Financial Reason of the boom and fall for the Shuhan Dynasty

  5. 蜀汉人口问题研究

    A research of the problem of Shu Han population

  6. 本文主要探讨社会势力在蜀汉政权运作的情形以及影响。

    This paper inquires how the social influence operated and affected the Shuhan regime .

  7. 这位蜀汉时期的五虎大将,到后来成了一位天神。

    Thus a brave general of the kingdom of Shu became in time a deity in heaven .

  8. 蜀汉政权的主要成员的构成,与曹魏、孙吴有很大不同。

    The main members of Shu-Han State , are very different with those of Cao Wei and Sun Wu .

  9. 浙江作为吴国的一部分于蜀汉时代进入中国的版图。

    Zhejiang , part of the kingdom of Wu , passed into the Chinese orbit in the3d cent . B.C.

  10. 关羽用青龙偃月刀保护刘备建立蜀汉王朝。

    Guan Yu wielded the Green Dragon Crescent Blade while defending Liu Bei , the first ruler of Shu Han .

  11. 诸葛亮(181~234),刘备著名的谋士,蜀汉王朝的创建人。

    Zhuge Liang ( 181 ~ 234 ) , celebrated adviser to Liu Bei , founder of the Shu Han Dynasty .

  12. 本文主要探讨蜀汉人口数量锐减的问题。陕北人口问题及对策

    The problem of population is an important part of the research of economic history . Population Question and Countermeasure in North Shaanxi

  13. 壮志未酬的悲歌&刘备的悲剧性格与蜀汉政权的悲剧命运

    Sad Melody for Unaccomplished Ambition & The Tragic Character of Liu Bei and the Tragic Destiny of the Kingdom of Shu Han

  14. 由于设置了这些镇戍都督,便在蜀汉国家的南方、北方、东方构成了比较稳固的防卫体系。

    The arrangement set up a stable defensive system in the south , north , and east parts of the Kingdom of Shu Han .

  15. 四川省宗祠旅游资源类型丰富,拥有以文庙、三国蜀汉文臣武将专祠、文化名人专祠、祭祀同族祖先的祠堂等为代表的资源体系。

    There were plenty of ancestral halls in Sichuan Province , which of them form a system of the tourism resources of ancestral halls .

  16. 第四部分:对蜀汉文学的另外两种文体&诗、赋进行了专门研究。

    The fourth part : To Shuhan literature other two kind of literary styles & The poem , the tax have conducted the special study .

  17. 南中于蜀汉有战略意义,作为统摄南中事务的军政长官&■降都督,是保障蜀汉在南中实现这个利益的。

    As the kind of ancient official who manipulated affairs in Nanzhong , Laixiang Minister is of military importance for Shuhan s benefits in Nanzhong .

  18. 他的个人英雄主义思想迅速地膨胀,变得自大、暴躁,给自己以及蜀汉事业带来了莫大的损失。

    His personal heroism and rapidly expanding , it has become arrogant , irascible , Shuhan to themselves and the cause of the great losses .

  19. 对南中地区,以宁州之设为标志,前期基本沿袭蜀汉南抚夷越政策,后期则强化对南中的直接统治;

    On Nanzhong , marking with the institutions , the former they continued the policy of Shuhan , the later they strengthened the control on Nanzhong .

  20. 蜀汉执政者有较好的文化修养,采取了一系列行之有效的文化政策,形成自己的文学学术风尚。

    The Shuhan leader of laws has the good cultural education , has adopted a series of effective cultural policy , forms the own literature academic prevailing custom .

  21. 本文以三国蜀汉文学为研究对象,从纵向的维度,对蜀汉文学学术追根溯源。

    This article take the three-country Shuhan literature as the object of study , from the longitudinal dimension , academic gets to the bottom to the Shuhan literature .

  22. 曹丕死后(226),战争中心转移到蜀汉和渭河流域(今陕西境内)的西北境内。

    In 226 Cao Pi died , and the chief military attention shifted northwest to the frontier against Shu-Han along the Wei River valley ( in present-day Shaanxi ) .

  23. 方孝孺的人生经历了四个阶段:青少年时期、隐居时期、蜀汉时期、建文朝。

    Life of Fang Xiao Ru has experienced four stages : Teen-agers period , live in seclusion the period , the Kingdom of Shu Han period , Jian Wen dynasty .

  24. 秦以后分布于今四川宜宾地区之人,有一部分沿长江东徙,至迟于南齐时已到达今江津一带。贵州习水三岔河发现之岩墓岩刻为蜀汉时人留下之史迹。

    There were some Bo people those lived in yibing fo Shichuan after Qin Dynasty , had moved to the east of Changjiang , and had reached Jiangjin at Nanqi dynasty .

  25. 蜀汉战争的胜利也是推翻曹氏家族、开始司马家族统治的历史。

    So the final triumph of Wei over Shu-Han was also the occasion for the overthrow of the Cao " s family and replacement by the Jin Dynasty of Sima Yan .

  26. 从人文与自然契合为一展开论述,分析了三峡是三国时期蜀汉的活动空间;

    From the perspective of the harmony of human and nature , the paper expounds that the Three Gorges were the activity space of Shu Han Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period .

  27. 蜀汉政权的数代领导核心刘备、诸葛亮、蒋琬、费祎一直都为平衡两大集团而煞费苦心。

    Under Shu-Han state , the core leadership for generations including Liu Bei , Zhuge Liang , Jiang Wan and Fei Yi , have made painstaking efforts to balance the two groups .

  28. 结合相关文献,对蜀汉诗、赋作品进行了考证和统计,对少数作品进行了文本分析。

    Unifies the related literature , to the Shuhan poem , the tax work has carried on the research and the statistics , has carried on the text analysis to the minority work .

  29. 次年,刘备也在成都称帝,刘备因身为汉室宗亲,故国号仍为汉,史称蜀国或蜀汉。

    In thevfollowing year , Liu Bei declared himself Emperor of Han being descendant of former Han , which historically known as the Kingdom of Shu or Shu Han , and made Chengdu his capital .

  30. 当年冬天攻破成都,后主刘禅降魏,并于264年夏流放至洛阳,蜀汉灭亡。

    In the winter , after victory in one pitched battle , he received the surrender of Liu Chan . And in the summer of 264 Liu Chan was received into honoured exile at Luoyang , thus Shu-Han perished .