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  • 网络the Shu Army
  1. 蜀军在街亭战役后期缺粮,直接原因是运力不足,而运力不足由军力不足和人口资源不足所造成。

    However , inadequate carrying capacity was caused by insufficient military strength and poor human resources .

  2. 然而,先锋军马谡在街亭被敌人用战术击败,蜀军被迫撤回。

    The vanguard Ma Su , however , suffered a tactical defeat at Jieting and the Shu army was forced to withdraw .

  3. 年轻的陆逊为大将军,派他去打退蜀军。在这种危急的时候,孙权任命。

    At this crucial moment , Sun Quan appointed a young man Lu Xun supreme general and sent him to fight Liu bei .

  4. 魏将郝照病势严重,忽然接到报告,说蜀军已到城下,急命将士上城把守。

    As the health of the Wei State general Hao Zhao was deteriorating , suddenly it was reported to Hao Zhao that the troops from Shu State had arrived outside the city . Hao Zhao hurriedly ordered officers and soldiers to defend the city in their position .