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  • Chenwei;divination combined with mystical Confucianist belief
谶纬 [chèn wěi]
  • [divination combined with mystical confucianist belief] 谶书和纬书的合称。谶是秦汉间巫师、方士编造的预示吉凶的隐语,纬是汉代迷信附会儒家经义的一类书

  • 谶纬之学

谶纬[chèn wěi]
  1. 西汉后期出现的经学谶纬化思潮是汉代思想发展史上一种重要的现象。

    The divination combined with mystical Confucianist belief in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is an important phenomenon in the history of the ideological thought in the Han Dynasty .

  2. 谶纬学则是一门历史悠久的研究学科。

    Divination is a school with long history research subjects .

  3. 论谶纬学说的文学价值

    On the Literary Values of the Theory of the Divination Combined with Mystical Confucian Belief

  4. 谶纬思想源远流长,对中国传统文化有极为深刻的影响。

    The divination ideology of long standing had a great influence on Chinese tradition and culture .

  5. 佛教为方便传教,在中国化过程中积极吸收包括谶纬在内的儒家思想。

    In order to facilitate the dissemination , Buddhism was active in the absorption of Confucianism .

  6. 谶纬是两汉时期独特的社会思潮。

    Prophetic Theology is a flow of distinctive social trend of thought in the Han Dynasty .

  7. 唐朝谶纬研究&对人物心理的展现

    Study of Divination Combined with Mystical Confucian Belief of the Tang Dynasty & Revealing the Character 's Psychology

  8. 谶纬的文论价值主要表现在诗、乐理论上。

    The articles and opinions value of the augury latitude displays in the poem , happy in theory mainly .

  9. 谶纬之学是汉代的一种具有浓重神秘主义色彩的学术思想。

    It is a kind of academic thought with dense mysticism color of Han dynasty that the theory of confucianist divination .

  10. 谶谣像谶纬那样拥有谶的性质,又具有自己的特点。

    The augury ballad not only had nature of the augury like augury latitude , but also had its own characteristics .

  11. 它起源于占星术,后世的占星、谶纬诸家及佛、道二教都对它有所发展。

    It is originated from astrology and astrologists , Confucionists , Buddhists and Daoists of later ages helped to develop this idea .

  12. 东汉文化政策以儒学为主导,谶纬神学色彩浓厚,并带有明显的阶段性特点。

    All in all , the cultural policy of Eastern Han is based on Confucian with distinct divination characteristics and obvious stage characteristics .

  13. 两汉与西域交流、谶纬之学兴盛等时代因素也为《山海经》在当时广泛传播起了积极推动作用。

    The communication between Han Dynasty and flourishing divination play active roles in the wide spreading of The Classic of Mountains and Rivers .

  14. 人们通过这些艺术造型来表达意愿,反映了汉代的阴阳五行、谶纬、神仙信仰等观念。

    People to express through these artistic designs will reflect the yin and yang in Han Dynasty , divination , fairy notions of faith .

  15. 第一章分别对谶纬天文资料和《天官书》的内容进行概括介绍。

    In Chapter 1 , the thesis respectively introduce the content of the Chenwei ' astronomical material and Shi Ji · Tian Guan Shu .

  16. 虽然在其之后发展成为谶纬等怪异之谈,但对于统治阶层各种权力的制衡起到了积极的作用。

    Although " Chen Wei " weird talking developed later , It was effective for restricting and keeping balance to the power of the ruling class .

  17. 西汉后期发展起来的谶纬迷信,经东汉光武帝刘秀的提倡,这时已发展成为官方统治思想。

    Developed in the late Western Han Chen Wei superstition , by the advocates of the Eastern Han Guangwu , then developed into the official governing philosophy .

  18. 随着谶纬资料的日益增多,清代学者们对谶纬进行了探讨和研究,尤以清人学术笔记为代表。

    With the increasing information of divination , scholars in Qing Dynasty have conducted a study on divination , which reflected in the academic notes in Qing Dynasty .

  19. 谶纬的盛行是汉代社会中一个独特的现象,它与汉代的政治生活密不可分。

    The popularity of the Chenwei ' theory was a unique phenomenon of the Han Dynasty . It had a very intimate relationship with the society in that time .

  20. 而谶纬作为汉代经学和思想的重要组成部分,自然也就成了清代学者复兴汉学所不能忽视的内容。

    As the important part of study of Confucian classics and thought in Han Dynasty , divination has naturally become the content that can not be ignored by the scholars in Qing Dynasty .

  21. 谶纬虽然是一种思潮,但是它有它的文论价值和文学意义,这是本文第一章第二节阐述的内容。

    Though augury latitude is a kind of ideological trend , it has its articles and opinions value and literature meaning , this is that section two of chapter one of this text explained the content .

  22. 这一时期,今、古文经和谶纬的逐渐趋于融合,学者大多一人兼通数经,开始出现统一的经本,同时带动了小学的发展。

    During this period , now , the classics and the latitude of the gradually fusion , a number of scholars and the unified , began to appear after this , also led to the development of primary school .

  23. 除了稷神崇拜和祭祀外,粟作文化还有更加丰富的内容,包括从粟延伸出来的各种寓意,以及相关的一些谶纬和民俗。

    In addition worship and ritual , the Setaria italica Beauv . cultures are more rich content , including variety of moral extended out from the Setaria italica Beauv . , as well as some related Divination and folk .

  24. 东汉也是儒学发展曲折的时代,由于最高统治者对谶纬的倡导,导致儒学神秘化,儒士方士化,士林充斥着虚妄与迷信。

    The Eastern Han Dynasty is the most dirty age of Confucianism too , because the supreme ruler of prophetic-mixed advocacy , lead it to mystification , Confucian scholars are akin to necromancer , scholastic filled with false and superstition .

  25. 正是由于与政治的密切关系,使得谶纬文献自汉代形成后历遭禁毁,隋唐以后,几乎敞佚殆尽。

    Just because the close relation between it and politics , making augury documents been gone through since taking shape in Han dynasty and prohibited spreading and was destroyed , after Sui and Tang dynasty , it was totally lost .

  26. 摒弃谶纬解易的方法,在这一历史时期,以谶纬解易呈现出逐渐弱化的趋势,以至于到隋朝,谶纬之学就几乎失传了。

    Third , abandons divination book Xie Yi the method , in this historical period , is easy the situation by the divination book solution which presents gradually attenuates , down to arrived the Sui Dynasty , the divination book studies nearly is lost .

  27. 而且,谶纬确实为汉代的文化建设做出了贡献,虽然这种贡献在今天看来是不科学不合理的,但是黑格尔说过现实的就是合理的,在当时来说,谶纬自然也是合理的。

    And augury latitude make a contribution to cultural construction in Han Dynasty really , though the contribution science is unreasonable in today 's view , but black dose say " reality reasonable ", in is it say augury latitude reasonable too naturally to come at that time .
