
shān línɡ
  • hill;lofty mountain;imperial tomb;tombs of emperors
山陵 [shān líng]
  • (1) [lofty mountains]∶山岳

  • (2) [imperial tomb;royal mausoleum]∶旧指皇帝陵墓

  • 太行碣石之间,宫阙山陵之所在。--明. 顾炎武《复庵记》

  • (3) [emperor or queen]∶比喻帝王或王后

  • 一旦山陵崩,长安君何以自托于 赵?--《战国策.赵策》

  1. 中山陵GIS及景观结构评价初步分析

    ZhongShan Tomb Geographic Information System ( GIS ) and the Tentative Study on Landscape Structure Evaluation

  2. 在大谷川(DaiyaRiver)的河边,面对瀑布、温泉、火山和峻峭且布满密林的山陵,很容易感受到这里的魅力。

    Here , by the Daiya River , it was easy to feel the magnetism of the steep verdant hills , waterfalls , hot springs and volcanic mountains .

  3. 试说秦西山陵区的相关问题

    Some Questions on the Xishan Cemetery of the Qin State

  4. 上个星期天我们在中山陵玩得很痛快。

    We had a wonderful time in the Zhongshan Tomb last Sunday .

  5. 中山陵有着较高的门票价格,100元吧。

    Have higher ticket prices , 100 yuan now .

  6. 山陵、溪谷夸说你的幸福。

    Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing .

  7. 山陵和树木点缀景色。

    Hills and woods diversify the landscape .

  8. 南京最著名的的景点是中山陵和灵谷寺。

    The most important spots in Nanjing are Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum and Soul Valley Temple .

  9. 旭日金挥洒布于峡谷山陵,嘉陵江小三峡旅游资源的开发利用

    On the Tourism Resources and Its Development of the Small Three Gorges of Jialing River

  10. 这一带地形平坦而多沼泽,再往远去地势隆起,形成矮山陵地。

    The land is flat and marshy before rising to a spine of low hill .

  11. 南京更是一个美丽的城市中山陵、紫金山都是人们出行的好去所。

    Nanjing is a beautiful city Mausoleum , Purple is good to have people travel .

  12. 对山陵使问题、服丧双轨制问题,有独到的见解;

    Original views are put forth about mausoleumbusiness minister and the dual system of mourning regulations .

  13. 中山陵景区异龄复层混交林群落抑菌功能测定

    The function of bacterial inhibition by different-aged compound storied forests at the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum scenic spot

  14. 上周,我去了南京市,我的朋友带我参观了中山陵和夫子庙。

    I went nanjing city last week , My friend brought me visited The ZhongSan Tomb and Master Templ .

  15. 到南京游览的人,一般都要到中山陵瞻仰这位革命家的墓地。

    The visit to Nanjing , the general must pay tribute to Sun Yat-sen 's revolutionaries of the cemetery .

  16. 南京中山陵风景区常绿阔叶树种引进及风景林林相改造技术的研究

    Introduction of evergreen broad-leaved tree species and forest form improvement in the scenic spots of sun Yatsen Mausoleum in Nanjing

  17. 空间视域分析在风景区旅游服务设施规划中的应用&以中山陵风景区为例

    Application of GIS Ken Analysis to the Infrastructure Planning of the Scenic Spots & A Case Study on Sun Yat-sen 's Mausoleum

  18. 首先在构成要素中,将中山陵景观分为建筑、其它构筑物和自然景观三要素。

    First , the elements of Zhongshan Cemetery are divided into three essential factors including landscape construction , other structures and natural landscape .

  19. 中山陵依山而建,结构严整,观之而生一股浩然之气,展现出了中国传统和现代元素相结合的设计美感。

    The park itself is beautiful and lush filled with maple , gingko and pine trees and emotes both traditional Chinese and modern design sensibilities .

  20. 在遥远的东方,翻过山陵与河流,穿越密林和荒地,坐落着一座孤独的山峰。-孤山。

    Far to the east over ranges and rivers beyond woodlands and wastelands lies a single , solitary peak . - " The Lonely Mountain . "

  21. 以上这些在民国时期的建筑和园林设计尤其是中山陵的建筑景观设计中得到了充分的体现。

    All the above has been fully reflected on the design of construction and landscape , particularly of Zhongshan Cemetery during the period of republic of China time .

  22. 从印山越山陵遗址的不同样品中分离培养纯化的微生物经鉴定,初步确定真菌27个种或属,酵母菌4个种或属,放线菌6个种或属。

    The microorganisms separated and cultured from different samples were purged and identified . 27 species or genera funguses , 4 species or genera saccharomycetes and 6 genera actinomycetes were definited preliminarily .

  23. 以此为基础,本文在第二章结合大量历史资料、文献,详细地介绍了中山陵设计建造的时代背景。

    On this basis , in the second chapter of this article combined with a large number of historical data , documentation , detailed design and construction of the Zhongshan cemetery the backgrounds .

  24. 当他还是个孩子时,他曾以为这个小小的河谷就是全世界,如果有人穿越山陵与天空连接的地方,就会掉到世界外头去。

    When he was a child he thought this small valley was the entire world and that if anyone went beyond the point where either mountain kissed the sky , they would fall off .

  25. 中山陵景区已近饱和,明孝陵、灵谷寺、玄武湖等主要景区尚有较大旅游发展空间。

    SUN Yat-sen 's Mausoleum Scenic Area is almost saturated , but some other scenic areas such as Emperor ZHU Yuan-zhang Mausoleum , Linggu Temple and Xuanwu Lake have also huge space of tourism development .

  26. 中国是个多山的国家,2/3的国士面积都是此起彼伏的山陵,如此丰富的山地景观,不仅是造园苦心追求的自然景象,更是造园最好的基址。

    China is a mountain-abundant country , and two-thirds of the land areas are mountains , the rich mountain landscape is not only for the natural scene that garden designer pursuit painstakingly , but also the best address to build gardens .

  27. 然后在设计风格中,以空间组成、色彩形制、装饰材质、象征隐喻四大方面为突破口,归纳总结出中山陵景观开放的纪念性的风格特点。

    Then in the design style , taken the spatial composition , the color construction , the decoration material quality , the symbolic metaphor four aspects as the breach , Zhongshan Cemetery landscape is summarized " the opening memorial " the style characteristic .

  28. 结合中山陵风景区风景林规划现状,文章探讨了风景林规划的内容及多情境途径在风景林规划中的应用前景,提出了基于多情境规划途径的风景林规划设想。

    Combined with practice of scenic forest planning in Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum , the content of scenic forest planning and the future application of scenario planning are discussed . At the end of the article , the method of scenic forest planning based on the scenario approach is put forward .