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shān rén
  • Shanren;recluse;hermit [often used by scholar-officials as a form of self-address];fortune-teller
山人 [shān rén]
  • (1) [hermit]∶指隐士

  • 山人墨客

  • 野客思茅宇,山人爱竹林。--唐. 王勃《赠李十四》

  • (2) [fortune-teller]∶旧称以卜卦、算命为职业的人;方士

  • 也不索唤师婆擂鼓邀神,请山人占卦揲蓍。--元. 罗国宾《罗李郎》

山人[shān rén]
  1. 金牛山人化石牙齿初步研究

    Preliminary study on the teeth of Jinniushan archaic Homo sapiens

  2. 这都有助于我们对八大山人的山水画艺术深入、系统、全面的了解,对现代山水画的发展不无启迪。

    It is also helpful for the development of modern landscape painting art .

  3. 八大山人的中国,早已倒在荒冢废墟之中!

    A once-thriving China has long been laid waste .

  4. 这个时期出现一个重要的士人阶层,即山人群体。

    This time there is an important class of scholars , that Recluses group .

  5. 作为一个社会阶层的山人在晚宋一度活跃。

    Shanren as a social group became very popular during the late Ming period .

  6. 金牛山人遗址下部地层的热释光断代

    Stratum thermoluminescence dating of Jinniushan archaeological site

  7. 武当山人信奉道教,道教对武当山地区的婚俗有着巨大的影响。

    The marital customs of Wudang area has been substantially influenced by the Taoist idea .

  8. 蓝天白云已经展现出秀山人全力创建市级卫生县城的气魄。

    Blue sky and white cloud mountain people have shown to create municipal health county verve .

  9. 重庆市四面山人工林土壤持水与入渗特性土壤结持度,土壤稠性

    Soil Water Holding Capacities and Infiltration Characteristics of Typical Plantations in Simian Mountain of Chongqing Municipality

  10. 大地是一座永不磨灭的丰碑,铭刻着沂蒙山人无私的奉献。

    The earth , an immortal monument , is engraved with the dedication of Yimeng people .

  11. 山人之盛反映了知识分子脱离传统儒家人生道路的倾向。

    The popularity of Shanren reflects the existence of an intellectual tendency abandoning the Confucian life styles .

  12. 为用户提供完善的服务是我们全体和歌山人奋斗的目标。

    Wound first-class enterprise , provide perfection service to consumer is strive destination of our wakayama group all .

  13. 作品集《朱圉山人集》集中表现了他的文学思想和创作才能。

    The Works by Zhuyushanren , his collection of works , presents his literary thought and creative ability .

  14. 八大山人,名朱耷,明末清初书画家,清初画四僧之一。

    Bada , name Zhu Da , Ming and Qing painter , one of the early Qing Dynasty painting four monks .

  15. 关于山人的队名是有意对音乐方向发展反思,把云南当地民族音乐与现代元素之间的一种相结合。

    The name Shanren reflected an intended musical direction even back then which was to combine modern elements with the ethnic music of Yunnan province .

  16. 与明清两代个性主义画家相比,八大山人的绘画最具悲剧意识和历史品格,他也是中国绘画史上最具象征主义风格的绘画大师。

    Compared with the work of individualistic painters in Ming and Qing Dynasty , the paintings of Bada Shanren manifested more tragic consciousness and historical quality and style .

  17. 小偷跑得很快,消失在地铁的人山人海里。警察要找他好像大海捞针一样。

    The thief ran quickly and disappeared in a sea of faces in the subway , leaving the policeman with a job like finding a needle in a haystack .

  18. 他开始有系统的钻研中国文人雅士的画作,特别崇尚八大山人和董其昌,对他们画作中的精致细腻以及敏锐感性所深深感动。

    He delved into a systematic research on Chinese literati painting , fascinated by the exquisite refinement and sensitivity in the paintings of Bada Shanren and Dong Qichang in particular .

  19. 比起一个世纪以前的弗吉尼亚人与新英格兰人,今天的旧金山人和纽约人具有更多的相同点。

    The man of San Francisco is more like the man of New York today than the man of Virginia was like the man of New England a century ago .

  20. 在这荒野的山路上,他们遇到了守山人克林。他认得依卜。靠了他的帮助,依卜和克丽斯玎终於回到家里来了。家里的人正在为他们担忧。

    In the wild wood-path they met a forester who knew Ib , and , by his help , Ib and Christina reached home , where they found every one had been very anxious about them .

  21. 在中国的社交网络上,土豪已经成为挥霍无度和品位低下的象征而受人鄙视。或者用《外交政策》杂志的报道,土豪是中国版的贝弗利山人。

    The tuhao have become a punching bag on Chinas blogosphere for being the symbol of wasteful wealth and unrefined taste , or as a report by Foreign Policy , they are Chinas version of the Beverly Hillbillies .

  22. 众人方唱歌赞美的时候,耶和华就派伏兵击杀那来攻击犹大人的亚扪人,摩押人,和西珥山人,他们就被打败了。

    And at the first notes of song and praise the LORD sent a surprise attack against the children of Ammon and Moab and the people of Mount seir , who had come against judah ; and they were overcome .

  23. 从前以色列人出埃及地的时候,你不容以色列人侵犯亚扪人,摩押人,和西珥山人,以色列人就离开他们,不灭绝他们。

    But now here are men from Ammon , Moab and Mount Seir , whose territory you would not allow Israel to invade when they came from Egypt ; so they turned away from them and did not destroy them .

  24. 当美国旧金山人丹尼尔-伊兹柯夫斯基了解到每年美国有150万辆自行车被偷走之后,他决定想出更有效的防贼方法。

    When San Francisco-based Daniel Idzkowski learned that over 1.5 million bikes are being stolen across the United States , every year , he decided it was up to him to come up with a more efficient means of theft prevention .