
  1. 王维对后来以落笔着力、水墨渲淡为特征的南方山水画派有很大的影响。

    He influenced what became known as the Southern school of Chinese landscape art , which was characterised by strong brushstrokes contrasted with light ink washes .

  2. 明末清初,渐江、石涛、梅清、雪庄等画家,“搜尽奇峰打草稿”,创立了以黄山为主要表现对象的山水画派。

    Ming and Qing , Jian Jiang , Shi Tao , plum , snow village and other artists ," Search every Qifeng scratch " and creating a performance as the main object of Huangshan landscape school .

  3. 地域自然环境为山水画家创作提供了鲜活的素材,孕育出了山水画诸多画派和山水画家个性彰显的艺术风格。

    Regional natural environment supplies painter with fresh and vivid materials , generating many different genre and distinguished style .

  4. 宋代是山水画发展的黄金时期,这一时期也是山水画家辈出和山水画派呈现的时代。

    The development of the Song Dynasty was the golden age of landscape painting . Landscape painter of this period also presented many outstanding artist and heroines , and also sent the era .