
  1. 郭璞游仙诗中的山水情怀对后世诗歌的影响,特别兴起山水诗的发展。

    Especially , the rise of the development of landscape poetry .

  2. 绿色理念山水情怀&达县师范高等专科学校新校区规划设计浅析

    A Case of the General Planning of New Campus of Daxian Normal College

  3. 山水情怀艺术人生&谈王维后期山水诗艺术风格的形成

    Feelings of landscape and life of art & Talk on formation of landscape poems of late period of Wang Wei

  4. 这是本文基本的研究方向。文本分析中,作者概括出家族理想、山水情怀与情爱伦理三个部分,就其在电影中的表现分别加以具体阐述,最后总结得出李安的包容平衡的文化观。

    Through the examination , the author expatiates three types of culture displayed in Ang Lee 's films : traditional family ideal , Taoism and inaction , and ethic of love and sex .

  5. 中国园林的山水画情怀

    The Appeal of Chinese Landscape Paintings in Chinese Gardens

  6. 绿色生态更多是被转化为对舒适度的要求,而忽略了人们寄托在自然山水之中的情怀。

    Sustainable ecology became more of a demand for comfort ; while the yearning of a return to nature was left ignored .