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  1. 山西日报社新闻采编大楼空调设计

    Conditioning Design of News Gathering and Editing Building of Shanxi Daily

  2. 纯粹经济损失理论之践行&评《山西日报》巨额赔偿案

    The application of Pure Economic Loss & on the huge damage case of Shanxi daily

  3. 《山西日报》作为我省的党报,以典型报道为其一大优势。

    Shanxi daily is a provincial Party paper , and typical report is one of its advantages .

  4. 最后一章介绍了民国时期的《山西日报》的发行对山西各方面发展的影响。

    The last chapter presents Shansi daily news influented the during the period of the republic of china in all aspects of Shanxi Province .

  5. 《山西日报》、山西电视台、黄河电视台、《忻州日报》、忻州电视台等省、市媒体记者参加了本次的名山新闻访谈活动。

    Shanxi Daily Newspaper , Shanxi TV Station , Huanghe TV Station , Xinzhou Daily Newspaper , Xinzhou TV Station and other mass media joined in this activity too .

  6. 山西日报闻汇大厦是一栋集住宅、办公、商场、地下车库、平战结合的人防为一体的综合性大厦。

    The Wenhui Building of the General Office of Shanxi Daily is a comprehensive building integrated the houses , offices , markets , underground garages and air-raid shelters into one .

  7. 研究民国时期的《山西日报》对研究阎锡山统治时期山西的政治、经济、军事都有重要的意义。

    The research of Shansi Daily News in the Republic of China has important significance , to study politics , economy , military in period of Yan Xishan reigning shanxi province . I did four tasks to complete this paper .

  8. 《山西日报》是在阎锡山掌握了山西的军政大权后,为宣传自己的政策思想,维护自己的统治而创办的,是当时山西省军政两署的机关报刊。

    Master military and political power , after that , Yan Xishan founded Shansi Daily News , which was the mechanism journal of the political and military in shanxi province . The purpose of the established the newspaper was publicizing his policy thoughts and maintaining his rule .

  9. 本文作者查阅了山西省图书馆现存民国时期的《山西日报》。

    First , I refered to existing Shansi Daily News in the Republic of China in Shanxi Province library .