
  • 网络court painting
  1. 它源于宫廷绘画,并伴随其繁荣而繁荣。

    It came out from the court painting and flourished with its flourish .

  2. 此外,雍正行乐图工细而写实,设色明丽,反映了当时宫廷绘画的风格特点。

    Besides , the elaborate and realistic style and the bright colors were characteristic of court painting during the period .

  3. 隋唐宫廷绘画机构概述

    A General Overview of Sui-Tang Palace Painting Organisations

  4. 南宋宫廷绘画中的谍画之谜

    The Mystery of " Espionage Paintings " in the Court Paintings of the Southern Song Dynasty

  5. 唐代是中国宫廷绘画发展的第一个高峰期。

    The Tang Dynasty represents the first high point in the development of Chinese palace painting .

  6. 中国封建时代的画院是一种的宫廷绘画艺术机构。

    The royal painting institute of China during her feudalistic ages was a formal painting organization for the royal court .

  7. 辽代宫廷绘画机构的两种体制&兼论风格与画派

    The Two Systems of the Painting Organs of the Court of the Liao Dynasty & Also on the styles and schools

  8. 宫廷绘画活动,在一定程度上会影响整个时代的艺术发展。

    The imperial court painting activity , to some extent , has a great impact on the art development of the whole time .

  9. 它既是宫廷绘画的衍生,也是汇聚民间艺术家智慧的民间民俗写照。

    It is both the extension of imperial paintings and the reflection of folk customs as well as the embodiment of folk artists .

  10. 第四部分:元代宫廷绘画机构的对外和对后世影响与历史意义。

    Part ⅳ: The influence of the imperial court painting organization on the outside world and the future generations , as well as the historical significance .

  11. 第三部分:解读元代宫廷绘画机构的运行取向,探讨在此运行取向下的绘画创作特性以及与之相关的书画鉴藏活动。

    Part ⅲ: To figure out the painting characteristics of the imperial court organization of Yuan dynasty as well as the related appreciating and collecting activities on calligraphy and painting .

  12. 基于此特殊背景,元代宫廷绘画创作、鉴藏也相对繁荣,对后世绘画的发展功不可没,因而元宫廷绘画机构的影响和意义也就较为深远。

    Based on the special background , the creation , appreciation and collection of imperial painting flourish to a relative extent , which contributes a lot to the future painting development .

  13. 此时期宫廷绘画的繁荣直接影响了后来南宋宫廷绘画的发展,也对后世宫廷绘画有一定的影响。

    The prosperity of palace painting in this period had a direct influence on the evolvement in Southern Song Dynasty , and it also influenced the posterior palace painting in some ways .

  14. 中国古代的居士绘画与所谓正统的宫廷绘画的殊路异途,在中国绘画史上具有特殊的意义。

    The ancient Chinese Buddhist painting was different from the so - called ' orthodox ' court painting in all ways , which had special meaning in the history of Chinese painting .

  15. 中国古代帝王图像是指以古代帝王为表现对象的图像体系,是中国古代宫廷绘画体系中最具代表性的图像系统之一。

    Images of ancient Chinese emperors , one of the most representative royal painting systems in the history of ancient Chinese court paintings , refer to a series of paintings of ancient Chinese emperors .

  16. 第一部分:对元代的宫廷绘画机构的建立及基本建制进行分析解读,揭示其建立政治文化背景,并对其基本建制进行梳理。

    This thesis is made up of four parts : Part ⅰ: To interpret the establishment and basic framework of the imperial court organization of Yuan dynasty , unveil the political and cultural background for its establishment and arrange the basic framework .

  17. 宫廷绘画机构作为宫廷艺术创作的组织承担者而尤显重要,其建制及相关艺术活动,直接反映出当时宫廷绘画的发展状况。

    As the organizers of the creations of the imperial court art , the imperial court painting organization is of great importance , and its framework as well as the related art activities directly reflect the development of imperial court painting at that time .

  18. 第三部分是研究清盛期宫廷政治性绘画的风格。

    The Last part is to study the style of political theme paintings of Qing court .

  19. 从某种意义上来说,宫廷婴戏题材绘画是当时政府推行人口政策的一种文化工具,或者是政府在鼓励生育上的一大文化策略。

    In a sense , the palace was the baby play theme painting promoted by the government of a population policy tools , or become a culture of the government in the family encouraged cultural strategy .

  20. 这里展出了一些雕塑,比如说伊朗中世纪的一对宫廷侍卫,宫廷场景的绘画,或者恋人相拥的画面。

    There are sculptures-like a pair of palace guards from medieval Iran and paintings of courtly scenes , or lovers embracing .

  21. 画家这一层面主要是从清前期宫廷画家的纳选、待遇、赏罚、职能、培养、衣食住行、人际关系等多方面进行分析,进一步探讨当时宫廷绘画机构的管理和运作。

    Second , the paper goes further to explore the administration and running of the court painting institution at that time by studying the various conditions of court painters .