
  1. 现有的海鲜食肆和海鲜档的环境将进一步改善,又修缮海口灯塔及天后宫使其成为鲤鱼门的地标。

    The current seafood restaurants and stalls were renovated with modern design , while the lighthouse and Tin Hau Temple were preserved as the landmarks of Lei Yue mun .

  2. 莫斯科独立媒体分析家玛莎•李普曼表示,这份法案是克里姆林宫使俄罗斯呈现自我孤立趋势的一种表现,这种孤立会损害国家经济。

    Masha Lipman , an independent media analyst in Moscow says the legislation is part of a Kremlin trend toward self-isolation in Russia , isolation that 's hurting the economy .

  3. 因为在周一太阳离开了你的收入宫使财务脱离任何压力,而月亮处于你收入宫让你信心突然激增。

    It 's the Sun 's departure from your financial sector on Monday that takes away any financial pressure , with the Moon 's position in your income sector mounting an instant surge in confidence .

  4. 电镜观察显示,缩宫素可使细胞凋亡明显减少;

    Electron micrograph showed that oxytocin could decrease the apoptosis .

  5. 首先,火星在整个月都会带领着你的工作宫,使你以快节奏进行着你的表演。

    First , Mars will be touring your house of work assignments all month , and that shows you 'll be drumming to a fast beat .

  6. 财务上,5月27日的海木相合在你的第八宫将使你获得可喜的收入。

    Financially , you may reap a lovely commission on or near May27 when Jupiter and Neptune will meet in your eighth house of other people 's money .

  7. 当太阳和水星与木星对冲,最近几周经过你的收入宫,使很多事情的时机成熟,可以让金星发挥它的优势。

    When the Sun and Mercury moved into opposition with Jupiter , moving through your income sector over recent weeks , they brought a lot of things to a head , which Venus is now able to take advantage of .

  8. 水星位移到你的交流宫,这使你想要更多的活动与社交。

    Mercury moving into your chart 's communications zone makes you want to be extra active and gregarious .

  9. 从现在开始您应该从容地接受事情的进展因为十月初白羊宫的满月使您的多事之秋应该是做好准备的时候了。

    Adopt an uncharacteristically leisurely approach to this process now and when early October 's Aries Full Moon brings numerous such matters to a head , you 'll be ready to act swiftly .

  10. 土星正掌管你关于奖励的宫位,会使这些天赢得大奖极不可能。

    Saturn , now in your house of prizes , would make winning the jackpot highly unlikely these days .

  11. 但因为木星退回一个宫位而金星却往前一个宫位,使两星形成一个正面的三分相。

    But because Jupiter has moved back one sign and Venus has moved forward one , it puts them into a positive trine position .

  12. 月亮在直率的白羊宫,这是你交流的第3宫,这使你会突然与一个陌生人联系,或者把一个平常的对话变为热切的讨论。

    The Moon in spontaneous Aries is in your3rd House of Communication , which can suddenly connect you with someone new or turn a casual talk into a passionate discussion .