
xiǎo yú
  • Small fish;fry;tiddler;minim
小鱼 [xiǎo yú]
  • (1) [fry]

  • (2) 小的或新近孵化的鱼

  • (3) 很小的成鱼

小鱼[xiǎo yú]
  1. 对于这样一家大公司来说,我们这样的人不过是小鱼小虾。

    People like us are small fry to such a large business .

  2. 这些小鱼很容易被鸟类捕食。

    The baby fish are easy prey for birds .

  3. 成千上万误捕的小鱼扔回大海中去了。

    Thousands of small fish are thrown back into the sea as bycatch .

  4. 大鱼吃小鱼。

    Larger fish devour the smaller ones . ; The great fish eat up the small .

  5. 大鱼吞食小鱼。

    Big fish eat small fish .

  6. 我曾和小狗鲁鲁决斗,因为它抢了猫咪吉吉的小鱼

    Ionce dueled with puppy LuLu , because she robbed Ktten JiJi of a fish .

  7. 塞姆是一条小鱼,他在海里。

    Sam is a little fish .

  8. 而那些眼中只有小鱼小虾的人,要想钓着大鱼就难了。

    It is difficult for those who only have small fish and shrimp1 in their minds to catch a big fish .

  9. 从那一刻起,小鱼把他的尾巴放到它应放的位置——身后,然后启程去探索整个海洋。

    the fish put his own end behind him ( where it belonged ) and set out to explore the ocean .

  10. 类似的,如果你在一所名校中非常出色,你也许会成为一条大池塘里的小鱼。

    Similarly , if you ’ re very intelligent at an elite4 school , you may end up being a little fish in a very big pond .

  11. BF称这条河中有很多鱼卵,而且最近有很多刚刚孵化的小鱼。

    Farling said there are many fish eggs and recently hatched fish in those channels .

  12. 小鱼Fanny有一个大的鱼鳍。

    Fanny fish has a big fin .

  13. 鱼疗(fishpedicure)是一种美体方式,主要做法是将双脚浸在有墨头鱼(也称“医生鱼”)游弋的水池中,让这些小鱼啃食除去足部的死皮和老茧。

    Fish pedicure is a beauty treatment that involves immersing the feet in a tank of water containing Garra rufu fish , which nibble off dead and thickened skin .

  14. 你难道不喜欢《海底总动员》(FindingNemo)中那个壮观的场面吗?那条叫做布鲁斯(Bruce)的鲨鱼一直试图戒除吃小鱼的恶习,却始终在水中追逐血腥。

    Didn 't you enjoy that great scene in Finding Nemo , where Bruce the shark , who has been trying to kick the habit of eating fish , scents blood in the water ?

  15. 这就包括2003年《海底总动员》中的蓝色小鱼Dory,今年夏天以他为主角的电影要上映了。

    That includes the forgetful blue fish Dory from 2003 " s Finding Nemo , whose spin-off premieres this summer .

  16. 热带雨林野生动植物图片集。这有名的贪心的南美产的小鱼只居住在南美的河流,主要的在亚马逊河和Orinoco。

    Photo Gallery : Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife The notoriously voracious piranha lives only in the rivers of South America , primarily the Amazon and Orinoco .

  17. 印度的瑜伽教练G.PVijayakumar在一分钟内从嘴里吸入了8条小鱼,然后从鼻子里将小鱼喷出。

    Indian yoga instructor G.P Vijayakumar snorted eight fish up through his mouth and out of his nostrils in a minute .

  18. 我们在这条河抓到的都是小鱼。

    The fish we caught in this river are all small .

  19. 小鱼仔看到这个如此美妙的地方大为吃惊。

    The fish was amazed to see such a wonderful place .

  20. 但是小鱼能帮上拇指姑娘什么忙呢?

    But what could the little fish do to help Thumbelina ?

  21. 印度南部小村庄突然下起小鱼雨。

    Small fish rained down on a village in southern India .

  22. 热带近海和珊瑚礁滩中红色的小鱼。

    Small red fishes of coral reefs and inshore tropical waters .

  23. 第一幸运儿就是那条小鱼仔。

    The first lucky passenger was that same useless little troublemaker .

  24. 这条小鱼开枪杀了两个女人。

    The " little fish " shot and killed two women .

  25. 它终于释放出今天大部分的小鱼。

    Finally , he releases the bulk of today 's harvest .

  26. 不久,我钓着了一条小鱼。

    Soon , I have a small fish on my line .

  27. 被小鱼啄的感觉怎么样啊?

    What 's your feeling of being pecked by these little fish ?

  28. 我是小鱼躲在葛雷和m的船上。

    Hiding on board , little fish with gray and m.

  29. 色彩缤纷的珊瑚中躲藏着小鱼。

    The colorful coral along the reefs hides tiny fish .

  30. 对于小鱼来说,吃的太多可能是致命的。

    Eating too much may be fatal to small fishes .