
  • 网络infantile constipation
  1. 目的:观察王氏保赤丸治疗小儿便秘的疗效,探讨其有效机制。

    Objective : To observe the curative effect of Wangshi Baochi Pill in treating infantile constipation so as to research its therapeutic mechanism .

  2. 推拿疗法治疗小儿便秘30例临床观察

    Clinical Effect of Massage Therapy for Constipation in 30 Children

  3. 西沙必利与双歧杆菌联合治疗小儿便秘疗效观察

    Clinical observation of cisapride and bifidobacteria on constipation

  4. 小儿便秘结肠动力学的初步探讨

    Colonic Motility on Normal and Constipated Children

  5. 目的小儿便秘的病理生理基础目前尚不清楚,该文对结肠传输时间和直肠肛管测压在儿童便秘中应用的意义进行初步探讨。

    Objective This study examined the colonic transit time and anorectal motor in children with constipation .

  6. 目的:进行成都市城市小儿便秘的流行病学调查,以了解成都市小儿大便的普遍情况和小儿便秘的流行病学特点,并分析成都市小儿便秘的可能原因。

    Objective : Investigate the incidence rate of children functional constipation ( FC ) in Chengdu city , to find the defecate habit and the feature of epidemiology and cause of FC .

  7. 目的了解儿童结肠传输时间(CTT)的正常值,并探讨促肠动力药对小儿功能性便秘(FC)结肠传输时间的影响。

    Objective To investigate colonic transit time ( CTT ) in normal subjects and evaluate the effect of prokinetic drug on the colonic transit time ( CTT ) on functional constipation in children .

  8. 健脾导滞合剂治疗小儿脾虚型便秘47例临床观察

    Treatment of Children Constipation with Deficiency of Spleen by Invigorating Spleen and Removing Stagnancy : clinical observation in 47 patients