
  • 网络internal time;Intrinsic Time
  1. 本文依据内变量的不可逆热力学,在内部时间函数广义化基础上,导出了等温、小应变条件下适用于各种各向同性材料的本构方程。

    On the basis of a generalized intrinsic time scale and using the theory of irreversible thermodynamics of internal variables , a generalized endochronic constitutive equation is derived in this paper .

  2. 事件性与事件谓词的内部时间结构有关(Vendler,1967)。

    Eventuality relates to the internal time structure of its event predicate ( Vendler , 1967 ) .

  3. 基于GPS的变电站内部时间同步方法

    Synchronization in the substation based on global positioning system

  4. 系统与内部时间

    System and Internal Time

  5. 对发震系统的内部时间给出了定义,并研究了地震丛集的非线性时间结构特征。

    In addition , internal time of earthquake generation system is defined and the nonlinear characteristics of earthquake clustering are studied .

  6. 最后对比分析了行为的内部时间,主要分析动词的语义特征及动词在时间轴上表现出的各种形态。

    At last , the internal time of actions , the semantic characters of verbs and their time morphology are analyzed .

  7. 动词情景的内部时间构成成分与它们的内在体性有着密切关系。体就是看动词情景的内部时间构成成分的不同方式。

    Aspects are the different ways of viewing the internal temporal constituency of a situation and can be classified into three oppositions .

  8. 这种概率分布是由内部时间定向的,可用以描述阔叶林分未来的结构状态。

    This probability distribution was directed by " inside time " and it indicated the structure state of broad-leaved forest in the future .

  9. 关联度分析方法可用于卫生系统内部时间序列资料的分析,该方法对数据分布类型、变量之间的相关类型限制较少。

    Incidence degree could be used to analyse time series data in health system . There is little limit about data distribution and type of variable 's correlation .

  10. 为了便于重用,时间管理服务必须完全灵活地适用于采用多种内部时间管理机制的各种仿真。

    To facilitate reuse , the time management services must be sufficiently flexible to accommodate the wide variety of internal time driven mechanisms commonly used in defense simulations today .

  11. 本文拓展了已有的关于家庭内部时间配置的研究成果,对议价能力的定义和衡量方法做了探讨,并通过实证分析显示出议价能力在家务劳动时间配置上起着不可忽视的作用。

    This paper extends the results of previous studies , explores the definition and measurement of bargaining power , and proves through empirical analysis the unneglectable role bargaining power plays in housework time allocation .

  12. 本文对现代物理学中提出的内部时间进行了哲学分析,指出由内部时间表征的演化时间既是物质存在的基本形式又是物质演化的内在尺度。

    The internal time in modern physics is analyzed philosophically in the paper and it is pointed out that the evolving time represented by internal time , is both a form of matter existence and the internal measure of matter evolution .

  13. 客户经理根据进度,制定内部提案时间,到时进行内部正式提案,不断完善提案,一般会进行一到两次。

    Refer to the working status , Account Manager initiates the internal proposal formally for one or two times so as to perfect the proposal .

  14. 根据测试结果和理论分析,得出了温度、压力和含水率在板坯内部随时间变化的分布规律、影响因素和三者之间的关系。

    Based on the test results and academic analysis , we got the distribution rule and influence-factors of them as well as the relationship among them .

  15. BaseTime这个对象内部消耗的时间,不包括这个对象调用其他对象的时间消耗。

    Base Time is the time spent inside this object , excluding time spent in other objects that the selected object invokes .

  16. 一个下午花在修改内部备忘录的时间用在Pulitzer获奖的刺激性的散文上是浪费;

    An afternoon spent polishing an internal memo into a Pulitzer prize-winning piece of provocative prose is waste ;

  17. 通过使用OAT的TaskScheduler特性,可以在预先指定的时间(或由服务器内部决定的时间)运行维护、监视和管理任务。

    The Task Scheduler feature of the OAT allows you to manage and run scheduled maintenance , monitoring and administration tasks at predefined times or as determined internally by the server .

  18. 由计算结果发现电力系统负荷具有混沌特性,其外在表现为貌似随机的无规则特性,且内部系统的时间序列具有分数维D2及最大(λ1)大于零。

    From the result that we have worked out , we find that power system load has chaotic property . It appears the seeming irregular movement because of its fractional D 2 and positive ( λ 1 ) .

  19. 结果:跟腱撕裂后断端形态及内部回声随时间推移而改变。

    Results : The sonograms of the ruptured portion are changed with time .

  20. 内部测试需要时间和金钱。

    In-house testing takes time and money .

  21. 在打开传递窗时改变风机频率,记录操作区内部压力随时间变化情况。

    Change the fan frequency when the transfer window opens , and record the internal pressure of the operating area .

  22. 根据受热流动系统内部物理过程时间尺度的不同,将受热两相流分为两个区,并在此双区框架下,分析了热声热机和沸腾两相流的网络模型。

    On the base of distinguishing different districts according to different temporal scales in the thermal flow system , the heat dynamics network model with two districts is built .

  23. 希尔曼表示,这些人大多都是想长期持有,因为证券法通常要求内部人士持股时间不得少于6个月。

    Mr Silverman said that most of these guys are in it for the long haul , noting that securities laws generally require insiders to hold their shares for at least six months .

  24. 地球内部磁能随时间的变化显示,偶极子磁能逐渐减小,非偶极子磁能增加,越靠近核幔边界增加越快;

    The time-variation of geomagnetic energy shows that the dipole energy gradually drops in the Earth 's interior while goes up for the non - dipole energy and more quickly at CMB nearby ;

  25. 对上证综合指数的实证分析表明该模型不仅揭示了蕴含在资产价格内部的多时间尺度信息,还能够捕获到风险价值在不同时间尺度上的局部特征。

    Conclusions supported by the empirical analysis of Shanghai composite index are that our models can discover the information of multi-time scales contained in the price and capture the volatility characteristics of the VaR in different time scales .

  26. 当雨水进入蛇管内部,长时间浸泡电缆,在冬天时还会结冰,影响电缆寿命,影响行车安全。

    When rain enters into the snake tube , cables are soaked in water long time and in winter the rain in snake tube will be frozen . All this can Influence the cables ' lifespan and the railway safety .

  27. 通过把总出行时间分解为组团内部的出行时间与组团之间的出行时间,推导出指标的函数表达式,并建立了一定经济、土地、人口约束下,总出行时间最小的城市土地利用优化模型。

    By dividing the total travel time into aggregative inter-group travel time and intra-group travel time , authors deduce the function of total travel time and establish an urban land-use optimum model , which can maximize the transportation efficiency and macro-accessibility under certain restrictions of economy , land and population .

  28. 2002年的《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(Sarbanes-Oxleyact)等公司治理改革,大幅增加了董事会花在守法等内部问题上的时间。

    Corporate governance reforms such as the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act have substantially increased the time that boards spend on inward-facing issues such as compliance .

  29. XPS刻蚀深度分析表明,磷仅在膜层表层出现而没有渗透到膜层内部,随反应时间增加,同一刻蚀深度上的碳、氧成分增多,氧化膜厚度加深。

    However , the compositions of carbon and oxygen in the same depth are increased with the increase in reaction time , at the same time the oxide films deepens as well .

  30. 结果表明,PET粒子的残留温度随粒经增大而提高,随造粒过程停留时间延长而降低;中等尺度的粒子,内部温度相对长时间处于PET的快速结晶温度区间,结晶度最大。

    It shows that the residual temperature of PET particles increases with the increase of particle size and the reduction of pelletizing time . For medium PET particle size , its crystallinity is larger than others due to long duration in the rapid crystallization temperature range .