
shī tiē
  • wet combining
湿贴[shī tiē]
  1. 不要使用纯棉材料,它会变湿贴在你的皮肤上。

    Avoid cotton , which stays wet next to your skin .

  2. 论外墙石材饰面湿贴工艺的技术经济价值

    Described wall plate surface construction wet stick method technical and economic value

  3. 脲醛树脂在水曲柳刨切薄木湿贴工艺中的应用

    Operational Research in the Ash Technique of Laminating Veneer with Urea-formaldehyde Resin Adhesive

  4. 人造板薄木湿贴工艺的探讨

    Study on Wet Veneer Overlaying Process for Panelboards

  5. 纤维板湿贴微薄木工艺及其在家具制作中的应用

    Techology of Overlaid Thin Veneer Fiber Board and Its Application to the Panel Furniture Manufacture

  6. 湿贴天然石材外墙面泛碱现象的成因和防治

    The forming factors and preventions of the Alkalization phenomenon in the out wall of wet-paste natural conglomerate

  7. 由于干挂工艺相对湿贴复杂,而各种图集规范中涉及不多,目前施工中多依据经验由施工人员自行操作,缺乏理论性。

    The suspense craft is self operated by builders in accordance with the experience without theory , relatively complicated aginst furring and rarely involved in every standard .

  8. 湿衣服贴在她身上。

    Her wet clothes were sticking to her body .

  9. 淋浴时保证头发不湿的贴头帽。

    A tight cap worn to keep hair dry while showering .

  10. 他和罗恩都脱掉了罩衣,可哈利的衬衫湿得贴在椅背上,眼镜老往鼻尖上滑。

    He and Ron had pulled off their sweaters , but Harry 's T-shirt was sticking to the back of his seat and his glasses kept sliding down to the end of his sweaty nose .

  11. 等渗盐水湿敷与安普贴外敷治疗压疮疗效及经济效益比较

    Comparison of therapeutic effects and cost - effectiveness in treatment of pressure sore between saline-gauze wet-to - moist dressings and hydrocolloid dressings