
  • 网络Wetland International;Wetland Internation
  1. 湿地国际期待着与中国合作的成果

    We Look Forward to Seeing the Fruits of Cooperation between Wetlands International and China

  2. 中心于2001年引导成立了国家湿地国际网络,以支持澳大利亚国家CEPA计划下的战略工作。

    The Hunter Wetlands Centre drove the process of establishing a national network of wetlands centres in2001 to support strategies under Australia 's National CEPA Plan .

  3. 保护湿地是国际社会的共识。

    It is the consensus of the international community to protect wetland .

  4. 鄱阳湖湿地是国际重要湿地之一,具有生态、水文控制、环境控制三大功能,对调蓄长江洪水、调节气候和保护生物多样性具有重要意义。

    Poyang Lake marsh area is one of the most important international wetlands .

  5. 同时上海还有国际重要湿地,涉及国际共同利益和效益。

    On the other hand , some wetland in this area belongs to Internationally Important Wetland , attracting international common interests and benefit .

  6. 人工湿地系统受到国际上广泛关注的主要原因是其具有低能耗,低建设与运行成本和操作、维护与管理简便等优点。

    As rapidly developed technologies with characters of low energy consumption , low construction and operation cost and simple procedure in maintenance and management , constructed wetlands have received great attention in the field of environmental protection .

  7. 黄河三角洲湿地是具有国际意义的重要河口湿地,兼受海洋、陆地和河流的多重影响,湿地类型多样,生态环境特殊,具有重要的生态服务功能价值。

    The Yellow River Delta wetland is an important estuary wetland which has international significance , as affected by sea , land and rivers , it develops various types of wetland and special ecological environment which lead them to very important ecological service function value .

  8. “水绿盐城、生态湿地”,亚邦国际大酒店拥有各类豪华客房170间(套);

    Yabang International Hotel have a total of170 guest rooms and suites .

  9. 《湿地公约》与国际重要湿地生物多样性公约

    Convention on Bio & Diversity WETLANDS INTERNATIONAL

  10. 湿地科学是当前国际共同关注的重点学科和前沿领域。

    Wetland science is one of the most important science and advancing front field on international .

  11. 湿地研究是当前国际众多学科学者关注的前沿热门研究领域。

    Wetland research is the frontier which were paid more attention by many scientists over the world .

  12. 人工湿地系统之所以受到国际上广泛的关注,是由于它低能耗,低成本,运行费用少和操作简便等优势,也正因为这些优点人工湿地污水处理系统比较适合我国中小城镇的污水处理。

    This wetland treatment process has been gaining international interests and applications due to its low-energy cost low maintenance and operational cost , and high removal capacity .

  13. 第三章通过评析湿地公约、屡次缔约方大会和湿地保护国际组织,指出湿地生态系统管理是国际湿地法的发展趋势;

    Chapter Three reviews Ramsar Convention , its COPs , and international organizations on wetlands conservation , where ecosystem management is regarded as the focus of international wetlands law .

  14. 重视滨海湿地的概念和分类体系、退化机制和恢复、滨海湿地评价、滨海湿地与全球变化以及湿地立法等方面的研究,努力使中国滨海湿地的研究达到国际先进水平。

    Attention shall be drawn to the studies on coastal wetland conception and classification system , degradation mechnism , restoration and assessment , its relation to global change and wetland lawmaking so as to try hard to make Chinese coastal wetland studies come up to advanced world standards .