
  • 网络moisture load
  1. 空调列车湿负荷计算

    The Calculation About the Moisture Load of Air-conditioned Train

  2. 地下建筑湿负荷计算

    Calculation of moisture load in underground structure

  3. 本文介绍了一种燃气发动机热泵(GHP)与除湿转轮相结合的复合空调系统,夏季将回收的发动机余热和GHP冷凝热用于除湿转轮再生、承担湿负荷;

    This thesis introduces a hybrid air-conditioning system which incorporates gas heat-pump and desiccant dehumidification . In summer , the waste heat from gas-engine and condenser can be recovered for regeneration of desiccant wheel .

  4. 除湿转轮处理冷却顶板空调系统的湿负荷

    Removing of Moisture Load in Cooling Ceiling Air-conditioning System by Rotary Dehumidifier

  5. 人防工程湿负荷的灰色预测

    The Gray Predication for Civil Defense Moisture Load

  6. 新建建筑不同设置围护结构的热质耦合传递对建筑负荷的影响Ⅱ:冬季湿负荷

    Effect of heat and mass coupled transfer of different setting envelope on building load ⅱ: winter moisture load

  7. 长江流域住宅热湿负荷特性及采暖空调方式评价

    The Characteristics of Heating , Cooling and Moisture Load and Evaluation of Heating and Air Conditioning Forms Evaluation of Residential Buildings in Yangtze River Basin

  8. 由改装的天然气发动机直接驱动制冷机、产生冷冻水以承担显热负荷,同时回收发动机余热、再生除湿转轮来承担湿负荷,构成复合空调系统。

    An automotive-derivative engine was converted to drive a vapor-compression chiller while waste heat from the engine was recovered to regenerate desiccant wheel for air-conditioning system .

  9. 与传统空调系统相比,转轮除湿复合式空调系统具有较大的节能潜力,湿负荷越大,其优越性越明显。

    Compared with the conventional air conditioning system , the hybrid air conditioning system can save energy , and more humidity load , more energy saving potential .

  10. 分析了求解建筑热湿负荷的国内外现状及建筑热湿负荷的影响因素;

    The situation at home and abroad of solving building heat and moisture loads is presented , and influencing factors of building heat and moisture system are analyzed .

  11. 此外,除湿模块末端可以添加蒸发冷却器,实现热湿负荷独立处理。

    Furthermore , evaporating cooler could be added at the end of the dehumidification modules to achieve the independent handling of sensible load and latent load of process air .

  12. 因此,客车空调系统的设计与运行必须考虑在室外气象条件和室内热、湿负荷变化时的调节和控制,才能既满足室内温湿度要求,又达到经济运行的目的。

    The variations of the outdoor conditions and indoor loads should be taken into account so that both the indoor condition and economic running of the system could be guaranteed .

  13. 医药工业厂房中,由于各房间热湿负荷不同,如果满足每个房间都达到同一个室内空气参数,就要求每个房间送风状态点不一样。

    In medicine workshop , because the heat and humidity of each room is different , the ventilation state of each room should be different when same indoors air parameters are attained .

  14. 探讨了冷却顶板空调系统对新风承担湿负荷的要求及实施方案,认为吸附除湿优于冷却除湿。

    The demands and schemes for the moisture load disposal in cooling ceiling air-conditioning systems by using fresh air were investigated , reaching the conclusion that adsorption dehumidification is better than cooling dehumidification .

  15. 首先,根据该实验室的实际情况和设计要求,设计了主动式冷梁空调系统。通过计算室内的冷湿负荷,确定了冷梁和空气处理机组等设备的型号。

    According to the actual situation of the lab and design requirements , the indoor cold moisture load is calculated to determine active chilled beam , air handing unit ( AHU ) and other equipment .

  16. 干盘管空调系统实际上就是按干工况运行的带独立新风的传统风机盘管系统,而且在一定条件下该系统可以用于瞬时湿负荷较大的场合;

    That the so-called dry coil system is simply the traditional fan coil unit system with fresh air and operated in dry conditions , and it can be adopted to some applications with high momentary moisture load ;

  17. 湿负荷计算准确与否,不仅关系到列车空调系统的设备选型,还关系到空调车内空气品质。

    The accuracy of calculation about the moisture load of air-conditioned train not only affects the design of the equipment of the air-conditioned system of train , but also affects the indoor air quality , of the train .

  18. 介绍了娱乐性游泳馆的特点,探讨了暖通空调系统形式、热湿负荷计算、通风量确定、冬季通风运行调节等问题,提出了两种过渡季室外含湿量计算方法。

    Presents the characteristics of recreational natatoria , discusses the modes of HVAC systems , heat and moisture load calculation , ventilation rate determination and winter ventilation operation adjustment , and provides two calculation methods of outdoor humidity ratio in transition seasons .

  19. 要合理选择制冷设备,首先就需要确定巷道内的冷负荷和湿负荷,弄清矿井围岩与风流热湿交换的机理,这是进行一切降温除湿技术的基础。

    The choosing of refrigeration equipments need the cooling and humidity load of laneway first . Thus , making the mechanism of heat and humidity exchange between rock wall and airflow in mine clear is the base of mine temperature drop and dehumidification technology .

  20. 通过对以上三个方案的节能分析,可归纳如下:1.工程实例显示,新风湿负荷约占系统总湿负荷的90%。

    Based on energy efficiency analysis on the three schematic designs mentioned above , some main points can be summarized as following . 1 、 The actual project has demonstrated that about 90 % of total moisture load in the system comes from fresh air .

  21. 建筑围护结构内表面吸放湿对湿负荷的影响她吸收了海洋表面潮湿的热气。

    The Influence of Moisture Absorption and Desorption in Inner Building Envelope on Humidity Load She sucked up the warm moist air from near the surface of the sea .

  22. 火锅餐厅的产热产湿量与空调负荷

    Determination of heat and moisture gains and air conditioning loads in chafing dish restaurants

  23. 高温高湿环境下递增负荷运动后,血液中生长激素和肾上腺素含量显著升高并与体核温度呈相关关系。

    Hot and humid environment after the incremental exercise , blood levels of growth hormone and epinephrine were significantly increased .

  24. 夏季热湿地区新风冷负荷特点及新风湿负荷的处理

    The Character of Fresh Air Cooing Load in Summer of Hot - Humid Area and Handling of Fresh Air Moisture Load

  25. 通过理论和实验分析,认为液体除湿技术能够承担热湿地区的新风湿负荷,可以用于该地区空调新风的除湿处理。

    By theoretical and experimental study , it is concluded that the liquid desiccant dehumidification technique can load the fresh air humid load , and can be used for fresh air dehumidification in hot and humid area .