
  • 网络pattern of damp-heat brewing and binding;damp heat retention
  1. 结论强肝胶囊是治疗非酒精性脂肪肝湿热蕴结证的有效药物。

    Conclusion " Qianggan Capsule " is effective to treat the non-alcohol fatty liver disease .

  2. 肝肾亏虚证、气滞血瘀证、阳虚寒凝证、湿热蕴结证是拇外翻的常见中医证型。

    Efficiency of liver and kidney , qi-stagnancy and blood stasis , Yang deficiency and cold coagulation and accumulated dampness-heat are the common TCM syndromes of hallux valgus .

  3. 中医证型:风寒阻络证15例,血热风燥证8例,湿热蕴结证3例,热毒炽盛证3例,肝肾亏虚证1例。

    TCM syndrome : cold resistance network card in 15 cases , 8 cases of blood hot air dryness , endoretention of damp heat in 3 cases , Fujian College of cards in 3 cases , liver and kidney deficiency syndrome in 1 case . 3 .

  4. 目的观察利胆清微丸治疗慢性胆囊炎湿热蕴结兼血瘀证患者的疗效及安全性,进一步为临床研究提供依据。

    Objective To observe the safety and efficacy of Lidanqing pellet on chronic cholecystitis with damp and hot accumulate knot including blood stasis , and to provide a basis for further clinical trials .