
  • 网络Heating Capacity;Capacity of heating;BTU
  1. 在室内设定温度不变时,制热量与COP随室外干球温度的升高而增大。

    When indoor temperature keeps constant , the heating capacity and COP will increase with the higher outdoor dry-bulb temperature .

  2. 计算发现系统COP、制热量、料液蒸发量和工质流量随料液蒸发温度的升高而增大,随传热温差的增大而减小,压缩机功耗增大。

    It was found that the system COP , heating capacity , evaporation capacity and the working fluid flow rate increases along with the evaporation temperature , but decreases when the temperature difference increases , however , the compressor power consumption increases .

  3. 结果表明:与地下水源热泵相比,在制热量和COP大致相当的情况下,节水量可以达到70%。

    The results show that comparing with ground water-source heat pump , the water saving rate of the new system with the nearly equal heating and COP is about 70 % .

  4. 通过实验,绘出不同蒸发温度下加热水箱的温度变化曲线、热泵制热量变化曲线与热泵COP变化曲线,进而对热泵的运行工况做出分析。

    Through experiments , drawn different evaporation temperature heating water temperature curve , curve and thermal heat pump heat pump COP curve , then analysis the heat pump operating conditions . 3 .

  5. LFN型无加热器及制热量。

    LFN-type heater and heat capacity .

  6. 在模拟方面,本文先对系统进行了热力模拟,得出了制热量、制热系数COP等参数随物料蒸发温度、过热度和过冷度的关系。

    In simulation , at first we simulated thermodynamics of the system , obtained heat capacity , heating coefficient ( COP ) and other parameters changed with the material evaporating temperature , superheating temperature and undercooling temperature .

  7. 测量了该空调器在不同室外温度、湿度条件下制热量、性能系数(COP)、系统循环参数、室外换热器结霜量及壁面温度分布随结霜时间的变化。

    The transient heating capacity , coefficient of performance ( COP ), cycle parameters of the ASHP system and frost accumulation amount on the outdoor heat exchanger surface , wall temperature distribution along the heat exchange tubes are measured under frosting conditions .

  8. 当COP和单位制热量同等重要时,COP少量降低,系统的单位制热量增加,减少能耗和环境污染的同时,满足冬季室内热舒适性和生活卫生用热水需求。

    As COP and unit heating power are important equivalently , COP will decrease slightly while unit heating power grows as a result of energy-saving and lightening pollution . Meanwhile thermal comfort of indoor space and hot water requirement will be met .

  9. 当温升为60℃时,其性能系数为0.22,灯用效率为0.45,单位质量TFE的制热量为130kJ/kg。

    When temperature lift is 60 ℃, the coefficient of performance , exergy efficiency and the heat released in absorber for per unit mass of TFE leaving the generator are 0.22 , 0.45 , 130 kJ / kg respectively .

  10. 液体喷射提高制热量方法探讨

    Investigation on Methods Using Liquid Injection to Increase Heating Capacity

  11. 热泵制热量测量空气焓值测量方法的改进

    Improvement of enthalpy measuring method for measuring heat capacity of heat pump

  12. 一种测量制热量的新方法&比率法

    A New Method for Measuring Heat Capacity : Ratio Method

  13. 空气源热泵系统低温制热量改善途径实验分析

    Experimental Study on Improving Capacity of Air-source Heat Pump at Low Outdoor Temperature

  14. 关于空气源热泵机组冬季运行制热量衰减问题的思考

    Consideration on attenuation of heat generated by air source heat pumps in winter

  15. 分析了空气源热泵机组冬季运行制热量衰减的原因,并定量分析了室外空气温度对机组制热量的影响。

    Analyses the causes of the problem . Quantitatively analyses the influence of outdoor temperature on the heat generation .

  16. 制热量随热水出水温度的增加而减少,随环境温度的降低而减少。

    At the heating mode , the heating capacity of the chiller decreases with the heated water temperature increasing or environmental temperature .

  17. 在一台名义制热量为55kW的风冷热泵冷热水机组上,采用风机提前启动和正常启动对该机组的除霜影响进行了对比实验。

    The experiments for the fan pre-start test and fan norma-start test were conducted on a 50 kW unitary air-to-water heat pump and discussed .

  18. 但普通单级空气源热泵热水器在低温环境下运行中存在压缩比过大、制热量不足和制热效率太低等问题。

    But there are some shortage of ordinary single-stage heat pump in low-temperature environment , such as high compression ratio , devoid heating power and low efficiency .

  19. 分析了压缩机转速变化对燃气机热泵制冷量、制热量及压缩机输入功率的影响。

    The influences of variation of compressor rotation speed on refrigerating output and heating output of gas engine heat pump and on input power of compressor are analyzed .

  20. 热气旁通能较多的提高低温制热量,但是除霜热量不足,需要另外摸索一套合理的控制模式。

    The other hot vapor bypass method can enhance the average heat under low temperature , though the defrosting heat is not enough and a new control mode is required .

  21. 燃气热泵与耗电热泵的主要区别在于采用强大的燃气发动机驱动压缩机,因之具有良好的变频特性,高制热量以及最小电力消耗的高制冷量。

    The main difference compared with the electrical heat pump is the compressor driven . GHP has the advantage of variable frequency , highly heating and the least electrical consumption .

  22. 结果表明室外干球、湿球和室内干球温度对制热量和送风温度影响较大,室内湿球温度对制热性能没有影响。

    The result shows that the outdoor dry-ball , wet-ball temperature and indoor dry-ball temperature have a distinct effect on heat capacity and the temperature of leaving air . The indoor wet-ball temperature has no effect .

  23. 对教学楼内饮水设备使用情况进行调查,计算出开水器的总负荷,继而进行加热量的分配,从而得到了热泵的制热量。

    Investigate the use of drinking water boiler of the teaching building , and calculate the total load of drinking water boiler . Then distribute the amount of heating , thus make sure the amount of the heating of the heat pump .

  24. 以葡萄糖水溶液为料液的实验结果表明随着压缩机频率的增大,压缩机输入功率、系统制热量和制冷量、料液蒸发量和冷凝量、压缩机有效功率、压缩机效率也呈现相同的增大趋势。

    With glucose solution as the material fluid , the experimental results show that with the increase of compressor frequency and input power , system heating and cooling capacities , evaporation and condensation capacities , compressor effective input power and efficiency all have the same trend of increase .

  25. 尽管采用变频压缩机可以进行一定范围的系统制热量调节,但仍不能克服因吸气压力过低所带来的压缩比太高、制热量下降等诸多的问题。

    Though the adoption of the inverter compressor makes it possible to regulate the heating capacity of the heat pump to some extent , it still can not solve those problems due to ultra low suction pressure , such as high compression ratio and the decrease of heating capacity .

  26. 空气源热泵的广泛应用符合环保和节能的发展趋势,但是它在冬季使用中随着环境温度的降低制热量不足,从而影响了室内的舒适性。

    The widespread application of air-source heat pump systems conforms to the environmental protection and energy-saving development trend . However , it is difficult to provide enough heat in winter because of the ultra low suction pressure under low ambient temperatures . Thus the indoor comfort can not be kept .

  27. 由粉末状纤维素制得的低热量的焙烤食品不仅有更多的膳食纤维含量,而且保湿和保鲜的时间更长。

    Reduced-calorie baked goods made with powdered cellulose , not only have an increased content of dietary fiber , but also stay moist and fresh longer .

  28. 与热量在金属材料中可以向各个方向传导有所不同,这种制程能够令热量在这些聚合物中只沿着某一个方向传导。

    The process does endow the polymer to conduct heat in only one direction , however , unlike metals which conduct equally well in all directions .

  29. 通过对影响电极熔池大小各因素的分析,探讨了制磷电炉内外热量的分布情况。

    The heat distribution on the inside and outside of the phosphor furnace is discussed based on analysis of factors influencing the size of the electrode bath .

  30. 给出系统最佳中间压力和单级压缩和双级压缩转换点的模拟结果,并对双级压缩制热情况下系统制热量、制热性能系数和排气温度的变化规律进行了模拟分析。

    The simulated results of optimal intermediate pressure and transfer temperature from single - stage compression to two - stage compression are given , and the heating capacity , COP , and compressor discharge temperature are simulated .