
  • 网络Built-in microphone
  1. 内置麦克风录音,最长可录音35个小时(128MB);

    Built-in microphone , recording time up to35 hours for128MB ;

  2. M1031-W还包括一个适合移动侦测的集成被动红外传感器,白色LED灯,和支持内置麦克风和扬声器的双向音频。

    The M1031-W also includes an integrated passive infrared sensor for motion detection , a white LED light , and two-way audio support with a built-in microphone and speaker .

  3. 音效输入只有透过USB外接设备或内置麦克风。

    Duh , the only audio input will have to be via USB or the built-in mic .

  4. 标配以太网、24位色的显示器、16位声卡、内置麦克风和音箱(别忘了当时SoundBlaster还没变成通用API,才是一种刚刚发布的产品而已)。

    Ethernet as standard , 24-bit colour , 16-bit sound , built in audio mic and speakers ( and this in the day when SoundBlaster was a recently launched product rather than a generic API ) .

  5. 高音质声音输出、内置麦克风和喇叭。

    High quality voice export with microphone and speaker .

  6. 如果您使用的是笔记本电脑,并且笔记本电脑中没有内置麦克风,那么还必须随身携带麦克风。

    If you are a laptop user , you have to carry around the microphone if one is not built into your laptop .

  7. 摄像机也包含双向声频功能、内置麦克风和扬声器,同时与外部传感器和报警器相连接。

    The camera also includes two-way audio support with a built-in microphone and speaker , as well as connections for external sensors and alarms .

  8. 但其内部复杂,配备内置麦克风,隐藏的弦和长笛,以及加上四位天才的艺术家和他们的音频技术人员。

    But it 's complex , outfitted with interior microphones , hidden strings and flutes , plus four talented artists and their audio technician .

  9. 网聊双方需要带内置麦克风的摄像头,现在大部分电脑都自带摄像头和麦克风。

    You and your chatting buddy need a webcam with an internal microphone . Your computer may already have a webcam and Mic built in .

  10. 另外一个很棒又很方便的功能是它内置了麦克风(以及专用的录音按键),你可以轻而易举的录下通话录音,然后传给PC。

    Another big , handy feature was a built-in mic ( and dedicated record button ) that made it a breeze to capture conversations , then transfer them to your PC.

  11. 它还有内置的麦克风。

    It also has a built-in microphone .

  12. 这台有接收AM/FM波段的之收音机,内置的麦克风,录音功能,和没有自动回带装置。

    It has an AM / FM band , built-in microphone , recording capability , and no auto-reverse .

  13. 据好几位电影制作人说,初学者最好为他们的电影配用预先录制好的音乐,而不是现场录制对话――主要是因为智能手机和便携式摄像机上内置的麦克风质量无法达到任务要求。

    According to several filmmakers , beginners are better off using prerecorded music for their films than trying to record live dialogue & mainly because the quality of built-in microphones on smartphones and camcorders aren 't up to the task .

  14. 如果你不需要视频聊天或录音,就不用为内置摄像头和麦克风花钱。

    If you don 't need to do video chats or recording , don 't pay for a built-in camera and microphone .