
shén jīng bìng
  • neuropathy;nervous disease;mental disorder
神经病 [shén jīng bìng]
  • (1) [neuropathy]∶神经系统的疾病或机能障碍,症状是麻木、瘫痪、抽搐、昏迷等

  • (2) [mental disorder]∶精神病的俗称

神经病[shén jīng bìng]
  1. 外周神经病:HIV病人的普遍现象?

    Peripheral Neuropathy : A Universal Phenomenon in HIV Patients ?

  2. 听神经病患者耳蜗电图-SP、AP幅度分析

    The analysis of – SP and AP amplitude in patients with auditory neuropathy

  3. 这家伙有点儿神经病。

    That chap 's not quite right in the head .

  4. 目的研究多发性周围神经病变脏器肿大内分泌障碍M蛋白血症皮肤病变综合征(POEMS)患者的眼部特征并探讨其发生机制。

    Objective To analyze the ocular features of POEMS syndrome , and explore the pathogenesis .

  5. 目的了解C纤维支配的感受单位(C单位)在糖尿病性神经病患者产生疼痛和感觉异常中的作用。

    Objective To study the effect of C receptive unit innervated by C fiber ( C unit ) on diabetic neuropathic patients with pain and paresthesia .

  6. 抗髓磷脂相关糖蛋白神经病中皮神经的IgM沉积

    IgM deposits on skin nerves in anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein neuropathy

  7. 目的探讨F波在糖尿病周围神经病(diabeticperipheralneuropathy,DPN)早期诊断中的意义。

    Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of F wave in early stage of diabetic peripheral neuropathy ( DPN ) .

  8. 掌刺激法显示10例CTS传导减慢主要在经腕管段而不是掌到指节段,3例周围神经病患者则相反。

    The results were on the contrary in 3 patients with peripheral neuropathies .

  9. IvIg反应性多灶性运动神经病传导阻滞的实用性定义

    A practical definition of conduction block in IvIg responsive multifocal motor neuropathy

  10. PNP患者各部位的TT、VT与SCV无显著性相关。2例尿毒症性多发性神经病患者有矛盾性热感觉。

    There was a paradoxical heat sensation in two patients with uremic PNP .

  11. 结论POEMS综合征是一少见的多系统损害疾病,发病机制不很清楚,常有多发性神经病、脏器肿大、内分泌病、M-蛋白和皮肤改变症状。

    Conclusions POEMS syndrome is a rare multisystem disorder of obscure pathogenesis with some symptom complexes including polyneuropathy , organomegaly , endocrinopathy , M-proteins and skin changes .

  12. 结论听神经病患者-SP/AP比值增高的原因是由于AP幅度的明显降低而造成。

    Conclusion The high ratio of – SP / AP in auditory neuropathy patients is due to the significant decrease of AP amplitude .

  13. 【结果】龟板可降低神经病评分和增强脑缺血后Nestin表达。

    Results Plastrum Testudinis can decrease the neurologic dificit score and promote the expression of Nestin .

  14. 鼻内镜视神经减压术治疗外伤性视神经病与VEP的诊断价值

    The transnasal endoscopic optic nerve decompression used in traumatic optic neuropathy and diagnostic value of VEP

  15. 用标准MCV测定技术测定MCV对早期诊断CS2神经病是个有用的指标。

    Standard technique measuring MCV has been proved as an useful index for early diagnosis of carbon disulfide neuropathy .

  16. 第二种:明明知道怎样做一件事有效,偏偏不那么做。你喜欢哪种“神经病?”我建议你两种都要避免,并且开始使用SMART准则。

    Type 2 : Stop doing something that you know works . Which kind of insanity do you prefer ? I suggest you avoid both kinds and start using the SMART standard .

  17. 神经病靶标酯酶调控结构域结合蛋白筛选及其在COS-7细胞中的表达

    Hunting for novel proteins in neuropathy target esterase regulatory domain with yeast two-hybrid system

  18. 目的:研究2型糖尿病合并周围神经病(DPN)的危险因素,探讨其发病机制。

    Objective : To investigate the risk factors and pathogenesis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy ( DPN ) .

  19. 目的研究骨架蛋白βactin在氯丙烯引起的周围神经病中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the role of β - actin cytoskeleton in toxic peripheral neuropathy in human induced by allyl chloride ( AC ) .

  20. 抗神经节苷脂抗体在不同类型的GBS患者中具有一定的特异性,这个特点在急性周围神经病中可用于临床诊断和估计预后。

    The specificity of various antiganglioside antibody profiles in GBS can be used in diagnosis and prognosis of acute peripheral neuropathies .

  21. 用位点特异PCR法检测Leber遗传性视神经病家系的mtDNA11778G→A点突变

    Detection of mtDNA 11778 ( G → A ) Point Mutation in a Family with Leber 's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy by Site-specific Polymerase Chain Reaction

  22. 这些改变与CS2中毒性周围神经病在时间-剂量-反应上的关系尚待深入研究。

    Dose response relationship between these changes and toxic neuropathy caused by CS 2 should be studied further .

  23. 方法用银球电极放置在鼓膜后下方,记录听神经病患者和正常人的耳蜗电图,分别测量两组中-SP、AP的幅度。

    Method ECochG was recorded by using silver ball electrode placed on the ear drum of auditory neuropathy patients and normal subjects and measure its – SP and AP amplitude .

  24. 检测了甲胺磷对鸡脑神经病靶标酯酶(NTE)的体外抑制情况以及急性中毒后期鸡神经组织NTE活性变化。

    Neuropathy target esterase ( NTE ) inhibition was evaluated .

  25. 结论成人型Leigh综合征属于线粒体病,是由于线粒体基因缺陷所致的致死性遗传性神经病。

    Conclusion Adult Leigh syndrome is a fatal inherited neuropathy which is caused by the defect of mitochondria gene .

  26. 研究已经表明了带有G等位基因的人更不容易和人亲近。而且,他们更有可能变成神经病患者而且患上抑郁症。

    It was already known that people with the G allele , or version , find it more difficult to get close to others . Plus , they are more likely to be neurotic and to suffer from depression .

  27. 目的总结286例听神经病(auditoryneuropathy,AN)患者的临床表现和听力学特征,分析听力学检测在AN诊断的意义并探讨其病损部位。

    Objective To conduct differential audiological assessment of 286 auditory neuropathy ( AN ) patients for the purpose of the evaluation of the diagnosis of AN and the site of lesion .

  28. 结论尿毒症性周围神经病患者在常规HD治疗的同时接受每周1次的HDF治疗能更有效地改善其周围神经病变。

    Conclusion The treatment of regular HD 2 times a week and HDF once a week can benefit the patients with uremic peripheral neuropathy .

  29. 目的了解定量感觉检查(QST)评价吉兰巴雷综合征(GBS)及多发性神经病(PNP)患者感觉功能的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the quantitative sensory testing in Guillain Barre syndrome ( GBS ) and polyneuropathy ( PNP ) .

  30. 目的分析多灶性运动神经病(MMN)的临床及神经电生理特点。

    Objective To analyze the clinical and electrophysiological features of the multifocal motor neuropathy ( MMN ) .